mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

compiler: make [live] fn unlock its mutex on early return

This commit is contained in:
Delyan Angelov 2020-01-14 19:58:46 +02:00 committed by Alexander Medvednikov
parent 26374971ab
commit 4838dda59a
6 changed files with 64 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ fn main() {
println('Starting the game loop...')
go game.run()
for {
if window.should_close() {
gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
@ -101,5 +104,3 @@ fn (game mut Game) run() {

View File

@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ fn main() {
go update() // update the scene in the background in case the window isn't focused
for {
for {
if ctx.gg.window.should_close() {

View File

@ -225,10 +225,8 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
is_deprecated: p.attr == 'deprecated'
comptime_define: if p.attr.starts_with('if ') { p.attr[3..] } else { '' }
is_live := p.attr == 'live' && !p.pref.is_so && p.pref.is_live
if p.attr == 'live' && p.first_pass() && !p.pref.is_live && !p.pref.is_so {
println('INFO: run `v -live program.v` if you want to use [live] functions')
is_live := p.pref.is_live && p.attr == 'live'
is_solive := p.pref.is_solive && p.attr == 'live'
if is_pub {
@ -488,6 +486,7 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
if is_c {
// Register the method
if receiver_typ != '' {
mut receiver_t := p.table.find_type(receiver_typ)
@ -509,6 +508,11 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
// '$p.file_name')
if p.first_pass() && p.attr == 'live' && !(is_live || is_solive) {
println('INFO: run `v -live $p.v.dir `, if you want to use [live] function $f.name .')
if p.is_vh || p.first_pass() || is_live || is_fn_header || skip_main_in_test {
// First pass? Skip the body for now
// Look for generic calls.
@ -532,10 +536,34 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
if p.attr == 'live' && p.pref.is_so {
// p.genln('// live_function body start')
if is_solive {
// Live functions are protected by a mutex, because otherwise they
// can be changed by the live reload thread, *while* they are
// running, with unpredictable results (usually just crashing).
// For this purpose, the actual body of the live function,
// is put under a non publicly accessible function, that is prefixed
// with 'impl_live_' .
// The live function just calls its implementation dual, while ensuring
// that the call is wrapped by the mutex lock & unlock calls.
// Adding the mutex lock/unlock inside the body of the implementation
// function is not reliable, because the implementation function can do
// an early exit, which will leave the mutex locked.
function_args := f.str_args_without_types(p.table)
mut live_fncall := 'impl_live_${fn_name_cgen}(${function_args});'
mut live_fnreturn := ''
if typ != 'void' {
live_fncall = '$typ res = $live_fncall'
live_fnreturn = 'return res;'
p.genln(' pthread_mutex_lock(&live_fn_mutex);')
p.genln(' $live_fncall')
p.genln(' pthread_mutex_unlock(&live_fn_mutex);')
p.genln(' $live_fnreturn')
p.genln('$typ impl_live_${fn_name_cgen} ($str_args){')
if f.name in ['main__main', 'main', 'WinMain'] {
if p.pref.is_test {
p.error_with_token_index('tests cannot have function `main`', f.fn_name_token_idx)
@ -569,10 +597,6 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
if typ != 'void' && !p.returns {
p.error_with_token_index('$f.name must return "$typ"', f.fn_name_token_idx)
if p.attr == 'live' && p.pref.is_so {
// p.genln('// live_function body end')
if p.pref.x64 && f.name == 'main__main' && !p.first_pass() {
@ -1611,6 +1635,16 @@ fn (f &Fn) str_args(table &Table) string {
return s
// f.args => "a, b, c"
fn (f &Fn) str_args_without_types(table &Table) string {
mut res := []string
for arg in f.args {
res << arg.name
return res.join(', ')
// find local function variable with closest name to `name`
fn (p &Parser) find_misspelled_local_var(name string, min_match f32) string {
mut closest := f32(0)

View File

@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ fn (p mut Parser) gen_fn_decl(f Fn, typ, str_args string) {
dll_export_linkage := if p.pref.ccompiler == 'msvc' && p.attr == 'live' && p.pref.is_so { '__declspec(dllexport) ' } else if p.attr == 'inline' { 'static inline ' } else { '' }
fn_name_cgen := p.table.fn_gen_name(f)
// str_args := f.str_args(p.table)
if p.attr == 'live' && p.pref.is_so {
// See fn.v for details about impl_live_ functions
p.genln('$typ impl_live_${fn_name_cgen} ($str_args);')
p.genln('$dll_export_linkage$typ $fn_name_cgen ($str_args) {')

View File

@ -100,9 +100,11 @@ fn (v &V) generate_hot_reload_code() {
ticks := time.ticks()
diff := time.ticks() - ticks
println('compiling shared library took $diff ms')
if v.pref.is_verbose {
diff := time.ticks() - ticks
println('compiling shared library took $diff ms')
void lfnmutex_print(char *s){

View File

@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ fn (v mut V) generate_init() {
if !v.pref.is_bare {
if !v.pref.is_bare && !v.pref.is_so {
// vlib can't have `init_consts()`
v.cgen.genln('void init() {
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ pub fn (v mut V) generate_main() {
v.gen_main_end('return g_test_fails > 0')
else if v.table.main_exists() {
else if v.table.main_exists() && !v.pref.is_so {
cgen.genln(' main__main();')
if !v.pref.is_bare {