Feels good man

This commit is contained in:
krateng 2022-01-09 01:19:13 +01:00
parent 7021099e7b
commit df07dd7b00
3 changed files with 1 additions and 251 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from ..thirdparty import proxy_scrobble_all
from ..globalconf import data_dir, malojaconfig, apikeystore
from . import sqldb
from .cache import db_query, db_aggregate
# doreah toolkit
from doreah.logging import log
@ -470,92 +469,6 @@ def start_db():
## Database queries
# Queries the database
def db_query_full(artist=None,artists=None,title=None,track=None,timerange=None,associated=False,max_=None):
if not dbstatus['healthy']: raise DatabaseNotBuilt()
(since, to) = time_stamps(range=timerange)
if artists is not None and title is not None:
print(col['red']("THIS SHOULD NO LONGER HAPPEN"))
track = {'artists':artists,'title':title}
if track is not None:
return list(reversed(sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_track(track=track,since=since,to=to)))
if artist is not None:
return list(reversed(sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_artist(artist=artist,since=since,to=to)))
return list(reversed(sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to)))
# Queries that... well... aggregate
def db_aggregate_full(by=None,timerange=None,artist=None):
if not dbstatus['healthy']: raise DatabaseNotBuilt()
(since, to) = time_stamps(range=timerange)
if (by=="ARTIST"):
trackcharts = {}
charts = {}
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to,resolve_references=False)
for s in scrobbles:
trackcharts[s['track']] = trackcharts.setdefault(s['track'],0) + 1
for t in trackcharts:
artists = sqldb.get_artists_of_track(t,resolve_references=False)
for a in coa.getCreditedList(artists):
charts[a] = charts.setdefault(a,0) + trackcharts[t]
ls = [{"artist":sqldb.get_artist(a),"scrobbles":charts[a],"counting":[]} for a in charts]
ls.sort(key=lambda k:k["scrobbles"],reverse=True)
# add ranks
for rnk in range(len(ls)):
if rnk == 0 or ls[rnk]["scrobbles"] < ls[rnk-1]["scrobbles"]:
ls[rnk]["rank"] = rnk + 1
ls[rnk]["rank"] = ls[rnk-1]["rank"]
return ls
elif (by=="TRACK"):
charts = {}
if artist is None:
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to,resolve_references=False)
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_artist(since=since,to=to,artist=artist,resolve_references=False)
for s in scrobbles:
charts[s['track']] = charts.setdefault(s['track'],0) + 1
ls = [{"track":sqldb.get_track(t),"scrobbles":charts[t]} for t in charts]
ls.sort(key=lambda k:k["scrobbles"],reverse=True)
# add ranks
for rnk in range(len(ls)):
if rnk == 0 or ls[rnk]["scrobbles"] < ls[rnk-1]["scrobbles"]:
ls[rnk]["rank"] = rnk + 1
ls[rnk]["rank"] = ls[rnk-1]["rank"]
return ls
return len(sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to,resolve_references=False))
# Search for strings
def db_search(query,type=None):
results = []

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@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
## Caches in front of DB
## the volatile caches are intended mainly for excessive site navigation during one session
## the permanent caches are there to save data that is hard to calculate and never changes (old charts)
import psutil
import copy
import lru
from doreah.logging import log
from ..globalconf import malojaconfig
from .. import utilities
from .. import database as dbmain
if False:
def db_query(**kwargs):
return db_query_cached(**kwargs)
def db_aggregate(**kwargs):
return db_aggregate_cached(**kwargs)
def db_query(**kwargs):
return dbmain.db_query_full(**kwargs)
def db_aggregate(**kwargs):
return dbmain.db_aggregate_full(**kwargs)
csz = malojaconfig["DB_CACHE_ENTRIES"]
cmp = malojaconfig["DB_MAX_MEMORY"]
cache_query = lru.LRU(csz)
cache_query_perm = lru.LRU(csz)
cache_aggregate = lru.LRU(csz)
cache_aggregate_perm = lru.LRU(csz)
perm_caching = malojaconfig["CACHE_DATABASE_PERM"]
temp_caching = malojaconfig["CACHE_DATABASE_SHORT"]
cachestats = {
"name":"Query Cache"
"name":"Aggregate Cache"
from doreah.regular import runhourly
def log_stats():
logstr = "{name}: {hitsperm} Perm Hits, {hitstmp} Tmp Hits, {misses} Misses; Current Size: {sizeperm}/{sizetmp}"
for s in (cachestats["cache_query"],cachestats["cache_aggregate"]):
def db_query_cached(**kwargs):
global cache_query, cache_query_perm
key = utilities.serialize(kwargs)
eligible_permanent_caching = (
"timerange" in kwargs and
not kwargs["timerange"].active() and
eligible_temporary_caching = (
not eligible_permanent_caching and
# hit permanent cache for past timeranges
if eligible_permanent_caching and key in cache_query_perm:
cachestats["cache_query"]["hits_perm"] += 1
return copy.copy(cache_query_perm.get(key))
# hit short term cache
elif eligible_temporary_caching and key in cache_query:
cachestats["cache_query"]["hits_tmp"] += 1
return copy.copy(cache_query.get(key))
cachestats["cache_query"]["misses"] += 1
result = dbmain.db_query_full(**kwargs)
if eligible_permanent_caching: cache_query_perm[key] = result
elif eligible_temporary_caching: cache_query[key] = result
return result
def db_aggregate_cached(**kwargs):
global cache_aggregate, cache_aggregate_perm
key = utilities.serialize(kwargs)
eligible_permanent_caching = (
"timerange" in kwargs and
not kwargs["timerange"].active() and
eligible_temporary_caching = (
not eligible_permanent_caching and
# hit permanent cache for past timeranges
if eligible_permanent_caching and key in cache_aggregate_perm:
cachestats["cache_aggregate"]["hits_perm"] += 1
return copy.copy(cache_aggregate_perm.get(key))
# hit short term cache
elif eligible_temporary_caching and key in cache_aggregate:
cachestats["cache_aggregate"]["hits_tmp"] += 1
return copy.copy(cache_aggregate.get(key))
cachestats["cache_aggregate"]["misses"] += 1
result = dbmain.db_aggregate_full(**kwargs)
if eligible_permanent_caching: cache_aggregate_perm[key] = result
elif eligible_temporary_caching: cache_aggregate[key] = result
return result
def invalidate_caches():
global cache_query, cache_aggregate
log("Database caches invalidated.")
def reduce_caches(to=0.75):
global cache_query, cache_aggregate, cache_query_perm, cache_aggregate_perm
for c in cache_query, cache_aggregate, cache_query_perm, cache_aggregate_perm:
currentsize = len(c)
if currentsize > 100:
targetsize = max(int(currentsize * to),10)
def reduce_caches_if_low_ram():
ramprct = psutil.virtual_memory().percent
if ramprct > cmp:
log("{prct}% RAM usage, reducing caches!".format(prct=ramprct),module="debug")
ratio = (cmp / ramprct) ** 3

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@ -148,12 +148,7 @@ malojaconfig = Configuration(
"cache_expire_positive":(tp.Integer(), "Image Cache Expiration", 300, "Days until images are refetched"),
"cache_expire_negative":(tp.Integer(), "Image Cache Negative Expiration", 30, "Days until failed image fetches are reattempted"),
"use_db_cache":(tp.Boolean(), "Use DB Cache", True),
"cache_database_short":(tp.Boolean(), "Use volatile Database Cache", True),
"cache_database_perm":(tp.Boolean(), "Use permanent Database Cache", True),
"db_cache_entries":(tp.Integer(), "Maximal Cache entries", 10000),
"db_max_memory":(tp.Integer(max=100,min=20), "RAM Percentage Theshold", 75, "Maximal percentage of RAM that should be used by whole system before Maloja discards cache entries. Use a higher number if your Maloja runs on a dedicated instance (e.g. a container)")
"cache_expire_negative":(tp.Integer(), "Image Cache Negative Expiration", 30, "Days until failed image fetches are reattempted")
"scrobbles_gold":(tp.Integer(), "Scrobbles for Gold", 250, "How many scrobbles a track needs to be considered 'Gold' status"),