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"use strict";(self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]=self["webpackChunkwavelovers"]||[]).push([[479],{1479:function(e,t,d){d.r(t),d.d(t,{default:function(){return h}});var a=d(5148);const s=(0,a.uE)('<h1 class="visually-hidden">Wavelovers <20> FAQ</h1><div><div class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">FAQ</h2><dl><dt>What is the purpose of this software?</dt><dd>Everyone decides for himself, but can be used as a gamepad vibration tester, or as a hand massager.</dd><dt>Can I use this software as a hand massager?</dt><dd>Yes of course. If you use this as a massager, then before the session I recommend consulting with a doctor.</dd><dt>I have a gamepad with vibration, what should I do before using it as a hand massager?</dt><dd>I recommend checking the device for correct operation, mechanical damage, and be sure to use an antiseptic.</dd><dt>I'm having problems with the app or connecting my device to the app?</dt><dd>Go to Troubleshooting.</dd></dl></div><div class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">Troubleshooting</h2><span>If you are having difficulty detecting a gamepad by the browser, you can use the utility </span><a href="https://wavelovers.ru/diagnostic" target="_blank">Wavelovers Diagnostic</a><br><br><dl><dt>The app does not see my device.</dt><dd>Make sure you have a chromium-based browser, then update the app and reconnect your device.</dd><dt>The application sees the gamepad, but writes that the vibration actuator is missing.</dt><dd>This problem is specific to mozilla firefox browser and d-input mode. Check the system requirements before using the software.</dd><dt>My question is not here.</dt><dd>Write me <a href="mailto:eugene.serb@gmail.com" target="_blank">eugene.serb@gmail.com</a></dd></dl></div><div class="content-item"><h2 class="content-item__header">System Requirements</h2><dl><dt>Gamepad:</dt><dd>X-Input and vibration actuator required.</dd><dt>Browser:</dt><dd>Google Chrome or any other Chromium-based browser is recommended.</dd><dt>Operating System:</dt><dd>Windows 7 or higher recommended.</dd></dl></div></div>',2);function o(e,t,d,a,o,r){return s}var r=(0,a.aZ)({name:"FaqView"}),i=d(89);const n=(0,i.Z)(r,[["render",o]]);var h=n}}]);
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