mirror of https://github.com/krateng/maloja.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00

Complete rework of time descriptors

This commit is contained in:
Krateng 2019-04-10 11:52:34 +02:00
parent 3f4011f7c4
commit 652bc7eb94
2 changed files with 272 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -32,10 +32,231 @@ def end_of_scrobbling():
# return str(t)
def time_str(t):
return "/".join(str(tp) for tp in t)
### helpers
# converts strings and stuff to lists
# adjusting to sunday-first calendar
# damn iso heathens
class expandeddate(datetime.date):
def chrweekday(self):
return self.isoweekday() + 1 % 7
def chrcalendar(self):
tomorrow = self + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
cal = tomorrow.isocalendar()
return (cal[0],cal[1],cal[2] % 7)
date = expandeddate
# only for ranges, timestamps are separate
class MTime:
def __init__(self,*ls):
# in case we want to call with non-unpacked arguments
if isinstance(ls[0],tuple) or isinstance(ls[0],list):
ls = ls[0]
self.tup = tuple(ls)
self.precision = len(ls)
self.year = ls[0]
if len(ls)>1: self.month = ls[1]
if len(ls)>2: self.day = ls[2]
dt = [1970,1,1]
dt[:len(ls)] = ls
self.dateobject = date(dt[0],dt[1],dt[2])
def __str__(self):
return "/".join(str(part) for part in self.tup)
def uri(self):
return "in=" + str(self)
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.precision == 3:
if prefix:
return "on " + self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
if self.precision == 2:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
if self.precision == 1:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
def informal_desc(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
today = date(now.year,now.month,now.day)
if self.precision == 3:
diff = (today - dateobject).days
if diff == 0: return "Today"
if diff == 1: return "Yesterday"
if diff < 7 and diff > 1: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
#elif len(t) == 2:
return self.desc()
# describes only the parts that are different than another range object
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if isinstance(other,MTime):
relevant = self.desc().split(" ")
if self.year == other.year:
if self.precision > 1 and other.precision > 1 and self.month == other.month:
if self.precision > 2 and other.precision > 2 and self.day == other.day:
return " ".join(relevant)
return self.desc()
# gets object with one higher precision that starts this one
def start(self):
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(self.tup + (1,))
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(self.tup + (1,))
# gets object with one higher precision that ends this one
def end(self):
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(self.tup + (12,))
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(self.tup + (monthrange(self.year,self.month)[1],))
def first_day(self):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.start().first_day()
def last_day(self):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.end().last_day()
def first_stamp(self):
day = self.first_day().dateobject
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).timestamp())
def last_stamp(self):
day = self.last_day().dateobject + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).timestamp() - 1)
class MTimeWeek:
def __init__(self,year=None,week=None):
self.year = year
self.week = week
firstday = date(year,1,1)
y,w,d = firstday.chrcalendar()
if y == self.year:
firstday -= datetime.timedelta(days=(d-1))
firstday += datetime.timedelta(days=8-d)
self.firstday = firstday + datetime.timedelta(days=7*(week-1))
self.lastday = self.firstday + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.year) + "/W" + str(self.week)
def uri(self):
return "in=" + str(self)
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if prefix:
return "in " + "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
return "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
def informal_desc(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
if now.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
return self.desc()
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if isinstance(other,MTimeWeek):
if other.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
return self.desc()
def start(self):
return self.first_day()
def end(self):
return self.last_day()
def first_day(self):
return MTime(self.firstday.year,self.firstday.month,self.firstday.day)
def last_day(self):
return MTime(self.lastday.year,self.lastday.month,self.lastday.day)
def first_stamp(self):
day = self.firstday
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).timestamp())
def last_stamp(self):
day = self.lastday + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)).timestamp() - 1)
class MRange:
def __init__(self,since=None,to=None):
since,to = time_pad(since,to)
self.since = since
self.to = to
def __str__(self):
return str(self.since) + " - " + str(self.to)
def uri(self):
keys = []
if self.since is not None: keys.append("since=" + uri(self.since))
if self.to is not None: keys.append("&to=" + uri(self.to))
return "&".join(keys)
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.since is not None and self.to is not None:
if prefix:
return "from " + self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
return self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
if self.since is not None and self.to is None:
return "since " + self.since.desc()
if self.since is None and self.to is not None:
return "until " + self.to.desc()
def informal_desc(self):
# dis gonna be hard
return "Not implemented"
def start(self):
return self.since
def end(self):
return self.to
def first_day(self):
return self.since.first_day()
def last_day(self):
return self.to.last_day()
def first_stamp(self):
return self.since.first_stamp()
def last_stamp(self):
return self.to.last_stamp()
## test
w = MTimeWeek(2018,40)
d = MTime(2019,4,9)
m = MTime(2019,7)
y = MTime(2020)
def time_str(t):
return str(t)
# converts strings and stuff to objects
def time_fix(t):
@ -67,160 +288,76 @@ def time_fix(t):
#if isinstance(t,tuple): t = list(t)
t = [int(p) for p in t]
return t[:3]
return MTime(t[:3])
if isinstance(t[1],str) and t[1].startswith("W"):
weeknum = int(t[1][1:])
return [t[0],"W",t[1]]
return MTimeWeek(year=t[0],week=t[1])
# checks if time is a week
def is_week(t):
return ((len(t) == 3) and (t[1] == "W"))
def week_to_days(t):
# makes times the same precision level
def time_pad(f,t,full=False):
f,t = time_fix(f), time_fix(t)
if f is None or t is None: return f,t
# week handling
if isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
if full: return f.start(),t.end()
else: return f,t
if not isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
t = t.end()
if isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and not isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
f = f.start()
while (f.precision < t.precision) or (full and f.precision < 3):
f = f.start()
while (f.precision > t.precision) or (full and t.precision < 3):
t = t.end()
return f,t
while (len(f) < len(t)) or (full and len(f) < 3):
if len(f) == 1: f.append(1)
elif len(f) == 2: f.append(1)
while (len(f) > len(t)) or (full and len(t) < 3):
if len(t) == 1: t.append(12)
elif len(t) == 2: t.append(monthrange(*t)[1])
return (f,t)
def time_desc(t,short=False):
if isinstance(t,int):
if short:
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
difference = int(now.timestamp() - t)
if difference < 10: return "just now"
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " seconds ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " minutes ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " minute ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 24: return str(difference) + " hours ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " hour ago"
difference = int(difference/24)
timeobject = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
if difference < 5: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
if difference < 31: return str(difference) + " days ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " day ago"
#if difference < 300 and tim.year == now.year: return tim.strftime("%B")
#if difference < 300: return tim.strftime("%B %Y")
return timeobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
timeobject = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
return timeobject.strftime("%d. %b %Y %I:%M %p")
def timestamp_desc(t,short=False):
if short:
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
difference = int(now.timestamp() - t)
if difference < 10: return "just now"
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " seconds ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " minutes ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " minute ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 24: return str(difference) + " hours ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " hour ago"
difference = int(difference/24)
timeobject = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
if difference < 5: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
if difference < 31: return str(difference) + " days ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " day ago"
#if difference < 300 and tim.year == now.year: return tim.strftime("%B")
#if difference < 300: return tim.strftime("%B %Y")
return timeobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
t = time_fix(t)
date = [1970,1,1]
date[:len(t)] = t
timeobject = datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
nowdate = [1970,1,1]
nowobject = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
nowdate[:len(t)] = [nowobject.year, nowobject.month, nowobject.day][:len(t)]
nowobject = datetime.datetime(nowdate[0],nowdate[1],nowdate[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
if short:
if len(t) == 3:
diff = (nowobject - timeobject).days
if diff == 0: return "Today"
if diff == 1: return "Yesterday"
if diff < 7 and diff > 1: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
#elif len(t) == 2:
timeobject = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
return timeobject.strftime("%d. %b %Y %I:%M %p")
if len(t) == 3: return timeobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
if len(t) == 2: return timeobject.strftime("%B %Y")
if len(t) == 1: return timeobject.strftime("%Y")
def range_desc(since=None,to=None,within=None,short=False):
# the 'short' var we pass down to some of the time_desc calls is a different one than the one here
# the function-wide one indicates whether we want the 'in' 'from' etc at the start
# the other one is if we want exact dates or weekdays etc
# but we still hand it down because it makes sense
if within is not None:
since = within
to = within
if since is None:
sincestr = ""
if to is None:
tostr = ""
if isinstance(since,int) and to is None:
sincestr = "since " + time_desc(since)
shortsincestr = sincestr
elif isinstance(to,int) and since is None:
tostr = "up until " + time_desc(to)
elif isinstance(since,int) and not isinstance(to,int):
sincestr = "from " + time_desc(since)
shortsincestr = time_desc(since)
tostr = "to the end of " + time_desc(to)
elif isinstance(to,int) and not isinstance(since,int):
sincestr = "from the start of " + time_desc(since)
shortsincestr = time_desc(since)
tostr = "to " + time_desc(to)
# if isinstance(since,int) and isinstance(to,int): result = "from " + time_desc(since) + " to " + time_desc(to)
# elif isinstance(since,int): result = "from " + time_desc(since) + " to the end of " + time_desc(to)
# elif isinstance(to,int): result = "from the start of " + time_desc(since) + " to " + time_desc(to)
if since is not None and to is not None:
since,to = time_pad(since,to)
if since == to:
if len(since) == 3:
sincestr = "on " + time_desc(since)
sincestr = "in " + time_desc(since)
shortsincestr = time_desc(since,short=True)
tostr = ""
elif _week(since,to):
sincestr = "in " + _week(since,to)
shortsincestr = _week(since,to)
tostr = ""
fparts = time_desc(since).split(" ")
tparts = time_desc(to).split(" ")
fparts = fparts[len(commonprefix([fparts,tparts])):]
sincestr = "from " + " ".join(fparts)
shortsincestr = " ".join(fparts)
tostr = "to " + " ".join(tparts)
if since is not None:
sincestr = "since " + time_desc(since)
shortsincestr = sincestr
if to is not None:
tostr = "up until " + time_desc(to)
if short: return shortsincestr + " " + tostr
else: return sincestr + " " + tostr
@ -267,23 +404,6 @@ def delimit_desc(step="month",stepn=1,trail=1):
return txt
def _week(since,to):
if len(since) != 3 or len(to) != 3: return False
dt_since, dt_to = datetime.datetime(*since,tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), datetime.datetime(*to,tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
if (dt_to - dt_since).days != 6: return False
if dt_since.weekday() != 6: return False
c = dt_to.isocalendar()[:2]
return str("Week " + str(c[1]) + " " + str(c[0]))
def _num(i):
names = ["Zero","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten","Eleven","Twelve"]
if i < len(names): return names[i]
else: return str(i)
def ranges(since=None,to=None,within=None,step="month",stepn=1,trail=1,max_=None):
@ -325,8 +445,9 @@ def _get_start_of(timestamp,unit):
def _get_next(time,unit="auto",step=1):
result = time[:]
if unit == "auto":
if is_week(time): unit = "week"
# see how long the list is, increment by the last specified unit
unit = [None,"year","month","day"][len(time)]
else: unit = [None,"year","month","day"][len(time)]
#while len(time) < 3:
# time.append(1)

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ countas LE EXID
replacetitle HOT PINK Hot Pink
replacetitle AH YEAH Ah Yeah
replacetitle WHOZ THAT GIRL Whoz that girl
replaceartist Jeonghwa Junghwa
replacetitle CHEER UP Cheer Up

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 5.