This commit is contained in:
Alexander Popov 2021-07-06 05:27:07 +03:00
parent 2ae2a72dd3
commit 0a0ee24a2a
10 changed files with 480 additions and 181 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@

ENGINE_INFO_RU.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Welcome
## Переменные движка
Тип: bool
В зависимости от значения в консоль будет выхлоп данных для отладки.
Значение берётся из файла конфигурации `config.json` и устанавливается при инициализации переменной.
-- canvas
Переменная ссылатся на HTML объект canvas.
Значение устанавливается в функции `window.onload = function()`
-- context
Значение устанавливается в функции `window.onload = function()`
-- cW
Значение устанавливается в функции `window.onload = function()`
-- cH
Значение устанавливается в функции `window.onload = function()`
-- landscape_orientation
Хранит значение ориентации экрана.
Значение устанавливается в функции `window.onload = function()` в true, если ширина canvas больше или равна высоте canvas, в протином случает false.
-- images
Объект со всеми изображениями квестов
-- game
В переменной хранятся все данные игрового процесса (сцены, текущий квест, кол-во ответов и прочее).
-- game.loaded
Тип: bool
Состояние загрузки игры.
Значение false будет до тех пор, пока не будут загружены все шрифты, изображение (возможно что-то ещё).
-- game.currentQuest
Индекс текущего квеста.
-- game.finish
Тип: bool
Устанавливается значение true, когда игрок ответил на все вопросы.
## Главные функции движка
-- window.onload = function()
Инициализирующая функция, в которой устанавливаются значения переменных движка
-- gameLoop(timeStamp)
-- update()
-- draw()

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
- add quest progress
- loading all quest images with loading
- splash (loading) screen
- change quest animation
- button hover animation
- splash (loading) screen
- make docs/
- google: if webpack mode production remove DEBUG code
## done
- add quest progress [aac38ec]

app/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

app/assets/logo.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 9.6 KiB

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
"gameName": "quizEngine",
"gameVersion": [0, 0, 1],
"scene": {
"backGradient": ["#2f80ff", "#3ccbff"]
"debug": true

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
// функции рисоввания
export function clearContext(canvas, config) {
export function clearContext(canvas) {
// var:canvas -- канвас, на котором рисуем
// var:config -- используется для получения цветов фона градиента сцены
let cW = canvas.width;
let cH = canvas.height;
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
let graBack = context.createLinearGradient(cW / 2, 0, cW / 2, cH);
graBack.addColorStop(0, config.scene.backGradient[0]);
graBack.addColorStop(1, config.scene.backGradient[1]);
context.fillStyle = graBack;
// graBack.addColorStop(0, config.scene.backGradient[0]);
// graBack.addColorStop(1, config.scene.backGradient[1]);
// context.fillStyle = graBack;
context.fillStyle = "#444444";
context.fillRect(0, 0, cW, cH);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
// функции игры
export function loadingLogo(imagesArray) {
// FIXME: возможно потом просто удалить функцию, если будет реализован imageLoader
let imgLogo = new Image();
imgLogo.src = 'assets/logo.png';
imagesArray.logo = imgLogo;
export function clickAnswer(questions, game, answer) {
if (questions[game.questIndex].rightAnswer.toLowerCase() == answer.toLowerCase()) {
questions[game.questIndex].status = true;
@ -18,9 +26,9 @@ export function clickAnswer(questions, game, answer) {
export function shuffleQuestAnswer(answers) {
for (let i = answers.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
export function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[answers[i], answers[j]] = [answers[j], answers[i]];
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];

app/js/index.bak.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
'use strict';
import config from '../config.json'; // game configuration
import gameData from '../gameData.json'; // game data
import { getMousePos, isInside } from './buttons.js';
import { clearContext, getCenterH, getCenterV } from './draw.js';
import { clickAnswer, shuffleQuestAnswer } from './game.js';
// Engine variables -------------------------------------
let DEBUG = true;
let canvas = null; // canvas id
let context = null; // context id
let cW = null; // canvas with
let cH = null; // canvas height
let orientation = null; // screen orientation
let button = null; // buttons array
let area = null; // game areas (buttons, images, etc.)
let game = null;
// Init -------------------------------------------------
window.onload = function() {
// init canvas id and sizes
canvas = document.getElementById('game');
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
cW = canvas.width;
cH = canvas.height;
// set screen orientation by carculate canvas width&height
if (cW >= cH) { orientation = true; }
else { orientation = false; }
if (DEBUG) {
console.log(`Loaded ${gameData.length} quests.`);
game = {
// TODO: change quest by script
questIndex: 0,
quest: null,
questImage: null,
totalRightAnswers: 0, // количество правильных ответов
scene: null,
shuffleQuestAnswer(gameData); // shuffle quest = gameData[game.questIndex];
shuffleQuestAnswer(gameData[game.questIndex].answer); // shuffle first quest answers
// присваем всем квестам статус не выполнен
gameData.forEach(element => element.status = null);
if (!orientation) {
area = {
answerButtons: { x: 10, y: cH - 340, w: cW - 20, h: 250 },
questionLabel: { x: 10, y: cH - 340 - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
uiButtons: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
questProgress: { x: 10, y: 10, w: cW - 20, h: 20 },
area.image = { x: 10, y: area.questProgress.y + area.questProgress.h + 10,
w: cW - 20, h: area.questionLabel.y - area.questProgress.y - (area.questProgress.h * 2) };
// TODO: add areas for landscape mode
button = {
info: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
sfx: { x: cW - 80, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
// TODO: change data: to null
answerButtons: [
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value, index, array) {
if (index == 0)
array[index].y = area.answerButtons.y;
array[index].y = array[index - 1].y + value.h + 15;
canvas.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
let mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
// click info button
if (isInside(mousePos, {
// click sfx button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.sfx)) {
// click by first answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[0])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[0].data);
// click by second answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[1])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[1].data);
// click by third answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[2])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[2].data);
// click by four answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[3])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[3].data);
}, false);
// GameLoop ---------------------------------------------
function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Game update func -------------------------------------
function update() {
// Update answer buttons label
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value, index) { =[index];
// Draw to canvas func ----------------------------------
function draw() {
clearContext(canvas, config); // flush?! canvas
// draw question label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillText(, cW / 2, area.questionLabel.y + 30);
// draw answer buttons
context.fillStyle = "purple";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
for (let i = 0; i <= button.answerButtons.length - 1; i++) {
context.fillRect(button.answerButtons[i].x, button.answerButtons[i].y,
button.answerButtons[i].w, button.answerButtons[i].h);
context.strokeRect(button.answerButtons[i].x, button.answerButtons[i].y,
button.answerButtons[i].w, button.answerButtons[i].h);
// draw answer button label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value) {
context.fillText(, cW / 2, value.y + 35);
// draw image
game.questImage = new Image();
game.questImage.src = 'assets/images/' +;
// carculate image ratio by area.image size
if (game.questImage.width >= game.questImage.height) {
if (game.questImage.height > area.image.h) {
let ratio = game.questImage.width / area.image.w;
let newImageW = area.image.w / ratio;
let newImageH = area.image.h;
context.drawImage(game.questImage, getCenterH(cW, newImageW), area.image.y,
newImageW, newImageH);
else {
// TODO: draw image center
// TODO: add option to sizeUp images to engine config
else {
let ratio = game.questImage.height / area.image.h;
let newImageW = area.image.w / ratio;
context.drawImage(game.questImage, getCenterH(cW, newImageW), area.image.y,
newImageW, area.image.h);
// draw progress bar
let sizeProgressItem = area.questProgress.w / gameData.length;
context.strokeStyle = "black";
for (let i = 0; i < gameData.length; i++) {
// change progress item color by status answer
switch (gameData[i].status) {
case null:
context.fillStyle = "gray";
case true:
context.fillStyle = "green";
case false:
context.fillStyle = "red";
context.fillRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
context.strokeRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
// UI ------------------------------------------
// TODO: переписать это всё г*
context.fillStyle = "red";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.fillRect(,,,; // info button
context.strokeRect(,,,; // info button
context.fillRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
context.strokeRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
// draw game areas
if (DEBUG) {
context.strokeStyle = "red";
context.lineWidth = 2;
// answer buttons area
if (orientation)
// TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape
console.log('TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape');
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(area)) {
context.strokeRect(value.x, value.y, value.w, value.h);

View File

@ -5,18 +5,20 @@ import gameData from '../gameData.json'; // game data
import { getMousePos, isInside } from './buttons.js';
import { clearContext, getCenterH, getCenterV } from './draw.js';
import { clickAnswer, shuffleQuestAnswer } from './game.js';
import { loadingLogo, clickAnswer, shuffle } from './game.js';
// Engine variables -------------------------------------
let DEBUG = true;
const DEBUG = config.debug;
let canvas = null; // canvas id
let context = null; // context id
let cW = null; // canvas with
let cH = null; // canvas height
let orientation = null; // screen orientation
let button = null; // buttons array
let area = null; // game areas (buttons, images, etc.)
let game = null;
let landscape_orientation = null; // canvas orientation
let game = {}; // main game variable
let areas = null;
let images = {};
let buttons = {};
// Init -------------------------------------------------
window.onload = function() {
@ -25,87 +27,50 @@ window.onload = function() {
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
cW = canvas.width;
cH = canvas.height;
if (DEBUG)
console.log(`Canvas size ${cW} x ${cH}`);
// set screen orientation by carculate canvas width&height
if (cW >= cH) { orientation = true; }
else { orientation = false; }
// set screen orientation by carculate canvas width & height
if (cW >= cH) { landscape_orientation = true; }
else { landscape_orientation = false; }
if (DEBUG)
console.log(landscape_orientation ? "Canvas orientation set to landscape" : "Canvas orientation set to portrait");
if (DEBUG) {
console.log(`Loaded ${gameData.length} quests.`);
game = {
// TODO: change quest by script
questIndex: 0,
quest: null,
questImage: null,
totalRightAnswers: 0, // количество правильных ответов
scene: null,
shuffleQuestAnswer(gameData); // shuffle quest = gameData[game.questIndex];
shuffleQuestAnswer(gameData[game.questIndex].answer); // shuffle first quest answers
game.loadedState = false;
game.finish = false;
game.currentQuest = 0;
shuffle(gameData); // shuffle quests
shuffle(gameData[game.currentQuest].answer); // shuffle first quest answers
// присваем всем квестам статус не выполнен
gameData.forEach(element => element.status = null);
if (!orientation) {
area = {
answerButtons: { x: 10, y: cH - 340, w: cW - 20, h: 250 },
questionLabel: { x: 10, y: cH - 340 - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
uiButtons: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
if (!landscape_orientation) {
areas = {
btnAnswer: { x: 10, y: cH - 340, w: cW - 20, h: 250 },
labelQuestion: { x: 10, y: cH - 340 - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
btnUi: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: cW - 20, h: 70 },
questProgress: { x: 10, y: 10, w: cW - 20, h: 20 },
area.image = { x: 10, y: area.questProgress.y + area.questProgress.h + 10,
w: cW - 20, h: area.questionLabel.y - area.questProgress.y - (area.questProgress.h * 2) };
areas.questImage = { x: 10, y: areas.questProgress.y + areas.questProgress.h + 10,
w: cW - 20, h: areas.labelQuestion.y - areas.questProgress.y - (areas.questProgress.h * 2) };
// TODO: add areas for landscape mode
button = {
info: { x: 10, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
sfx: { x: cW - 80, y: cH - 80, w: 70, h: 70 },
// TODO: change data: to null
answerButtons: [
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
{ x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null },
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value, index, array) {
if (index == 0)
array[index].y = area.answerButtons.y;
array[index].y = array[index - 1].y + value.h + 15;
canvas.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
let mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
// bet inscrease
if (isInside(mousePos, {
// if (isInside(mousePos, {
// console.log("info");
// }
// click by first answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[0])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[0].data);
// click by second answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[1])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[1].data);
// click by third answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[2])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[2].data);
// click by four answer button
if (isInside(mousePos, button.answerButtons[3])) {
clickAnswer(gameData, game, button.answerButtons[3].data);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(buttons)) {
if (isInside(mousePos, value)) {
console.log(`click on ${key}`);
}, false);
@ -123,114 +88,138 @@ function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Game update func -------------------------------------
function update() {
// Update answer buttons label
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value, index) { =[index];
// progressBar %percentage updater
// and set gameStateLoaded true
if (!game.loadedState && game.loadingProgress <= 99) {
// TODO: реализовать функционал проверки загрузки изображений and fonts
if (DEBUG) game.loadingProgress += 10; // FIXME: костыль
else game.loadingProgress += 1;
else if (game.loadingProgress == 100)
game.loadedState = true;
if (game.loadedState && !game.finish) {
buttons.answerButton0 = { x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton1 = { x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton2 = { x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
buttons.answerButton3 = { x: getCenterH(cW, cW / 1.5), y: 0, w: cW / 1.5, h: 50, data: null };
let answerButtonsArray = [buttons.answerButton0, buttons.answerButton1,
buttons.answerButton2, buttons.answerButton3];
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value, index, array) {
if (index == 0)
array[index].y = areas.btnAnswer.y;
array[index].y = array[index - 1].y + value.h + 15;
// Update answer buttons label
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value, index) { = gameData[game.currentQuest].answer[index];
// Draw to canvas func ----------------------------------
function draw() {
clearContext(canvas, config); // flush?! canvas
clearContext(canvas); // clean canvas
// draw question label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillText(, cW / 2, area.questionLabel.y + 30);
// draw answer buttons
context.fillStyle = "purple";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
for (let i = 0; i <= button.answerButtons.length - 1; i++) {
context.fillRect(button.answerButtons[i].x, button.answerButtons[i].y,
button.answerButtons[i].w, button.answerButtons[i].h);
context.strokeRect(button.answerButtons[i].x, button.answerButtons[i].y,
button.answerButtons[i].w, button.answerButtons[i].h);
// draw answer button label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
button.answerButtons.forEach(function callback(value) {
context.fillText(, cW / 2, value.y + 35);
// draw image
game.questImage = new Image();
game.questImage.src = 'assets/images/' +;
// carculate image ratio by area.image size
if (game.questImage.width >= game.questImage.height) {
if (game.questImage.height > area.image.h) {
let ratio = game.questImage.width / area.image.w;
let newImageW = area.image.w / ratio;
let newImageH = area.image.h;
context.drawImage(game.questImage, getCenterH(cW, newImageW), area.image.y,
newImageW, newImageH);
else {
// TODO: draw image center
// TODO: add option to sizeUp images to engine config
else {
let ratio = game.questImage.height / area.image.h;
let newImageW = area.image.w / ratio;
context.drawImage(game.questImage, getCenterH(cW, newImageW), area.image.y,
newImageW, area.image.h);
// draw progress bar
let sizeProgressItem = area.questProgress.w / gameData.length;
context.strokeStyle = "black";
for (let i = 0; i < gameData.length; i++) {
// change progress item color by status answer
switch (gameData[i].status) {
case null:
context.fillStyle = "gray";
case true:
context.fillStyle = "green";
case false:
context.fillStyle = "red";
// render splash screen -----------------------------
if (!game.loadedState) {
// TODO: change if(! to NaN check
if (!game.loadingProgress) {
game.loadingProgress = 0;
context.fillRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
context.strokeRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
context.drawImage(images.logo, getCenterH(cW, images.logo.width), getCenterV(cH, images.logo.height));
// UI ------------------------------------------
// TODO: переписать это всё г*
context.fillStyle = "red";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.fillRect(,,,; // info button
context.strokeRect(,,,; // info button
context.fillRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
context.strokeRect(button.sfx.x, button.sfx.y, button.sfx.w, button.sfx.h); // sfx button
// draw game areas
if (DEBUG) {
context.strokeStyle = "red";
// TODO: check loadedState to final loading game
context.strokeStyle = "black";
context.lineWidth = 2;
context.fillStyle = "yellow";
// FIXME: translate to English
// если расстояние от нижнего края картинки до конца канваса меньше ???
// то рисуем прогрессбар от нижнего края
// если больше, то на расстояние от картинки
let progressBarHeight = cH - (getCenterV(cH, images.logo.height) + images.logo.height) > 301 ?
getCenterV(cH, images.logo.height) + images.logo.height + 70 : cH - 70;
context.fillRect(50, progressBarHeight, ((cW - 100) / 100 * game.loadingProgress), 20);
context.strokeRect(50, progressBarHeight, cW - 100, 20);
// render game --------------------------------------
if (!game.finish && game.loadedState) {
// draw progress bar
let sizeProgressItem = areas.questProgress.w / gameData.length;
context.strokeStyle = "black";
for (let i = 0; i < gameData.length; i++) {
// change progress item color by status answer
switch (gameData[i].status) {
case null:
context.fillStyle = "gray";
case true:
context.fillStyle = "green";
case false:
context.fillStyle = "red";
context.fillRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
context.strokeRect(10 + (i * sizeProgressItem), 10, sizeProgressItem, 20);
// draw question label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillText(gameData[game.currentQuest].question, cW / 2, areas.labelQuestion.y + 30);
// draw answer buttons
context.fillStyle = "purple";
context.strokeStyle = "navy";
context.lineWidth = 2;
let answerButtonsArray = [buttons.answerButton0, buttons.answerButton1,
buttons.answerButton2, buttons.answerButton3];
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function(btn) {
context.fillRect(btn.x, btn.y, btn.w, btn.h);
context.strokeRect(btn.x, btn.y, btn.w, btn.h);
// draw answer button label
context.font = "32px Ubuntu";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.fillStyle = "white";
answerButtonsArray.forEach(function callback(value) {
context.fillText(, cW / 2, value.y + 35);
// render result game -------------------------------
if (game.finish) {
// draw game areas ----------------------------------
if (DEBUG && !game.finish && game.loadedState) {
context.strokeStyle = "red";
context.lineWidth = 1;
// answer buttons area
if (orientation)
if (landscape_orientation)
// TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape
console.log('TODO: draw answer buttons area by landscape');
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(area)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(areas)) {
context.strokeRect(value.x, value.y, value.w, value.h);