
69 lines
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# Displays IEs4Linux help
# $1 mode: could be emtpty or "full"
# Display common options
cat <<__END_HELP__
Usage: ./ies4linux [OPTIONS]
This script downloads and automagically installs multiple versions of
Microsoft Internet Explorer on Wine.
Without any option, IEs4Linux will:
- install IE6
- install Adobe Flash 9
- create icons on Desktop and Menu
- use folder: $BASEDIR
You can configure other things:
--install-ie55 Install IE5.5 in BASEDIR/ie55/
--install-ie5 Install IE5 in BASEDIR/ie5/
--install-corefonts Install MS Core Fonts (
--no-flash Don't install Adobe Flash Player 9
--no-ie6 Don't install IE 6
--no-desktop-icon Don't create an icon in Desktop
--no-menu-icon Don't insert icon on Menu
--full-help Display all possible options
if [ "$1" = "full" ]; then
cat <<__END_HELP__
--locale LOCALE The locale for the installation [$GUESSED_IE6_LOCALE]
--wget-flags FLAGS Extra flags for wget [$WGETFLAGS]
--list-locales Display all possible locales and exit
--basedir BASEDIR Base location for installs [$BASEDIR]
--bindir BINDIR Location of your bin folder [$BINDIR]
--downloaddir DLDIR Where downloads will go [BASEDIR/$DOWNLOADDIR_SUFFIX]
Other options:
--no-gui Don't show gui, perform an automatic installation
--gui gtk|kommander Force use of a specific user interface
--no-color Don't show colors
--debug Run in DEBUG mode
--help / -h Display help with simple options
Beta options:
--beta-install-ie7 Install Internet Explorer 7 (BETA INSTALLER!)
IEs4Linux can do other useful (?!) things:
--install-ie1 Install IE 1.0
--install-ie15 Install IE 1.5
--install-ie2 Install IE 2.0