- added `/:paletteSlug/:resolution` functionality for localhost testing
- created `currFile.sublayers` for *things that should zoom with the canvas layers*
- `currFile.layers` now solely contains the canvas layers
- added `getProjectData` to `FileManager`'s exported methods
- added `FileManager.localStorageSave` (it's basically just: localStorage.setItem("lpe-cache",FileManager.getProjectData()))
- added `FileManager.localStorageCheck` (it's basically just: `!!localStorage.getItem("lpe-cache")`)
- added `FileManager.localStorageLoad` (it's basically just: `return localStorage.getItem("lpe-cache")`)
- added `FileManager.localStorageReset` (for debugging purity)
- calling `FileManager.localStorageSave()` on mouse up (we should stress test this)
- changed lpe file format to `{canvasWidth:number,canvasHeight:number,selectedLayer:number,colors:[],layers:[]}`
- added backward compatibility for the old lpe file format
- added some canvas utility functions in `canvas_util`
- added Unsettled's color similarity utility functions in `color_util2`
- html boilerplate - wang tiles
- POC - tiny text boilerplate
- POC - tiny text font scraper
- WIP - added two optional url route parameters `/:paletteSlug/:resolution/:prefillWidth/:prefillBinaryStr`
- WIP POC - hbs_parser.js (outputs tree data about hbs file relationships)
- Added Color class to make color representation and convertions more uniform
- Replaced standard convertions with Color.convertion
- Removed _algorithms.js, _deleteColor.js, ajax.js and the other convertion files
- Fixed bug in ColorModule, moved replaceAllOfColor to ColorModule as well as deleteColor