
759 lines
23 KiB

# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
# 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository
# for complete details.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import abc
import datetime
import os
from enum import Enum
import six
from cryptography import utils
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import (
dsa, ec, ed25519, ed448, rsa
from cryptography.x509.extensions import Extension, ExtensionType
from import Name
_EARLIEST_UTC_TIME = datetime.datetime(1950, 1, 1)
def _reject_duplicate_extension(extension, extensions):
# This is quadratic in the number of extensions
for e in extensions:
if e.oid == extension.oid:
raise ValueError('This extension has already been set.')
def _convert_to_naive_utc_time(time):
"""Normalizes a datetime to a naive datetime in UTC.
time -- datetime to normalize. Assumed to be in UTC if not timezone
if time.tzinfo is not None:
offset = time.utcoffset()
offset = offset if offset else datetime.timedelta()
return time.replace(tzinfo=None) - offset
return time
class Version(Enum):
v1 = 0
v3 = 2
def load_pem_x509_certificate(data, backend):
return backend.load_pem_x509_certificate(data)
def load_der_x509_certificate(data, backend):
return backend.load_der_x509_certificate(data)
def load_pem_x509_csr(data, backend):
return backend.load_pem_x509_csr(data)
def load_der_x509_csr(data, backend):
return backend.load_der_x509_csr(data)
def load_pem_x509_crl(data, backend):
return backend.load_pem_x509_crl(data)
def load_der_x509_crl(data, backend):
return backend.load_der_x509_crl(data)
class InvalidVersion(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg, parsed_version):
super(InvalidVersion, self).__init__(msg)
self.parsed_version = parsed_version
class Certificate(object):
def fingerprint(self, algorithm):
Returns bytes using digest passed.
def serial_number(self):
Returns certificate serial number
def version(self):
Returns the certificate version
def public_key(self):
Returns the public key
def not_valid_before(self):
Not before time (represented as UTC datetime)
def not_valid_after(self):
Not after time (represented as UTC datetime)
def issuer(self):
Returns the issuer name object.
def subject(self):
Returns the subject name object.
def signature_hash_algorithm(self):
Returns a HashAlgorithm corresponding to the type of the digest signed
in the certificate.
def signature_algorithm_oid(self):
Returns the ObjectIdentifier of the signature algorithm.
def extensions(self):
Returns an Extensions object.
def signature(self):
Returns the signature bytes.
def tbs_certificate_bytes(self):
Returns the tbsCertificate payload bytes as defined in RFC 5280.
def __eq__(self, other):
Checks equality.
def __ne__(self, other):
Checks not equal.
def __hash__(self):
Computes a hash.
def public_bytes(self, encoding):
Serializes the certificate to PEM or DER format.
class CertificateRevocationList(object):
def public_bytes(self, encoding):
Serializes the CRL to PEM or DER format.
def fingerprint(self, algorithm):
Returns bytes using digest passed.
def get_revoked_certificate_by_serial_number(self, serial_number):
Returns an instance of RevokedCertificate or None if the serial_number
is not in the CRL.
def signature_hash_algorithm(self):
Returns a HashAlgorithm corresponding to the type of the digest signed
in the certificate.
def signature_algorithm_oid(self):
Returns the ObjectIdentifier of the signature algorithm.
def issuer(self):
Returns the X509Name with the issuer of this CRL.
def next_update(self):
Returns the date of next update for this CRL.
def last_update(self):
Returns the date of last update for this CRL.
def extensions(self):
Returns an Extensions object containing a list of CRL extensions.
def signature(self):
Returns the signature bytes.
def tbs_certlist_bytes(self):
Returns the tbsCertList payload bytes as defined in RFC 5280.
def __eq__(self, other):
Checks equality.
def __ne__(self, other):
Checks not equal.
def __len__(self):
Number of revoked certificates in the CRL.
def __getitem__(self, idx):
Returns a revoked certificate (or slice of revoked certificates).
def __iter__(self):
Iterator over the revoked certificates
def is_signature_valid(self, public_key):
Verifies signature of revocation list against given public key.
class CertificateSigningRequest(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
Checks equality.
def __ne__(self, other):
Checks not equal.
def __hash__(self):
Computes a hash.
def public_key(self):
Returns the public key
def subject(self):
Returns the subject name object.
def signature_hash_algorithm(self):
Returns a HashAlgorithm corresponding to the type of the digest signed
in the certificate.
def signature_algorithm_oid(self):
Returns the ObjectIdentifier of the signature algorithm.
def extensions(self):
Returns the extensions in the signing request.
def public_bytes(self, encoding):
Encodes the request to PEM or DER format.
def signature(self):
Returns the signature bytes.
def tbs_certrequest_bytes(self):
Returns the PKCS#10 CertificationRequestInfo bytes as defined in RFC
def is_signature_valid(self):
Verifies signature of signing request.
class RevokedCertificate(object):
def serial_number(self):
Returns the serial number of the revoked certificate.
def revocation_date(self):
Returns the date of when this certificate was revoked.
def extensions(self):
Returns an Extensions object containing a list of Revoked extensions.
class CertificateSigningRequestBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, subject_name=None, extensions=[]):
Creates an empty X.509 certificate request (v1).
self._subject_name = subject_name
self._extensions = extensions
def subject_name(self, name):
Sets the certificate requestor's distinguished name.
if not isinstance(name, Name):
raise TypeError('Expecting x509.Name object.')
if self._subject_name is not None:
raise ValueError('The subject name may only be set once.')
return CertificateSigningRequestBuilder(name, self._extensions)
def add_extension(self, extension, critical):
Adds an X.509 extension to the certificate request.
if not isinstance(extension, ExtensionType):
raise TypeError("extension must be an ExtensionType")
extension = Extension(extension.oid, critical, extension)
_reject_duplicate_extension(extension, self._extensions)
return CertificateSigningRequestBuilder(
self._subject_name, self._extensions + [extension]
def sign(self, private_key, algorithm, backend):
Signs the request using the requestor's private key.
if self._subject_name is None:
raise ValueError("A CertificateSigningRequest must have a subject")
return backend.create_x509_csr(self, private_key, algorithm)
class CertificateBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, issuer_name=None, subject_name=None,
public_key=None, serial_number=None, not_valid_before=None,
not_valid_after=None, extensions=[]):
self._version = Version.v3
self._issuer_name = issuer_name
self._subject_name = subject_name
self._public_key = public_key
self._serial_number = serial_number
self._not_valid_before = not_valid_before
self._not_valid_after = not_valid_after
self._extensions = extensions
def issuer_name(self, name):
Sets the CA's distinguished name.
if not isinstance(name, Name):
raise TypeError('Expecting x509.Name object.')
if self._issuer_name is not None:
raise ValueError('The issuer name may only be set once.')
return CertificateBuilder(
name, self._subject_name, self._public_key,
self._serial_number, self._not_valid_before,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions
def subject_name(self, name):
Sets the requestor's distinguished name.
if not isinstance(name, Name):
raise TypeError('Expecting x509.Name object.')
if self._subject_name is not None:
raise ValueError('The subject name may only be set once.')
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, name, self._public_key,
self._serial_number, self._not_valid_before,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions
def public_key(self, key):
Sets the requestor's public key (as found in the signing request).
if not isinstance(key, (dsa.DSAPublicKey, rsa.RSAPublicKey,
raise TypeError('Expecting one of DSAPublicKey, RSAPublicKey,'
' EllipticCurvePublicKey, Ed25519PublicKey or'
' Ed448PublicKey.')
if self._public_key is not None:
raise ValueError('The public key may only be set once.')
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._subject_name, key,
self._serial_number, self._not_valid_before,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions
def serial_number(self, number):
Sets the certificate serial number.
if not isinstance(number, six.integer_types):
raise TypeError('Serial number must be of integral type.')
if self._serial_number is not None:
raise ValueError('The serial number may only be set once.')
if number <= 0:
raise ValueError('The serial number should be positive.')
# ASN.1 integers are always signed, so most significant bit must be
# zero.
if number.bit_length() >= 160: # As defined in RFC 5280
raise ValueError('The serial number should not be more than 159 '
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._subject_name,
self._public_key, number, self._not_valid_before,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions
def not_valid_before(self, time):
Sets the certificate activation time.
if not isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Expecting datetime object.')
if self._not_valid_before is not None:
raise ValueError('The not valid before may only be set once.')
time = _convert_to_naive_utc_time(time)
raise ValueError('The not valid before date must be on or after'
' 1950 January 1).')
if self._not_valid_after is not None and time > self._not_valid_after:
raise ValueError(
'The not valid before date must be before the not valid after '
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._subject_name,
self._public_key, self._serial_number, time,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions
def not_valid_after(self, time):
Sets the certificate expiration time.
if not isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Expecting datetime object.')
if self._not_valid_after is not None:
raise ValueError('The not valid after may only be set once.')
time = _convert_to_naive_utc_time(time)
raise ValueError('The not valid after date must be on or after'
' 1950 January 1.')
if (self._not_valid_before is not None and
time < self._not_valid_before):
raise ValueError(
'The not valid after date must be after the not valid before '
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._subject_name,
self._public_key, self._serial_number, self._not_valid_before,
time, self._extensions
def add_extension(self, extension, critical):
Adds an X.509 extension to the certificate.
if not isinstance(extension, ExtensionType):
raise TypeError("extension must be an ExtensionType")
extension = Extension(extension.oid, critical, extension)
_reject_duplicate_extension(extension, self._extensions)
return CertificateBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._subject_name,
self._public_key, self._serial_number, self._not_valid_before,
self._not_valid_after, self._extensions + [extension]
def sign(self, private_key, algorithm, backend):
Signs the certificate using the CA's private key.
if self._subject_name is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have a subject name")
if self._issuer_name is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have an issuer name")
if self._serial_number is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have a serial number")
if self._not_valid_before is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have a not valid before time")
if self._not_valid_after is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have a not valid after time")
if self._public_key is None:
raise ValueError("A certificate must have a public key")
return backend.create_x509_certificate(self, private_key, algorithm)
class CertificateRevocationListBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, issuer_name=None, last_update=None, next_update=None,
extensions=[], revoked_certificates=[]):
self._issuer_name = issuer_name
self._last_update = last_update
self._next_update = next_update
self._extensions = extensions
self._revoked_certificates = revoked_certificates
def issuer_name(self, issuer_name):
if not isinstance(issuer_name, Name):
raise TypeError('Expecting x509.Name object.')
if self._issuer_name is not None:
raise ValueError('The issuer name may only be set once.')
return CertificateRevocationListBuilder(
issuer_name, self._last_update, self._next_update,
self._extensions, self._revoked_certificates
def last_update(self, last_update):
if not isinstance(last_update, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Expecting datetime object.')
if self._last_update is not None:
raise ValueError('Last update may only be set once.')
last_update = _convert_to_naive_utc_time(last_update)
if last_update < _EARLIEST_UTC_TIME:
raise ValueError('The last update date must be on or after'
' 1950 January 1.')
if self._next_update is not None and last_update > self._next_update:
raise ValueError(
'The last update date must be before the next update date.'
return CertificateRevocationListBuilder(
self._issuer_name, last_update, self._next_update,
self._extensions, self._revoked_certificates
def next_update(self, next_update):
if not isinstance(next_update, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Expecting datetime object.')
if self._next_update is not None:
raise ValueError('Last update may only be set once.')
next_update = _convert_to_naive_utc_time(next_update)
if next_update < _EARLIEST_UTC_TIME:
raise ValueError('The last update date must be on or after'
' 1950 January 1.')
if self._last_update is not None and next_update < self._last_update:
raise ValueError(
'The next update date must be after the last update date.'
return CertificateRevocationListBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._last_update, next_update,
self._extensions, self._revoked_certificates
def add_extension(self, extension, critical):
Adds an X.509 extension to the certificate revocation list.
if not isinstance(extension, ExtensionType):
raise TypeError("extension must be an ExtensionType")
extension = Extension(extension.oid, critical, extension)
_reject_duplicate_extension(extension, self._extensions)
return CertificateRevocationListBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._last_update, self._next_update,
self._extensions + [extension], self._revoked_certificates
def add_revoked_certificate(self, revoked_certificate):
Adds a revoked certificate to the CRL.
if not isinstance(revoked_certificate, RevokedCertificate):
raise TypeError("Must be an instance of RevokedCertificate")
return CertificateRevocationListBuilder(
self._issuer_name, self._last_update,
self._next_update, self._extensions,
self._revoked_certificates + [revoked_certificate]
def sign(self, private_key, algorithm, backend):
if self._issuer_name is None:
raise ValueError("A CRL must have an issuer name")
if self._last_update is None:
raise ValueError("A CRL must have a last update time")
if self._next_update is None:
raise ValueError("A CRL must have a next update time")
return backend.create_x509_crl(self, private_key, algorithm)
class RevokedCertificateBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, serial_number=None, revocation_date=None,
self._serial_number = serial_number
self._revocation_date = revocation_date
self._extensions = extensions
def serial_number(self, number):
if not isinstance(number, six.integer_types):
raise TypeError('Serial number must be of integral type.')
if self._serial_number is not None:
raise ValueError('The serial number may only be set once.')
if number <= 0:
raise ValueError('The serial number should be positive')
# ASN.1 integers are always signed, so most significant bit must be
# zero.
if number.bit_length() >= 160: # As defined in RFC 5280
raise ValueError('The serial number should not be more than 159 '
return RevokedCertificateBuilder(
number, self._revocation_date, self._extensions
def revocation_date(self, time):
if not isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
raise TypeError('Expecting datetime object.')
if self._revocation_date is not None:
raise ValueError('The revocation date may only be set once.')
time = _convert_to_naive_utc_time(time)
raise ValueError('The revocation date must be on or after'
' 1950 January 1.')
return RevokedCertificateBuilder(
self._serial_number, time, self._extensions
def add_extension(self, extension, critical):
if not isinstance(extension, ExtensionType):
raise TypeError("extension must be an ExtensionType")
extension = Extension(extension.oid, critical, extension)
_reject_duplicate_extension(extension, self._extensions)
return RevokedCertificateBuilder(
self._serial_number, self._revocation_date,
self._extensions + [extension]
def build(self, backend):
if self._serial_number is None:
raise ValueError("A revoked certificate must have a serial number")
if self._revocation_date is None:
raise ValueError(
"A revoked certificate must have a revocation date"
return backend.create_x509_revoked_certificate(self)
def random_serial_number():
return utils.int_from_bytes(os.urandom(20), "big") >> 1