Updated 2023-11-06 00:22:28 +03:00
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Updated 2023-08-08 02:47:49 +03:00
Updated 2023-07-06 19:56:50 +03:00
Pasty is a fast and lightweight code pasting server
Updated 2023-06-17 22:58:05 +03:00
When you need a web server in a hurry.
Updated 2022-12-12 05:34:44 +03:00
ii is a minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client. It creates an irc directory tree with server, channel and nick name directories. In every directory a FIFO in file and a normal out file is created.
Updated 2022-09-24 13:36:02 +03:00
RuTracker.ORG announces server proxy
Updated 2022-05-08 22:53:07 +03:00