2014-04-24 00:04:27 +04:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Syntax [RU]
Fenom implement [Smarty](http://www.smarty.net/) syntax with some improvements
## Variable
### Use variables
### System variable
Unnamed system variable starts with `$.` and allow access to global variables and system info (fix doc):
* `$.get` is `$_GET`.
* `$.post` is `$_POST`.
* `$.cookie` is `$_COOKIE`.
* `$.session` is `$_SESSION`.
* `$.globals` is `$GLOBALS`.
* `$.request` is `$_REQUEST`.
* `$.files` is `$_FILES`.
* `$.server` is `$_SERVER`.
* `$.env` is `$_ENV`.
* `$.tpl.name` returns current template name.
* `$.tpl.schema` returns current schema of the template.
* `$.version` returns version of the Fenom.
* `$.const` paste constant.
{if $.get.debug? && $.const.DEBUG}
### Multidimensional value support
{$foo[ $bar.baz ]}
### Math operations
{$foo[$x+3]*$x+3*$y % 3}
See all [operators](./operators.md)
### Object support
{$object->item|upper} {* apply modifier *}
{$object->item->method($y, 'named')}
{$object->item->method($y->name, 'named')|upper} {* apply modifier to method result*}
You may disable call methods in template, see in [security options](./settings.md) option `deny_method`
### Static method support
{Lib\Math::multiple x=3 y=4} static method as tag
{Lib\Math::multiple(3,4)} inline static method
{12 + Lib\Math::multiple(3,4)}
{12 + 3|Lib\Math::multiple:4} static method as modifier
You may disable call static methods in template, see in [security options](./settings.md) option `deny_static`
### Set variable
{var $foo = "bar"}
{var $foo = "bar"|upper} {* apply modifier *}
{var $foo = 5}
{var $foo = $x + $y}
{var $foo = $x.y[z] + $y}
{var $foo = strlen($a)} {* work with functions *}
{var $foo = myfunct( ($x+$y)*3 )}
{var $foo.bar.baz = 1} {* multidimensional value support *}
{var $foo = $object->item->method($y, 'named')} {* work with object fine *}
Using block tag
{var $foo}
content {$text|truncate:30}
{var $foo|truncate:50} {* apply modifier to content *}
content {$text}
Set array
{var $foo = [1, 2, 3]} numeric array
{var $foo = ['y' => 'yellow', 'b' => 'blue']} associative array
{var $foo = [1, [9, 8], 3]} can be nested
{var $foo = [1, $two, $three * 3 + 9]}
{var $foo = [$a, $d.c, $a + $f]}
{var $foo = ['y' => 'yellow', $color|upper => $colors[ $color ]}
{var $foo = [1, [$parent, $a->method()], 3]}
See also [{var}](./tags/var.md) documentation.
## Scalar values
### Strings
When the string in double quotation marks, all the expressions in the string will be run.
The result of expressions will be inserted into the string instead it.
{var $foo="Username"}
{var $user.name="Username"}
{"Hi, $foo"} outputs "Hi, Username"
{"Hi, {$foo}"} outputs "Hi, Username"
{"Hi, {$user.name}"} outputs "Hi, Username"
{"Hi, {$user.name|up}"} outputs "Hi, USERNAME"
{"Hi, {$user->getName(true)}"} outputs Hi, Username
{var $message = "Hi, {$user.name}"}
but if use single quote any template expressions will be on display as it is
{'Hi, $foo'} outputs 'Hi, $foo'
{'Hi, {$foo}'} outputs 'Hi, {$foo}'
{'Hi, {$user.name}'} outputs 'Hi, {$user.name}'
{'Hi, {$user.name|up}'} outputs "Hi, {$user.name|up}"
## Numbers
{var $magick = 5381|calc}
### Modifiers
* Modifiers allows change some value before output or using.
* To apply a modifier, specify the value followed by a `|` (pipe) and the modifier name.
* A modifier may accept additional parameters that affect its behavior. These parameters follow the modifier name and are separated by a `:` (colon).
{var $foo="User"}
{$foo|upper} outputs "USER"
{$foo|lower} outputs "user"
{"{$foo|lower}"} outputs "user"
{"User"|lower}} outputs "user"
{$looong_text|truncate:80:"..."} truncate the text to 80 symbols and append <continue> symbols, like "..."
{var $foo="Ivan"|upper} sets $foo value "USER"
[List of modifiers](./main.md#modifiers)
### Tags
Basically, tag seems like
{FUNCNAME attr1 = "val1" attr2 = $val2}
Tags starts with name and may have attributes
Это общий формат функций, но могут быть исключения, например функция [{var}](./tags/var.md), использованная выше.
{include file="my.tpl"}
{var $foo=5}
{if $user.loggined}
Welcome, <span style="color: red">{$user.name}!</span>
Who are you?
В общем случае аргументы принимают любой формат переменных, в том числе результаты арифметических операций и модификаторов.
{funct arg=true}
{funct arg=5}
{funct arg=1.2}
{funct arg='string'}
{funct arg="string this {$var}"}
{funct arg=[1,2,34]}
{funct arg=$x}
{funct arg=$x.c}
{funct arg="ivan"|upper}
{funct arg=$a.d.c|lower}
{funct arg=1+2}
{funct arg=$a.d.c+4}
{funct arg=($a.d.c|count+4)/3}
### Ignoring template code
В шаблонизаторе Fenom используются фигурные скобки для отделения HTML от кода Fenom.
Если требуется вывести текст, содержащий фигурные скобки, помните о следующих возможностях:
1. Использование блочного тега `{ignore}{/ignore}`. Текст внутри этого тега текст не компилируется шаблонизатором и выводится как есть.
2. Если после открывающей фигурной скобки есть пробельный символ (пробел или `\t`) или перенос строки (`\r` или `\n`), то она не воспринимается как разделитель кода Fenom и код после неё выводится как есть.
h1 {font-size: 24px; color: #F00;}
(function (text) {
var e = document.createElement('P');
e.innerHTML = text;
{if:ignore $js_enabled}
h1 {font-size: 24px; color: #F00;}
(function (text) {
var e = document.createElement('P');
e.innerHTML = text;
### Whitespaces
Шаблонизатор допускает любое количество пробелов или переносов строк в своём коде
{include 'control.tpl'
$options = $list
$name = $cp.name
$type = 'select'
isolate = true
disable_static = true
{foreach [
"one" => 1,
"two" => 2,
"three" => 3
] as $key => $val}
{$key}: {$val}
### Tag options
| name | code | type | description |
| ------- | ---- | ----- | ------------ |
| strip | s | block | remove any multi-whitespaces |
| ltrim | l | any | remove spaces left of the tag |
| rtrim | r | any | remove spaces right of the tag |
| trim | t | any | remove spaces near tag |
| raw | a | any | ignore escape option |
| escape | e | any | force escape |
| ignore | i | block | ignore Fenom syntax |
{script:ignore} ... {/script}
{foreach:ignore:strip ...} ... {/foreach}