"use strict";(self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]=self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]||[]).push([[34],{2034:function(e,a,t){t.r(a),t.d(a,{default:function(){return h}});var n=t(3396);const s=(0,n.uE)('

Wavelovers � About


Hi! I am the author and developer of Wavelovers app and I want to thank you for using this app. If you have any ideas or wishes, you can write to me.

Write me: eugene.serb@gmail.com
Visit my homepage: eugene-serb.github.io


If you have advertising suggestions, please mail me: eugene.serb@gmail.com
',2);function i(e,a,t,n,i,r){return s}var r=(0,n.aZ)({name:"AboutView"}),o=t(89);const u=(0,o.Z)(r,[["render",i]]);var h=u}}]); //# sourceMappingURL=34.7ff8bfa5.js.map