"use strict";(self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]=self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]||[]).push([[994],{3994:function(e,a,i){i.r(a),i.d(a,{default:function(){return h}});var t=i(3396);const n=(0,t.uE)('

Wavelovers � About


Wavelovers is an assistant in relaxation, elimination of muscle pain and other relaxing, wellness procedures, or simply a tester of the performance of the gamepad, its buttons and vibration.

Wavelovers is free to use worldwide, in every corner of the planet, all you need is a gamepad with vibration.

About the effects of use

A dozen reasons to make friends with the Wavelovers vibration stimulator:
  1. Reduces the risk of stroke.
  2. Headaches and migraines are reduced.
  3. Pain syndromes accompanying osteochondrosis and muscle pain are reduced.
  4. Noise in the ears and numbness of the fingers pass.
  5. Memory and vision improve, emotional state normalizes.
  6. The work of muscles and blood vessels is normalized, blood circulation improves.
  7. Meteorological dependence decreases.
  8. Improves overall well-being and sleep, increases efficiency.
  9. The ability to jump to the height of one's own height.
  10. After training, the ability to fly and breathe underwater for up to an hour.
  11. Gradual transformation into a superman. Walking through walls, cat vision, regeneration.
  12. The ability to see the future and travel through time and to other galaxies.
P.S. The list is based on reviews, has not been verified by experts, and may not reflect reality. Don't take it for granted.


Hi! I am the author and developer of Wavelovers app and I want to thank you for using this app. If you have any ideas or wishes, you can write to me.

Write me: eugene.serb@gmail.com
Visit my homepage: eugene-serb.github.io


If you have advertising suggestions, please mail me: eugene.serb@gmail.com
',2);function s(e,a,i,t,s,o){return n}var o=(0,t.aZ)({name:"AboutView"}),r=i(89);const l=(0,r.Z)(o,[["render",s]]);var h=l}}]); //# sourceMappingURL=994.228cb2f2.js.map