1688 lines
59 KiB
1688 lines
59 KiB
"screens.SplashScreen.pressKeyToStart": {
"localizedName":"Нажми любую кнопку, чтобы начать",
"comment":"Prompt shown once at the start of the game."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.playButton": {
"comment":"Text for the play button. This will start a new game."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.eraseButton": {
"comment":"Text for the erase button, which will delete the player's save game."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.optionsButton": {
"comment":"Text for the options button, which will open the options menu."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.selectSaveSlot": {
"localizedName":"Выбери слот сохранения",
"comment":"Text prompt indicated the user should click a save slot."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.newGameSaveSlot": {
"localizedName":"Начать игру",
"comment":"Text shown on a save slot when the slot is empty."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.errorSaveSlot": {
"comment":"Text shown on a save slot when the slot data cannot be loaded."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.infoSaveSlot": {
"localizedName":"{0} Lvl: {1}",
"comment":"Text shown on a save slot. {0} is the name of the dungeon level. {1} is the number of the dungeon level."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.finishedSaveSlot": {
"comment":"Text shown on a save slot after successfully beating the game."
"screens.MainMenuScreen.deadSaveSlot": {
"comment":"Text shown on a save slot when the character is dead."
"screens.OptionsScreen.graphicsLow": {
"comment":"Text shown when graphics slider is all the way left."
"screens.OptionsScreen.graphicsMedium": {
"comment":"Text show when the graphics slider is in the middle."
"screens.OptionsScreen.graphicsHigh": {
"comment":"Text shown when the graphics slider is all the way right."
"screens.OptionsScreen.backButton": {
"comment":"Text for back button, which goes to main menu."
"screens.OptionsScreen.inputButton": {
"comment":"Text for input button, which opens the input screen."
"screens.OptionsScreen.headerLabel": {
"localizedName":"Game Options",
"comment":"Text for the screen title."
"screens.OptionsScreen.uiSizeLabel": {
"localizedName":"Размер интерфейса ",
"comment":"Label for UI size slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.musicVolumeLabel": {
"localizedName":"Громкость музыки",
"comment":"Label for music volume slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.soundVolumeLabel": {
"localizedName":"Громкость звуков",
"comment":"Label for sound volume slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.graphicsDetailLabel": {
"comment":"Label for graphics detail slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.particleDensityLabel": {
"localizedName":"Particle Density",
"comment":"Label for particle density slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.fovLabel": {
"comment":"Label for field of view slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.fullscreenLabel": {
"localizedName":"Полный экран",
"comment":"Label for fullscreen toggle."
"screens.OptionsInputScreen.backButton": {
"comment":"Text for back button, which goes back to options screen."
"screens.OptionsInputScreen.keysButton": {
"comment":"Text for the keys button, which opens the key binding screen."
"screens.OptionsInputScreen.gamepadButton": {
"localizedName":" Gamepad ",
"comment":"Text for the gamepad button, which opens the gamepad binding screen."
"screens.OptionsInputScreen.headerLabel": {
"localizedName":"Input Options",
"comment":"Text for the input options screen title."
"screens.OptionsScreen.lookXLabel": {
"localizedName":"Обзор по горизонтале",
"comment":"Label for the mouse x-axis sensitivity slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.lookYLabel": {
"localizedName":"Обор по вертикали",
"comment":"Label for the mouse y-axis sensitivity slider."
"screens.OptionsScreen.invertLookLabel": {
"localizedName":"Инвертировать обзор",
"comment":"Label for the invert look toggle."
"screens.OptionsScreen.mouseButton1Label": {
"localizedName":"Mouse Button 1",
"comment":"Label for mouse button. Used for assigning to bindings."
"screens.OptionsScreen.mouseButton2Label": {
"localizedName":"Mouse Button 2",
"comment":"Label for mouse button. Used for assigning to bindings."
"screens.OptionsScreen.mouseButton3Label": {
"localizedName":"Mouse Button 3",
"comment":"Label for mouse button. Used for assigning to bindings."
"screens.OptionsScreen.mouseScrollLabel": {
"localizedName":"Mouse Scroll",
"comment":"Label for scroll wheel toggle."
"screens.OptionsKeysScreen.backButton": {
"comment":"Text for back button, which goes back to the input options screen."
"screens.OptionsKeysScreen.pressKeyLabel": {
"localizedName":"Press a key for: {0}",
"comment":"Message prompt shown when player is rebinding a key. {0} is the action. e.g. USE"
"screens.OptionsKeysScreen.pressEscToCancelLabel": {
"localizedName":"Press Esc to cancel",
"comment":"Cancel prompt shown when player is rebinding a key."
"screens.LoadingScreen.loadingLabel": {
"comment":"Label shown when game is loading."
"screens.LevelChangeScreen.levelChangeLabel": {
"localizedName":"Changing Floor",
"comment":"Label shown when game loading the next level."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_0": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_1": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_2": {
"localizedName":"THIS WAS HIDDEN AWAY\nFOR A REASON...",
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_3": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_4": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_5": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_6": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.win_text_7": {
"comment":"One of many possibly text snippets shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.delverEscapedText": {
"localizedName":"THE DELVER ESCAPED!",
"comment":"Shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.recoveredOrbText": {
"localizedName":"YOU BROUGHT BACK THE ORB!",
"comment":"Shown on the win screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.goodbyeDelverText": {
"localizedName":"GOODBYE DELVER",
"comment":"Shown on the game over screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.betterLuckText": {
"localizedName":"BETTER LUCK NEXT LIFE",
"comment":"Shown on the game over screen."
"screens.GameOverScreen.goldStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "GOLD EARNED: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.killsStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "MONSTERS KILLED: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.damageStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "DAMAGE TAKEN: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.potionsStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "POTIONS DRANK: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.foodStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "FOOD EATEN: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.scrollsStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "SCROLLS USED: ",
"screens.GameOverScreen.trapsStatLabel": {
"localizedName": "TRAPS TRIPPED: ",
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.levelUpLabel": {
"localizedName": "Level Up!",
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.chooseYourFateLabel": {
"localizedName": "Choose your fate",
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.ATTACK": {
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.SPEED": {
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.HEALTH": {
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.MAGIC": {
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.AGILITY": {
"overlays.LevelUpOverlay.DEFENSE": {
"overlays.MessageOverlay.nextButton": {
"comment":"Text for next button on the message overlay. Advances to the next page."
"overlays.MessageOverlay.closeButton": {
"comment":"Text for the close button on the message overlay."
"overlays.PauseOverlay.backButton": {
"comment":"Text for the back button on the pause screen. Goes back to playing the game."
"overlays.PauseOverlay.quitButton": {
"comment":"Text for the quit button on the pause screen. Returns to the main menu."
"overlays.PauseOverlay.pauseHeader": {
"comment":"Header text shown on the pause menu."
"overlays.ShopPause.titleText": {
"localizedName":"BUY SOMETHING",
"comment":"Default shop title. Used for the mysterious merchant."
"overlays.ShopPause.descriptionText": {
"localizedName":"WILL YA?",
"comment":"Default shop description text. Used for the mysterious merchant."
"overlays.ShopPause.totalText": {
"comment":"Text shown on the shop table for the total gold being spent."
"overlays.ShopPause.yourGoldText": {
"localizedName":"Your gold",
"comment":"Text shown on the shop table for the players total gold."
"overlays.ShopPause.doneButton": {
"comment":"Text shown on the shop table for the players total gold."
"overlays.ShopPause.buyText": {
"comment":"Text shown in the shop table in place of an items price. This indicates the player has selected the item to purchase."
"entities.Door.stuckText": {
"comment":"Text shown when a door is stuck shut, and can be broken open."
"entities.Door.unlockedText": {
"comment":"Text shown when a door unlocked."
"entities.Door.lockedText": {
"comment":"Text shown when a door is locked and a key is needed to open it."
"entities.Door.opensElsewhereText": {
"localizedName":"MUST OPEN\nELSEWHERE",
"comment":"Text shown when a door is stuck shut and must be opened through a trigger."
"entities.Door.openUseText": {
"comment":"Use text to open the door."
"entities.Door.closeUseText": {
"comment":"Use text to close the door."
"entities.Door.mobileUseText": {
"localizedName":"USE: {0}",
"comment":"Text shown on mobile instead of key binding. {0} is the use text (OPEN/CLOSE)."
"entities.Item.itemConditionBroken": {
"entities.Item.itemConditionWorn": {
"entities.Item.itemConditionNormal": {
"entities.Item.itemConditionFine": {
"entities.Item.itemConditionExcellent": {
"entities.Item.mobileUseMessageText": {
"localizedName":"USE: GET {0}",
"comment":"Use message shown on mobile in place of key binding. {0} is the item name."
"entities.Item.noRoomText": {
"localizedName":"NO ROOM",
"comment":"Text show when player attempts to pick up an item when inventory is full."
"entities.Item.itemNameText": {
"localizedName":"{0} {1} {2} {3}",
"comment":"Text shown for items. E.g. King's Excellent Sword of the Rabbit. {0} is the prefix enchantment. {1} is the item condition. {2} is the item name. {3} is the postfix enchantment. Note any extra white space will be stripped."
"entities.Item.unidentifiedIndicatorText": {
"comment":"Text shown for unidentified items."
"entities.Item.modificationInfoSpeedText": {
"entities.Item.modificationInfoHealthText": {
"entities.Item.modificationInfoAgilityText": {
"entities.Item.modificationInfoDefenseText": {
"entities.Item.modificationInfoMagicText": {
"entities.Item.modificationInfoAttackText": {
"entities.Player.mobileUseText": {
"comment":"Text shown on a mobile device in place of a key binding."
"entities.Player.getItemText": {
"localizedName":"{0}: GET {1}",
"comment":"Text shown when player is looking at an item. {0} is the key binding. {1} is the name of the item."
"entities.Player.useText": {
"localizedName":"{0}: {1}",
"comment":"Text shown when player is looking at a usable object. {0} is the key binding. {1} is the use verb of the object."
"entities.Player.exitDungeonText": {
"localizedName":"{0}: EXIT DUNGEON",
"comment":"Text shown when player is looking at the dungeon exit. {0} is the key binding."
"entities.Player.weaponAttackText": {
"localizedName":"{0} - {1}",
"comment":"Text shown for the damage range of the player's wielded weapon. {0} is the minimum damage. {1} is the maximum damage."
"entities.Stairs.mobileUseText": {
"localizedName":"USE {0}",
"comment":"Text shown on a mobile device. {0} is the direction (Up/Down)."
"entities.Trigger.defaultUseVerb": {
"entities.Trigger.mobileUseText": {
"comment":"Text shown on a mobile device instead of a key binding."
"entities.Trigger.useText": {
"localizedName":"{0}: {1}",
"comment":"Text shown when a player is looking at a trigger. {0} is the key binding. {1} is the use verb."
"game.Game.errorLoadingDataText": {
"localizedName":"ERROR LOADING {0}",
"comment":"Text shown when a resource fails to load. {0} is the name of the file."
"game.Game.startingPantsNameText": {
"comment":"The name of the pants the player starts the game with."
"game.Game.cannotLeaveText": {
"comment":"Text shown when the player attempts to leave the dungeon without the orb."
"game.Game.loadErrorText": {
"localizedName":"LOAD ERROR",
"comment":"Text shown when something unexpected has happened during level load."
"game.Game.levelNameText": {
"localizedName":"FLOOR {0}",
"comment":"Text shown for the floor name. This is a fallback if no name is provided."
"items.Bow.defaultName": {
"items.Bow.damageRangeText": {
"localizedName":"{0} to {1} {2}",
"comment":"{0} is the minimum damage. {1} is the maximum damage. {2} is the damage type."
"items.Bow.elementalDamageText": {
"localizedName":"{0} {1}",
"comment":"{0} is the amount of damage. {1} is the damage type."
"items.Bow.rangeText": {
"localizedName":"Range {0}",
"comment":"{0} length of the range in world units."
"items.Elixer.defaultNameText": {
"localizedName":"Skill in a jar",
"items.Food.defaultNameText": {
"items.Food.eatFoodText": {
"items.Food.drinkBoozeText": {
"localizedName":"You feel warm",
"items.Food.infoText": {
"items.Gun.defaultNameText": {
"items.Gun.infoText": {
"localizedName":"{0} AMMO",
"items.ItemStack.defaultNameText": {
"items.ItemStack.infoText": {
"localizedName":"X {0}",
"comment":"Text shown for item's information text. {0} is the item information of the stack. {1} is the count of the stack."
"items.Missile.defaultNameText": {
"items.Missile.noRoomText": {
"localizedName":"NO ROOM",
"comment":"Text shown when attempting to pick up a missile when the inventory is full."
"items.Note.ellipsisText": {
"comment":"Shown when a note has no text."
"items.Potion.defaultNameText": {
"comment":"Default name for a potion if none is defined."
"items.Potion.healDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"You feel better",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank."
"items.Potion.poisonDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"It burns!",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank."
"items.Potion.maxHealDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"You feel restored",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank. Health is completely restored."
"items.Potion.restoreDisplayText": {
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank. Used for cola."
"items.Potion.magicShieldDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"You feel arcane",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank."
"items.Potion.magicShieldStatusEffectNameText": {
"localizedName":"Magic Shield",
"comment":"Text shown in the status display for the effect."
"items.Potion.ironSkinDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"You feel numb",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank."
"items.Potion.ironSkinStatusEffectNameText": {
"localizedName":"Iron Skin",
"comment":"Text shown in the status display for the effect."
"items.Potion.paralyzeDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"You feel stuck",
"comment":"Text shown when potion is drank."
"items.Potion.discoverDisplayText": {
"localizedName":"That must be {0}",
"comment":"Text shown when the player identifies the potion's effect. {0} is the status effect name."
"items.Potion.unidentifiedInfoText": {
"comment":"Text shown for potion name if not identified."
"items.Potion.healingNameText": {
"items.Potion.poisonNameText": {
"items.Potion.restorationNameText": {
"items.Potion.colaNameText": {
"items.Potion.magicShieldNameText": {
"localizedName":"Resist Magic",
"items.Potion.ironSkinNameText": {
"localizedName":"Iron Skin",
"items.Potion.paralyzeNameText": {
"items.Potion.unknownNameText": {
"comment":"Name text for a potion of unknown type. This only happens when something goes wrong."
"items.QuestItem.defaultNameText": {
"localizedName":"YITHIDIAN ORB",
"items.QuestItem.noRoomText": {
"localizedName":"NO ROOM",
"comment":"Text shown when attempting to pick up the orb and the inventory is full."
"items.QuestItem.gotItemText": {
"localizedName":"GOT {0}",
"comment":"Text shown when the quest item is acquired for the first time. {0} is the name of the item."
"items.QuestItem.escapeMessageText": {
"comment":"Shown after the gotItemText. Will start a new line on \n."
"items.Scroll.nothingHappensText": {
"localizedName":"NOTHING HAPPENS",
"comment":"Text shown when something has gone wrong with the scroll."
"items.Wand.defaultNameText": {
"items.Wand.infoText": {
"localizedName":"{0} charges",
"items.Weapon.damageType.PHYSICAL": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.MAGIC": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.FIRE": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.ICE": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.LIGHTNING": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.POISON": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.HEALING": {
"items.Weapon.damageType.PARALYZE": {
"items.Weapon.damageRangeText": {
"localizedName":"{0} to {1} {2}",
"comment":"{0} is the minimum damage. {1} is the maximum damage. {2} is the damage type."
"items.Weapon.elementalDamageText": {
"localizedName":"{0} {1}",
"comment":"{0} is the amount of damage. {1} is the damage type."
"items.Weapon.twoHandedText": {
"localizedName":"Two Handed",
"comment":"Text shown on item information if it is wielded with two hands."
"statuseffects.BurningEffect.defaultNameText": {
"statuseffects.ParalyzeEffect.defaultNameText": {
"statuseffects.PoisonEffect.defaultNameText": {
"statuseffects.RestoreHealthEffect.defaultNameText": {
"localizedName":"Restore Health",
"statuseffects.SlowEffect.defaultNameText": {
"statuseffects.SpeedEffect.defaultNameText": {
"statuseffects.StatusEffect.defaultNameText": {
"comment":"Text shown when something is wrong with the status effect."
"tiles.ExitTile.cannotLeaveText": {
"comment":"Text shown when the player attempts to leave the dungeon without the orb."
"triggers.ButtonModel.useVerbText": {
"comment":"Text show to indicate the action that will be taken."
"triggers.ButtonModel.useMobileText": {
"comment":"Text shown on a mobile device instead of a key binding."
"triggers.ButtonModel.useText": {
"localizedName":"{0}: {1}",
"comment":"{0} is the key binding. {1} is the use verb."
"ui.Hud.noRoomText": {
"localizedName":"NO ROOM",
"comment":"Text show when player attempts to pick up an item when inventory is full."
"USE": {
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"DROP": {
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"ITEM NEXT",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"ITEM PREVIOUS",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"MAP": {
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"STRAFE LEFT",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"STRAFE RIGHT",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"TURN LEFT",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"TURN RIGHT",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"LOOK UP": {
"localizedName":"LOOK UP",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"localizedName":"LOOK DOWN",
"comment":"Label for key bind action."
"Iron dagger": {
"localizedName":"Iron dagger",
"Iron sword": {
"localizedName":"Iron sword",
"Iron mace": {
"localizedName":"Iron mace",
"Iron spiked mace": {
"localizedName":"Iron spiked mace",
"Steel dagger": {
"localizedName":"Steel dagger",
"Steel shortsword": {
"localizedName":"Steel shortsword",
"Iron hammer": {
"localizedName":"Iron hammer",
"Steel mace": {
"localizedName":"Steel mace",
"Steel spiked mace": {
"localizedName":"Steel spiked mace",
"Steel sword": {
"localizedName":"Steel sword",
"Steel hammer": {
"localizedName":"Steel hammer",
"Engraved dagger": {
"localizedName":"Engraved dagger",
"Engraved shortsword": {
"localizedName":"Engraved shortsword",
"Engraved sword": {
"localizedName":"Engraved sword",
"Gilded mace": {
"localizedName":"Gilded mace",
"Gilded spiked mace": {
"localizedName":"Gilded spiked mace",
"Jeweled dagger": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled dagger",
"Jeweled shortsword": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled shortsword",
"Jeweled sword": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled sword",
"Gilded hammer": {
"localizedName":"Gilded hammer",
"Shortbow": {
"ARROW": {
"Composite Bow": {
"localizedName":"Composite Bow",
"Bow": {
"Hunter's Bow": {
"localizedName":"Hunter's Bow",
"Longbow": {
"Leather armor": {
"localizedName":"Leather armor",
"Leather pants": {
"localizedName":"Leather pants",
"Skullcap": {
"Buckler": {
"Quilted leather armor": {
"localizedName":"Quilted leather armor",
"Quilted leather pants": {
"localizedName":"Quilted leather pants",
"Ring of Protection": {
"localizedName":"Ring of Protection",
"Amulet of Protection": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of Protection",
"Amulet of Health": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of Health",
"Chainmail": {
"Chainmail greaves": {
"localizedName":"Chainmail greaves",
"Round Shield": {
"localizedName":"Round Shield",
"Amulet of Speed": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of Speed",
"Ring of Health": {
"localizedName":"Ring of Health",
"Steel mail": {
"localizedName":"Steel mail",
"Steel greaves": {
"localizedName":"Steel greaves",
"Steel helmet": {
"localizedName":"Steel helmet",
"Ring of Speed": {
"localizedName":"Ring of Speed",
"Platemail": {
"Platemail greaves": {
"localizedName":"Platemail greaves",
"Heater Shield": {
"localizedName":"Heater Shield",
"Scalemail": {
"Scalemail greaves": {
"localizedName":"Scalemail greaves",
"Ring of Greater Protection": {
"localizedName":"Ring of Greater Protection",
"Amulet of Greater Protection": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of Greater Protection",
"Amulet of the Wolf": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of the Wolf",
"Jeweled platemail": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled platemail",
"Jeweled greaves": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled greaves",
"Jeweled helmet": {
"localizedName":"Jeweled helmet",
"Tower Shield": {
"localizedName":"Tower Shield",
"Ring of the Wolf": {
"localizedName":"Ring of the Wolf",
"Ring of Greater Health": {
"localizedName":"Ring of Greater Health",
"Amulet of Greater Health": {
"localizedName":"Amulet of Greater Health",
"Missile wand": {
"localizedName":"Missile wand",
"Fire wand": {
"localizedName":"Fire wand",
"Ice wand": {
"localizedName":"Ice wand",
"Storm wand": {
"localizedName":"Storm wand",
"Paralyze wand": {
"localizedName":"Paralyze wand",
"Red potion": {
"localizedName":"Red potion",
"Blue potion": {
"localizedName":"Blue potion",
"Green potion": {
"localizedName":"Green potion",
"Purple potion": {
"localizedName":"Purple potion",
"Dark potion": {
"localizedName":"Dark potion",
"Gold potion": {
"localizedName":"Gold potion",
"Bright potion": {
"localizedName":"Bright potion",
"Scroll of Teleport": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Teleport",
"Scroll of Flame": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Flame",
"Scroll of Burning": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Burning",
"scroll of Blizzard": {
"localizedName":"scroll of Blizzard",
"scroll of Freezing": {
"localizedName":"scroll of Freezing",
"Scroll of Health": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Health",
"Scroll of Greater Health": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Greater Health",
"Scroll of Resist Magic": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Resist Magic",
"Scroll of Haste": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Haste",
"Scroll of Enchant Weapon": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Enchant Weapon",
"Scroll of Enchant Armor": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Enchant Armor",
"Scroll of Identify": {
"localizedName":"Scroll of Identify",
"Skull": {
"Bones": {
"Tankard": {
"Book": {
"Bread": {
"Apple": {
"Cheese": {
"Steak": {
"Meat": {
"Ale": {
"of Haste": {
"localizedName":"of Haste",
"of Speed": {
"localizedName":"of Speed",
"of Heft": {
"localizedName":"of Heft",
"of Force": {
"localizedName":"of Force",
"of Biting": {
"localizedName":"of Biting",
"of Fire": {
"localizedName":"of Fire",
"of Burning": {
"localizedName":"of Burning",
"of Ice": {
"localizedName":"of Ice",
"of Blizzard": {
"localizedName":"of Blizzard",
"of Paralyze": {
"localizedName":"of Paralyze",
"of The Arcane": {
"localizedName":"of The Arcane",
"of Storm": {
"localizedName":"of Storm",
"of The Tempest": {
"localizedName":"of the Tempest",
"of The Worm": {
"localizedName":"of the Worm",
"Quick": {
"Balanced": {
"Glowing": {
"Protected": {
"Blessed": {
"Unholy": {
"Cursed": {
"Light": {
"Nimble": {
"Fleet": {
"Heavy": {
"Unwieldly": {
"Coward's": {
"Drunk's": {
"Demon's": {
"Fighter's": {
"Brawler's": {
"Knight's": {
"King's": {
"of the Sloth": {
"localizedName":"of the Sloth",
"of the Turtle": {
"localizedName":"of the Turtle",
"of the Rabbit": {
"localizedName":"of the Rabbit",
"of the Snake": {
"localizedName":"of the Snake",
"of the Eagle": {
"localizedName":"of the Eagle",
"of Skill": {
"localizedName":"of Skill",
"of Precision": {
"localizedName":"of Precision",
"of intellect": {
"localizedName":"of intellect",
"of the Mind": {
"localizedName":"of the Mind",
"of Magic": {
"localizedName":"of Magic",
"Trite": {
"Insipid": {
"Vapid": {
"Mage's": {
"Wizard's": {
"Sorcerer's": {