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package routes
import (
conf "github.com/muety/wakapi/config"
routeutils "github.com/muety/wakapi/routes/utils"
stripePortalSession "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v74/billingportal/session"
stripeCheckoutSession "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v74/checkout/session"
stripeCustomer "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v74/customer"
stripePrice "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v74/price"
stripeSubscription "github.com/stripe/stripe-go/v74/subscription"
How to integrate with Stripe?
1. Create a plan with recurring payment (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/products?active=true), copy its ID and save it as 'standard_price_id'
2. Create a webhook (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/webhooks), with target URL '/subscription/webhook' and events ['customer.subscription.created', 'customer.subscription.updated', 'customer.subscription.deleted', 'checkout.session.completed'], copy the endpoint secret and save it to 'stripe_endpoint_secret'
3. Create a secret API key (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys), copy it and save it to 'stripe_secret_key'
4. Copy the publishable API key (https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/apikeys) and save it to 'stripe_api_key'
// TODO: move all logic inside this controller into a separate service
type SubscriptionHandler struct {
config *conf.Config
eventBus *hub.Hub
userSrvc services.IUserService
mailSrvc services.IMailService
keyValueSrvc services.IKeyValueService
httpClient *http.Client
func NewSubscriptionHandler(
userService services.IUserService,
mailService services.IMailService,
keyValueService services.IKeyValueService,
) *SubscriptionHandler {
config := conf.Get()
eventBus := conf.EventBus()
if config.Subscriptions.Enabled {
stripe.Key = config.Subscriptions.StripeSecretKey
price, err := stripePrice.Get(config.Subscriptions.StandardPriceId, nil)
if err != nil {
logbuch.Fatal("failed to fetch stripe plan details: %v", err)
config.Subscriptions.StandardPrice = strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf("%2.f €", price.UnitAmountDecimal/100.0)) // TODO: respect actual currency
logbuch.Info("enabling subscriptions with stripe payment for %s / month", config.Subscriptions.StandardPrice)
handler := &SubscriptionHandler{
config: config,
userSrvc: userService,
mailSrvc: mailService,
keyValueSrvc: keyValueService,
httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
onUserDelete := eventBus.Subscribe(0, conf.EventUserDelete)
go func(sub *hub.Subscription) {
for m := range sub.Receiver {
user := m.Fields[conf.FieldPayload].(*models.User)
if !user.HasActiveSubscription() {
logbuch.Info("cancelling subscription for user '%s' (email '%s', stripe customer '%s') upon account deletion", user.ID, user.Email, user.StripeCustomerId)
if err := handler.cancelUserSubscription(user); err == nil {
logbuch.Info("successfully cancelled subscription for user '%s' (email '%s', stripe customer '%s')", user.ID, user.Email, user.StripeCustomerId)
} else {
conf.Log().Error("failed to cancel subscription for user '%s' (email '%s', stripe customer '%s') - %v", user.ID, user.Email, user.StripeCustomerId, err)
return handler
// https://stripe.com/docs/billing/quickstart?lang=go
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) RegisterRoutes(router chi.Router) {
if !h.config.Subscriptions.Enabled {
subRouterPublic := chi.NewRouter()
subRouterPublic.Get("/success", h.GetCheckoutSuccess)
subRouterPublic.Get("/cancel", h.GetCheckoutCancel)
subRouterPublic.Post("/webhook", h.PostWebhook)
subRouterPrivate := chi.NewRouter()
subRouterPrivate.Post("/checkout", h.PostCheckout)
subRouterPrivate.Post("/portal", h.PostPortal)
subRouterPublic.Mount("/", subRouterPrivate)
router.Mount("/subscription", subRouterPublic)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) PostCheckout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if h.config.IsDev() {
user := middlewares.GetPrincipal(r)
if user.Email == "" {
routeutils.SetError(r, w, "missing e-mail address")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
routeutils.SetError(r, w, "missing form values")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
checkoutParams := &stripe.CheckoutSessionParams{
Mode: stripe.String(string(stripe.CheckoutSessionModeSubscription)),
LineItems: []*stripe.CheckoutSessionLineItemParams{
Price: &h.config.Subscriptions.StandardPriceId,
Quantity: stripe.Int64(1),
ClientReferenceID: &user.ID,
SuccessURL: stripe.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/subscription/success", h.config.Server.PublicUrl, h.config.Server.BasePath)),
CancelURL: stripe.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/subscription/cancel", h.config.Server.PublicUrl, h.config.Server.BasePath)),
if user.StripeCustomerId != "" {
checkoutParams.Customer = &user.StripeCustomerId
} else {
checkoutParams.CustomerEmail = &user.Email
session, err := stripeCheckoutSession.New(checkoutParams)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to create stripe checkout session: %v", err)
routeutils.SetError(r, w, "something went wrong")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
http.Redirect(w, r, session.URL, http.StatusSeeOther)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) PostPortal(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if h.config.IsDev() {
user := middlewares.GetPrincipal(r)
if user.StripeCustomerId == "" {
routeutils.SetError(r, w, "no subscription found with your e-mail address, please contact us!")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
portalParams := &stripe.BillingPortalSessionParams{
Customer: &user.StripeCustomerId,
ReturnURL: &h.config.Server.PublicUrl,
session, err := stripePortalSession.New(portalParams)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to create stripe portal session: %v", err)
routeutils.SetError(r, w, "something went wrong")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
http.Redirect(w, r, session.URL, http.StatusSeeOther)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) PostWebhook(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
bodyReader := http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, int64(65536))
payload, err := ioutil.ReadAll(bodyReader)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("error in stripe webhook request: %v", err)
event, err := webhook.ConstructEventWithOptions(payload, r.Header.Get("Stripe-Signature"), h.config.Subscriptions.StripeEndpointSecret, webhook.ConstructEventOptions{
IgnoreAPIVersionMismatch: true,
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("stripe webhook signature verification failed: %v", err)
switch event.Type {
case "customer.subscription.deleted",
// example payload: https://pastr.de/p/k7bx3alx38b1iawo6amtx09k
subscription, err := h.parseSubscriptionEvent(w, r, event)
if err != nil {
logbuch.Info("received stripe subscription event of type '%s' for subscription '%s' (customer '%s').", event.Type, subscription.ID, subscription.Customer.ID)
// first, try to get user by associated customer id (requires checkout.session.completed event to have been processed before)
user, err := h.userSrvc.GetUserByStripeCustomerId(subscription.Customer.ID)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Warn("failed to find user with stripe customer id '%s' to update their subscription (status '%s')", subscription.Customer.ID, subscription.Status)
// second, resolve customer and try to get user by email
customer, err := stripeCustomer.Get(subscription.Customer.ID, nil)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to fetch stripe customer with id '%s', %v", subscription.Customer.ID, err)
u, err := h.userSrvc.GetUserByEmail(customer.Email)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to get user with email '%s' as stripe customer '%s' for processing event for subscription %s, %v", customer.Email, subscription.Customer.ID, subscription.ID, err)
user = u
if err := h.handleSubscriptionEvent(subscription, user); err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to handle subscription event %s (%s) for user %s, %v", event.ID, event.Type, user.ID, err)
case "checkout.session.completed":
// example payload: https://pastr.de/p/d01iniw9naq9hkmvyqtxin2w
checkoutSession, err := h.parseCheckoutSessionEvent(w, r, event)
if err != nil {
logbuch.Info("received stripe checkout session event of type '%s' for session '%s' (customer '%s' with email '%s').", event.Type, checkoutSession.ID, checkoutSession.Customer.ID, checkoutSession.CustomerEmail)
user, err := h.userSrvc.GetUserById(checkoutSession.ClientReferenceID)
if err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to find user with id '%s' to update associated stripe customer (%s)", user.ID, checkoutSession.Customer.ID)
if user.StripeCustomerId == "" {
user.StripeCustomerId = checkoutSession.Customer.ID
if _, err := h.userSrvc.Update(user); err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to update stripe customer id (%s) for user '%s', %v", checkoutSession.Customer.ID, user.ID, err)
} else {
logbuch.Info("associated user '%s' with stripe customer '%s'", user.ID, checkoutSession.Customer.ID)
} else if user.StripeCustomerId != checkoutSession.Customer.ID {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("invalid state: tried to associate user '%s' with stripe customer '%s', but '%s' already assigned", user.ID, checkoutSession.Customer.ID, user.StripeCustomerId)
logbuch.Warn("got stripe event '%s' with no handler defined", event.Type)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) GetCheckoutSuccess(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
routeutils.SetSuccess(r, w, "you have successfully subscribed to Wakapi!")
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) GetCheckoutCancel(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/settings#subscription", h.config.Server.BasePath), http.StatusFound)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) handleSubscriptionEvent(subscription *stripe.Subscription, user *models.User) error {
var hasSubscribed bool
switch subscription.Status {
case "active":
until := models.CustomTime(time.Unix(subscription.CurrentPeriodEnd, 0))
if user.SubscribedUntil == nil || !user.SubscribedUntil.T().Equal(until.T()) {
hasSubscribed = true
user.SubscribedUntil = &until
user.SubscriptionRenewal = &until
logbuch.Info("user %s got active subscription %s until %v", user.ID, subscription.ID, user.SubscribedUntil)
if cancelAt := time.Unix(subscription.CancelAt, 0); !cancelAt.IsZero() && cancelAt.After(time.Now()) {
user.SubscriptionRenewal = nil
logbuch.Info("user %s chose to cancel subscription %s by %v", user.ID, subscription.ID, cancelAt)
case "canceled", "unpaid", "incomplete_expired":
user.SubscribedUntil = nil
user.SubscriptionRenewal = nil
logbuch.Info("user %s's subscription %s got canceled, because of status update to '%s'", user.ID, subscription.ID, subscription.Status)
logbuch.Info("got subscription (%s) status update to '%s' for user '%s'", subscription.ID, subscription.Status, user.ID)
return nil
_, err := h.userSrvc.Update(user)
if err == nil && hasSubscribed {
go h.clearSubscriptionNotificationStatus(user.ID)
return err
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) parseSubscriptionEvent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, event stripe.Event) (*stripe.Subscription, error) {
var subscription stripe.Subscription
if err := json.Unmarshal(event.Data.Raw, &subscription); err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to parse stripe webhook payload: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &subscription, nil
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) parseCheckoutSessionEvent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, event stripe.Event) (*stripe.CheckoutSession, error) {
var checkoutSession stripe.CheckoutSession
if err := json.Unmarshal(event.Data.Raw, &checkoutSession); err != nil {
conf.Log().Request(r).Error("failed to parse stripe webhook payload: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &checkoutSession, nil
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) cancelUserSubscription(user *models.User) error {
// TODO: directly store subscription id with user object
subscription, err := h.findCurrentStripeSubscription(user.StripeCustomerId)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = stripeSubscription.Cancel(subscription.ID, nil)
return err
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) findStripeCustomerByEmail(email string) (*stripe.Customer, error) {
params := &stripe.CustomerSearchParams{
SearchParams: stripe.SearchParams{
Query: fmt.Sprintf(`email:"%s"`, email),
results := stripeCustomer.Search(params)
if err := results.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if results.Next() {
return results.Customer(), nil
} else {
return nil, errors.New("no customer found with given criteria")
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) findCurrentStripeSubscription(customerId string) (*stripe.Subscription, error) {
paramStatus := "active"
params := &stripe.SubscriptionListParams{
Customer: &customerId,
Price: &h.config.Subscriptions.StandardPriceId,
Status: ¶mStatus,
CurrentPeriodEndRange: &stripe.RangeQueryParams{
GreaterThan: time.Now().Unix(),
params.Filters.AddFilter("limit", "", "1")
if result := stripeSubscription.List(params); result.Next() {
return result.Subscription(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no active subscription found for customer '%s'", customerId)
func (h *SubscriptionHandler) clearSubscriptionNotificationStatus(userId string) {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", conf.KeySubscriptionNotificationSent, userId)
if err := h.keyValueSrvc.DeleteString(key); err != nil {
logbuch.Warn("failed to delete '%s', %v", key, err)