"use strict";(self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]=self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]||[]).push([[479],{1479:function(e,t,d){d.r(t),d.d(t,{default:function(){return h}});var a=d(5148);const s=(0,a.uE)('

Wavelovers � FAQ


What is the purpose of this software?
Everyone decides for himself, but can be used as a gamepad vibration tester, or as a hand massager.
Can I use this software as a hand massager?
Yes of course. If you use this as a massager, then before the session I recommend consulting with a doctor.
I have a gamepad with vibration, what should I do before using it as a hand massager?
I recommend checking the device for correct operation, mechanical damage, and be sure to use an antiseptic.
I'm having problems with the app or connecting my device to the app?
Go to Troubleshooting.


If you are having difficulty detecting a gamepad by the browser, you can use the utility Wavelovers Diagnostic

The app does not see my device.
Make sure you have a chromium-based browser, then update the app and reconnect your device.
The application sees the gamepad, but writes that the vibration actuator is missing.
This problem is specific to mozilla firefox browser and d-input mode. Check the system requirements before using the software.
My question is not here.
Write me eugene.serb@gmail.com

System Requirements

X-Input and vibration actuator required.
Google Chrome or any other Chromium-based browser is recommended.
Operating System:
Windows 7 or higher recommended.
',2);function o(e,t,d,a,o,r){return s}var r=(0,a.aZ)({name:"FaqView"}),i=d(89);const n=(0,i.Z)(r,[["render",o]]);var h=n}}]); //# sourceMappingURL=479.0c5e6a4e.js.map