855 B
855 B
- 🐛 - Bug
- ✔️ - Fixed
- ❌ - Removed
- ➕ - Added
- ℹ️ - Information
- ♻️ - Edited
31/03/2024 - (1.20.4 Update) beta
- ℹ️ - Linux client updated to 1.20.4 version
03/12/2023 - (1.20.2 Update) beta
- ℹ️ - Linux client updated to 1.20.2 version
13/07/2023 - (1.20.1 Update) beta
- ℹ️ - Client updated to 1.20.1 version
22/03/2023 - (1.19.4 Update)
- ℹ️ - Client updated to 1.19.4 version
- ✔️ - Fixed quotes in set variables for Windows launcher
14/09/2022 - (1.19.2 Update)
- ℹ️ - Update to 1.19.2 client version
- ➕ - Added check for empty player name
- ➕ - Added laucher title
- ✔️ - Fixed Windows echo bug
- ✔️ - Fixed long LIBRAIRES string variable
30/07/2022 - (macOS Release)
- ✔️ - Update to 1.19.1 client version
- ℹ️ - First macOS version