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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
x.websocket: Fixes wss connection failures to certain addresses (#7247)
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ fn C.SSL_library_init()
fn C.SSLv23_client_method() &C.SSL_METHOD
fn C.TLS_method() voidptr
fn C.TLSv1_2_method() voidptr
fn init() {
@ -83,23 +83,46 @@ pub fn (mut s SSLConn) shutdown() ? {
// connect to server using open ssl
pub fn (mut s SSLConn) connect(mut tcp_conn net.TcpConn) ? {
pub fn (mut s SSLConn) connect(mut tcp_conn net.TcpConn, hostname string) ? {
s.handle = tcp_conn.sock.handle
s.duration = tcp_conn.read_timeout()
// C.SSL_load_error_strings()
s.sslctx = C.SSL_CTX_new(C.SSLv23_client_method())
if s.sslctx == 0 {
return error("Couldn't get ssl context")
// TODO: Fix option to enable/disable checks for valid
// certificates to allow both secure and self signed
// for now the checks are not done at all to comply
// to current autobahn tests
// C.SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(s.sslctx, 4)
// C.SSL_CTX_set_options(s.sslctx, flags)
// mut res := C.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(s.sslctx, 'random-org-chain.pem', 0)
s.ssl = C.SSL_new(s.sslctx)
if s.ssl == 0 {
return error("Couldn't create OpenSSL instance.")
// preferred_ciphers := 'HIGH:!aNULL:!kRSA:!PSK:!SRP:!MD5:!RC4'
// mut res := C.SSL_set_cipher_list(s.ssl, preferred_ciphers.str)
// if res != 1 {
// println('http: openssl: cipher failed')
// }
mut res := C.SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(s.ssl, hostname.str)
if res != 1 {
return error('cannot set host name')
if C.SSL_set_fd(s.ssl, tcp_conn.sock.handle) != 1 {
return error("Couldn't assign ssl to socket.")
for {
res := C.SSL_connect(s.ssl)
res = C.SSL_connect(s.ssl)
if res != 1 {
err_res := openssl.ssl_error(res, s.ssl)?
if err_res == .ssl_error_want_read {
@ -216,7 +239,6 @@ fn @select(handle int, test Select, timeout time.Duration) ?bool {
seconds := timeout.milliseconds() / 1000
microseconds := timeout - (seconds * time.second)
mut tt := C.timeval{
tv_sec: u64(seconds)
tv_usec: u64(microseconds)
@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ fn (mut ws Client) shutdown_socket() ? {
// dial_socket connects tcp socket and initializes default configurations
fn (mut ws Client) dial_socket() ?net.TcpConn {
mut t := net.dial_tcp('$ws.uri.hostname:$ws.uri.port') ?
tcp_address := '$ws.uri.hostname:$ws.uri.port'
mut t := net.dial_tcp(tcp_address) ?
optval := int(1)
t.sock.set_option_int(.keep_alive, optval) ?
t.set_read_timeout(10 * time.millisecond)
t.set_write_timeout(10 * time.millisecond)
t.set_read_timeout(30 * time.second)
t.set_write_timeout(30 * time.second)
if ws.is_ssl {
ws.ssl_conn.connect(mut t) ?
ws.ssl_conn.connect(mut t, ws.uri.hostname) ?
return t
Reference in New Issue
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