2017-08-06 16:05:36 +08:00

92 lines
4.8 KiB

### Changelog ###
#### v1.0.0-alpha1 - TBD ####
* Complete rewrite of library
##### Breaking Changes #####
* Remove deprecated onrendered callback, calling `html2canvas` returns a `Promise<HTMLCanvasElement>`
##### New featues / fixes #####
* Add support for scaling canvas (defaults to device pixel ratio)
* Add support for multiple text-shadows
* Add support for multiple text-decorations
* Add support for text-decoration-color
* Add support for percentage values for border-radius
* Correctly handle px and percentage values in linear-gradients
* Correctly support all angle types for linear-gradients
* Add support for multiple values for background-repeat, background-position and background-size
#### v0.5.0-beta4 - 23.1.2016 ####
* Fix logger requiring access to window object
* Derequire browserify build
* Fix rendering of specific elements when window is scrolled and `type` isn't set to `view`
#### v0.5.0-beta3 - 6.12.2015 ####
* Handle color names in linear gradients
#### v0.5.0-beta2 - 20.10.2015 ####
* Remove Promise polyfill (use native or provide it yourself)
#### v0.5.0-beta1 - 19.10.2015 ####
* Fix bug with unmatched color stops in gradients
* Fix scrolling issues with iOS
* Correctly handle named colors in gradients
* Accept matrix3d transforms
* Fix transparent colors breaking gradients
* Preserve scrolling positions on render
#### v0.5.0-alpha2 - 3.2.2015 ####
* Switch to using browserify for building
* Fix (#517) Chrome stretches background images with 'auto' or single attributes
#### v0.5.0-alpha - 19.1.2015####
* Complete rewrite of library
* Switched interface to return Promise
* Uses hidden iframe window to perform rendering, allowing async rendering and doesn't force the viewport to be scrolled to the top anymore.
* Better support for unicode
* Checkbox/radio button rendering
* SVG rendering
* iframe rendering
* Changed format for proxy requests, permitting binary responses with CORS headers as well
* Fixed many layering issues (see z-index tests)
#### v0.4.1 - 7.9.2013 ####
* Added support for bower
* Improved z-index ordering
* Basic implementation for CSS transformations
* Fixed inline text in top element
* Basic implementation for text-shadow
#### v0.4.0 - 30.1.2013 ####
* Added rendering tests with <a href="">webdriver</a>
* Switched to using grunt for building
* Removed support for IE<9, including any FlashCanvas bits
* Support for border-radius
* Support for multiple background images, size, and clipping
* Support for :before and :after pseudo elements
* Support for placeholder rendering
* Reformatted all tests to small units to test specific features
#### v0.3.4 - 26.6.2012 ####
* Removed (last?) jQuery dependencies (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* SVG-powered rendering (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Radial gradients (<a href="">SunboX</a>)
* Split renderers to their own objects (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Simplified API, cleaned up code (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
#### v0.3.3 - 2.3.2012 ####
* SVG taint fix, and additional taint testing options for rendering (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Added support for CORS images and option to create canvas as tainted (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Improved minification saved ~1K! (<a href="">cobexer</a>)
* Added integrated support for Flashcanvas (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Fixed a variety of legacy IE bugs (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
#### v0.3.2 - 20.2.2012 ####
* Added changelog!
* Added bookmarklet (<a href="">cobexer</a>)
* Option to select single element to render (<a href="">niklasvh</a>)
* Fixed closure compiler warnings (<a href="">cobexer</a>)
* Enable profiling in FF (<a href="">cobexer</a>)