from htmlgenerators import *
import database
from utilities import getArtistImage, getTrackImage
from malojatime import *
from urihandler import compose_querystring, internal_to_uri, uri_to_internal
import urllib
import datetime
#def getpictures(ls,result,tracks=False):
# from utilities import getArtistsInfo, getTracksInfo
# if tracks:
# for element in getTracksInfo(ls):
# result.append(element.get("image"))
# else:
# for element in getArtistsInfo(ls):
# result.append(element.get("image"))
# artist=None,track=None,since=None,to=None,within=None,associated=False,max_=None,pictures=False
def module_scrobblelist(max_=None,pictures=False,shortTimeDesc=False,earlystop=False,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","track","associated")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within")
# if earlystop, we don't care about the actual amount and only request as many from the db
# without, we request everything and filter on site
maxkey = {"max_":max_} if earlystop else {}
scrobbles = database.get_scrobbles(**kwargs_time,**kwargs_filter,**maxkey)
if pictures:
scrobbleswithpictures = scrobbles if max_ is None else scrobbles[:max_]
#scrobbleimages = [e.get("image") for e in getTracksInfo(scrobbleswithpictures)] #will still work with scrobble objects as they are a technically a subset of track objects
#scrobbleimages = ["/image?title=" + urllib.parse.quote(t["title"]) + "&" + "&".join(["artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(a) for a in t["artists"]]) for t in scrobbleswithpictures]
scrobbleimages = [getTrackImage(t["artists"],t["title"],fast=True) for t in scrobbleswithpictures]
representative = scrobbles[0] if len(scrobbles) is not 0 else None
# build list
i = 0
html = "
for s in scrobbles:
html += "
html += "
" + time_desc(s["time"],short=shortTimeDesc) + "
if pictures:
img = scrobbleimages[i]
else: img = None
html += entity_column(s,image=img)
# Alternative way: Do it in one cell
#html += "
i += 1
if max_ is not None and i>=max_:
html += "
return (html,len(scrobbles),representative)
def module_pulse(max_=None,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","track","associated")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within","step","stepn","trail")
ranges = database.get_pulse(**kwargs_time,**kwargs_filter)
if max_ is not None: ranges = ranges[:max_]
# if time range not explicitly specified, only show from first appearance
# if "since" not in kwargs:
# while ranges[0]["scrobbles"] == 0:
# del ranges[0]
maxbar = max([t["scrobbles"] for t in ranges])
maxbar = max(maxbar,1)
#build list
html = "
for t in ranges:
fromstr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]])
tostr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]])
html += "
return html
def module_performance(max_=None,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","track")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within","step","stepn","trail")
ranges = database.get_performance(**kwargs_time,**kwargs_filter)
if max_ is not None: ranges = ranges[:max_]
# if time range not explicitly specified, only show from first appearance
# if "since" not in kwargs:
# while ranges[0]["scrobbles"] == 0:
# del ranges[0]
minrank = 80
for t in ranges:
if t["rank"] is not None and t["rank"] > minrank: minrank = t["rank"]
#build list
html = "
for t in ranges:
fromstr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]])
tostr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]])
html += "
html += "
" + range_desc(t["from"],t["to"],short=True) + "
html += "
" + ("#" + str(t["rank"]) if t["rank"] is not None else "No scrobbles") + "
prct = (minrank+1-t["rank"])*100/minrank if t["rank"] is not None else 0
html += "
return html
def module_trackcharts(max_=None,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","associated")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within")
tracks = database.get_charts_tracks(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)
# last time range (to compare)
if "within" in kwargs_time:
from malojatime import _get_next
trackslast = database.get_charts_tracks(**kwargs_filter,within=_get_next(kwargs_time["within"],step=-1))
# create rank association
lastrank = {}
for tl in trackslast:
lastrank[(*tl["track"]["artists"],tl["track"]["title"])] = tl["rank"]
for t in tracks:
t["delta"] = lastrank[(*t["track"]["artists"],t["track"]["title"])] - t["rank"]
t["delta"] = None
if tracks != []:
maxbar = tracks[0]["scrobbles"]
representative = tracks[0]["track"]
representative = None
i = 0
html = "
for e in tracks:
i += 1
if max_ is not None and i>max_:
html += "
# rank
if i == 1 or e["scrobbles"] < prev["scrobbles"]:
html += "
#" + str(i) + "
html += "
# rank change
if "within" not in kwargs_time: pass
elif e["delta"] is None:
html += "
elif e["delta"] > 0:
html += "
elif e["delta"] < 0:
html += "
html += "
# track
html += entity_column(e["track"])
# scrobbles
html += "
return (html,representative)
def module_artistcharts(max_=None,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"associated") #not used right now
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within")
artists = database.get_charts_artists(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)
# last time range (to compare)
if "within" in kwargs_time:
from malojatime import _get_next
artistslast = database.get_charts_artists(**kwargs_filter,within=_get_next(kwargs_time["within"],step=-1))
# create rank association
lastrank = {}
for al in artistslast:
lastrank[al["artist"]] = al["rank"]
for a in artists:
a["delta"] = lastrank[a["artist"]] - a["rank"]
a["delta"] = None
if artists != []:
maxbar = artists[0]["scrobbles"]
representative = artists[0]["artist"]
representative = None
i = 0
html = "
for e in artists:
i += 1
if max_ is not None and i>max_:
html += "
# rank
if i == 1 or e["scrobbles"] < prev["scrobbles"]:
html += "
#" + str(i) + "
html += "
# rank change
if "within" not in kwargs_time: pass
elif e["delta"] is None:
html += "
elif e["delta"] > 0:
html += "
elif e["delta"] < 0:
html += "
html += "
# artist
html += entity_column(e["artist"],counting=e["counting"])
# scrobbles
html += "
return (html, representative)
def module_toptracks(pictures=True,**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","associated")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within","step","stepn","trail")
tracks = database.get_top_tracks(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)
if tracks != []:
maxbar = max(t["scrobbles"] for t in tracks)
# track with most #1 positions
max_appear = 0
representatives = list(t["track"] for t in tracks if t["track"] is not None)
for t in representatives:
max_appear = max(max_appear,representatives.count(t))
#representatives.sort(key=lambda reftrack:len([t for t in tracks if t["track"] == reftrack["track"] and t["track"] is not None]))
representatives = [t for t in tracks if representatives.count(t["track"]) == max_appear]
# of these, track with highest scrobbles in its #1 range
representatives.sort(key=lambda t: t["scrobbles"])
representative = representatives[-1]["track"]
representative = None
i = 0
html = "
for e in tracks:
#fromstr = "/".join([str(p) for p in e["from"]])
#tostr = "/".join([str(p) for p in e["to"]])
limits = pickKeys(e,"since","to")
i += 1
html += "
html += "
" + range_desc(e["since"],e["to"],short=True) + "
if e["track"] is None:
if pictures:
html += "
html += "
" + "No scrobbles" + "
html += "
" + "" + "
html += "
" + "0" + "
html += "
" + "" + "
if pictures:
img = getTrackImage(e["track"]["artists"],e["track"]["title"],fast=True)
else: img = None
html += entity_column(e["track"],image=img)
html += "
return (html,representative)
def module_topartists(pictures=True,**kwargs):
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within","step","stepn","trail")
artists = database.get_top_artists(**kwargs_time)
if artists != []:
maxbar = max(a["scrobbles"] for a in artists)
# artists with most #1 positions
max_appear = 0
representatives = list(a["artist"] for a in artists if a["artist"] is not None)
for a in representatives:
max_appear = max(max_appear,representatives.count(a))
representatives = [a for a in artists if representatives.count(a["artist"]) == max_appear]
# of these, artist with highest scrobbles in their #1 range
representatives.sort(key=lambda a: a["scrobbles"])
representative = representatives[-1]["artist"]
representative = None
i = 0
html = "
for e in artists:
#fromstr = "/".join([str(p) for p in e["from"]])
#tostr = "/".join([str(p) for p in e["to"]])
limits = pickKeys(e,"since","to")
i += 1
html += "
html += "
" + range_desc(e["since"],e["to"],short=True) + "
if e["artist"] is None:
if pictures:
html += "
html += "
" + "No scrobbles" + "
html += "
" + "0" + "
html += "
" + "" + "
if pictures:
img = getArtistImage(e["artist"],fast=True)
else: img = None
html += entity_column(e["artist"],image=img)
html += "
return (html,representative)
def module_artistcharts_tiles(**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"associated") #not used right now
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within")
artists = database.get_charts_artists(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)[:14]
while len(artists)<14: artists.append(None)
i = 1
bigpart = [0,1,2,6,15]
smallpart = [0,1,2,4,6,9,12,15]
#rnk = (0,0) #temporary store so entries with the same scrobble amount get the same rank
html = """
for e in artists:
if i in bigpart:
n = bigpart.index(i)
html += """
return html
def module_trackcharts_tiles(**kwargs):
kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","associated")
kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within")
tracks = database.get_charts_tracks(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)[:14]
while len(tracks)<14: tracks.append(None) #{"track":{"title":"","artists":[]}}
i = 1
bigpart = [0,1,2,6,15]
smallpart = [0,1,2,4,6,9,12,15]
#rnk = (0,0) #temporary store so entries with the same scrobble amount get the same rank
html = """
for e in tracks:
if i in bigpart:
n = bigpart.index(i)
html += """
return html
def module_filterselection(keys,time=True,delimit=False):
filterkeys, timekeys, delimitkeys, extrakeys = uri_to_internal(keys)
html = ""
if time:
# all other keys that will not be changed by clicking another filter
#keystr = "?" + compose_querystring(keys,exclude=["since","to","in"])
unchangedkeys = internal_to_uri({**filterkeys,**delimitkeys,**extrakeys})
# wonky selector for precise date range
# fromdate = start_of_scrobbling()
# todate = end_of_scrobbling()
# if keys.get("since") is not None: fromdate = keys.get("since")
# if keys.get("to") is not None: todate = keys.get("to")
# if keys.get("in") is not None: fromdate, todate = keys.get("in"), keys.get("in")
# fromdate = time_fix(fromdate)
# todate = time_fix(todate)
# fromdate, todate = time_pad(fromdate,todate,full=True)
# fromdate = [str(e) if e>9 else "0" + str(e) for e in fromdate]
# todate = [str(e) if e>9 else "0" + str(e) for e in todate]
# html += "
# html += "from "
# html += "to "
# html += "
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
today = [now.year,now.month,]
thismonth = today[:2]
thisyear = thismonth[:1]
### temp!!! this will not allow weekly rank changes
weekday = ((now.isoweekday()) % 7)
weekbegin = now - datetime.timedelta(days=weekday)
weekend = weekbegin + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
weekbegin = [weekbegin.year,weekbegin.month,]
weekend = [weekend.year,weekend.month,]
weekbeginstr = "/".join((str(num) for num in weekbegin))
weekendstr = "/".join((str(num) for num in weekend))
html += "
if timekeys.get("since") == today or timekeys.get("within") == today:
html += "Today"
html += "Today"
html += " | "
if timekeys.get("since") == weekbegin and timekeys.get("to") == weekend:
html += "This Week"
html += "This Week"
html += " | "
if timekeys.get("since") == thismonth or timekeys.get("within") == thismonth:
html += "This Month"
html += "This Month"
html += " | "
if timekeys.get("since") == thisyear or timekeys.get("within") == thisyear:
html += "This Year"
html += "This Year"
html += " | "
if timekeys.get("since") is None and timekeys.get("within") is None:
html += "All Time"
html += "All Time"
html += "
if delimit:
#keystr = "?" + compose_querystring(keys,exclude=["step","stepn"])
unchangedkeys = internal_to_uri({**filterkeys,**timekeys,**extrakeys})
# only for this element (delimit selector consists of more than one)
unchangedkeys_sub = internal_to_uri({k:delimitkeys[k] for k in delimitkeys if k not in ["step","stepn"]})
html += "
if delimitkeys.get("step") == "day" and delimitkeys.get("stepn") == 1:
html += "Daily"
html += "Daily"
html += " | "
if (delimitkeys.get("step") == "month" or delimitkeys.get("step") is None) and delimitkeys.get("stepn") == 1:
html += "Monthly"
html += "Monthly"
html += " | "
if delimitkeys.get("step") == "year" and delimitkeys.get("stepn") == 1:
html += "Yearly"
html += "Yearly"
html += "
unchangedkeys_sub = internal_to_uri({k:delimitkeys[k] for k in delimitkeys if k != "trail"})
html += "
if delimitkeys.get("trail") == 1 or delimitkeys.get("trail") is None:
html += "Standard"
html += "Standard"
html += " | "
if delimitkeys.get("trail") == 2:
html += "Trailing"
html += "Trailing"
html += " | "
if delimitkeys.get("trail") == 3:
html += "Long Trailing"
html += "Long Trailing"
html += "