2022-06-15 15:35:22 +03:00
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2022-06-16 18:26:29 +03:00
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2022-06-16 18:26:29 +03:00
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2022-06-16 18:26:29 +03:00
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< h2 class = "" > Disclaimer< / h2 >
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< span >
The author of the program code and the publisher is not responsible for the possible consequences of using the program. You use the program at your own risk. Check your device for correct operation. Please consult your doctor before using the program.
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2022-06-16 18:26:29 +03:00
< span class = "annotation__text" > © 2022 Wavelovers. Content licensed under < / span > < a href = "https://wavelovers.ru/LICENSE.md" target = "_blank" > GNU General Public License v3.0< / a > < br >
< span class = "annotation__text" > This site is open source. < / span > < a href = "https://github.com/eugene-serb/wavelovers/" target = "_blank" > Improve this page.< / a >
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