2014-08-02 00:24:14 +04:00

639 B

Tag {raw}

Tag {raw <expression>} allow outputs render results without escaping. This tag rewrite global option auto_escape for specified code.

{autoescape true}
    {$var|up} {* escape *}
    {raw $var|up} {* unescape *}
    {"name is: <b>{$name|low}</b>"} {* escape *}
    {raw "name is: <b>{$name|low}</b>"} {* unescape *}

For functions use tag with prefix raw::

{autoescape true}
    {my_func page=5} {* escape *}
    {my_func:raw page=5} {* unescape *}

Tag can not be applied to compilers as foreach, if and other.