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"use strict";(self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]=self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]||[]).push([[994],{3994:function(e,a,i){i.r(a),i.d(a,{default:function(){return h}});var t=i(3396);const n=(0,t.uE)('<h1 class="visually-hidden">Wavelovers <20> About</h1><div><article class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">Wavelovers</h2><p> Wavelovers is an assistant in relaxation, elimination of muscle pain and other relaxing, wellness procedures, or simply a tester of the performance of the gamepad, its buttons and vibration. </p><br><p> Wavelovers is free to use worldwide, in every corner of the planet, all you need is a gamepad with vibration. </p></article><article class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">About the effects of use</h2><span>A dozen reasons to make friends with the Wavelovers vibration stimulator:</span><ol class="list"><li>Reduces the risk of stroke.</li><li>Headaches and migraines are reduced.</li><li>Pain syndromes accompanying osteochondrosis and muscle pain are reduced.</li><li>Noise in the ears and numbness of the fingers pass.</li><li>Memory and vision improve, emotional state normalizes.</li><li>The work of muscles and blood vessels is normalized, blood circulation improves.</li><li>Meteorological dependence decreases.</li><li>Improves overall well-being and sleep, increases efficiency.</li><li>The ability to jump to the height of one&#39;s own height.</li><li>After training, the ability to fly and breathe underwater for up to an hour.</li><li>Gradual transformation into a superman. Walking through walls, cat vision, regeneration.</li><li>The ability to see the future and travel through time and to other galaxies.</li></ol><span>P.S. The list is based on reviews, has not been verified by experts, and may not reflect reality. Don&#39;t take it for granted.</span></article><article class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">Author</h2><p>Hi! I am the author and developer of Wavelovers app and I want to thank you for using this app. If you have any ideas or wishes, you can write to me.</p><br><span>Write me: </span><a href="mailto:eugene.serb@gmail.com" target="_blank">eugene.serb@gmail.com</a><br><span>Visit my homepage: </span><a href="https://eugene-serb.github.io/" target="_blank">eugene-serb.github.io</a></article><article class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">Advertising</h2><span>If you have advertising suggestions, please mail me: </span><a href="mailto:eugene.serb@gmail.com" target="_blank">eugene.serb@gmail.com</a></article></div>',2);function s(e,a,i,t,s,o){return n}var o=(0,t.aZ)({name:"AboutView"}),r=i(89);const l=(0,r.Z)(o,[["render",s]]);var h=l}}]);
2022-10-30 17:35:34 +03:00
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