2015-09-20 16:26:55 -07:00

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4.8 KiB

# clipboard.js
> A modern approach to copy & cut to the clipboard. No Flash. No dependencies. Just 2kb.
<a href=""><img width="728" src="" alt="Demo"></a>
## Install
You can get it on npm.
npm install clipboard --save
Or bower, too.
bower install clipboard --save
If you're not into package management, just [download a ZIP]( file.
## Setup
First, include the script located on the `dist` folder
<script src="dist/clipboard.min.js"></script>
Now, you need to instantiate it using a DOM selector. This selector corresponds to the trigger element, i.e. `<button>`.
new Clipboard('.btn');
# Usage
We're living a _declarative renaissance_, that's why we decided to take advantage of [HTML5 data attributes]( for better usability.
### Copy text from attribute
The easiest way to copy some content to the clipboard, is to include a `data-text` attribute in your trigger element.
<a href=""><img width="171" alt="example-1" src=""></a>
<!-- Trigger -->
<button class="btn" data-text="Heya!">Copy</button>
### Copy text from another element
Alternatively, you can copy content from another element by adding a `data-target` attribute in your trigger element.
The value you include on this attribute needs to match another's element `id` attribute.
<a href=""><img width="473" alt="example-2" src=""></a>
<!-- Target -->
<input id="foo" value="">
<!-- Trigger -->
<button class="btn" data-target="foo">Copy</button>
### Cut text from another element
Additionally, you can define a `data-action` attribute to specify if you want to either `copy` or `cut` content.
If you omit this attribute, `copy` will be used by default.
<a href=""><img width="476" alt="example-3" src=""></a>
<!-- Target -->
<textarea id="bar">clipboard.js rocks!</textarea>
<!-- Trigger -->
<button class="btn" data-action="cut" data-target="bar">
As you may expect, the `cut` action only works on `<input>` or `<textarea>` elements.
## Events
There are cases where you'd like to capture what has been copied/cut or even check if this API is supported.
That's why we fire custom events such as `copy`, `cut`, and `no-support` for you to listen and implement your custom logic.
But to achieve that, first you need to access the `triggers` property from your clipboard instance.
var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn');
var btns = clipboard.triggers;
Internally, this property is just a collections of nodes resulted from a `querySelectorAll` operation. So all you have to do now is loop through that collection and attach listeners.
for (var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++) {
btns[i].addEventListener('copy', function(e) {'Event:', e.type);'Text:', e.detail);
btns[i].addEventListener('no-support', function(e) {
alert('Sorry, your browser sucks :P');
## Browser Support
This library relies on both [Selection]( and [execCommand]( APIs. When combined, they're supported in the following browsers.
| <img src="" width="48px" height="48px" alt="Chrome logo"> | <img src="" width="48px" height="48px" alt="Firefox logo"> | <img src="" width="48px" height="48px" alt="Internet Explorer logo"> | <img src="" width="48px" height="48px" alt="Opera logo"> | <img src="" width="48px" height="48px" alt="Safari logo"> |
| 42+ ✔ | 41+ ✔ | 9+ ✔ | 29+ ✔ | Nope ✘ |
For instructions on how to detect support, check [Events](#events) section.
## License
[MIT License]( © Zeno Rocha