mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

vweb: fix reading request's body/headers

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Medvednikov 2019-12-13 23:01:36 +03:00
parent fb3da327d6
commit 797d4364e7

View File

@ -132,24 +132,31 @@ pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
conn := l.accept() or { panic('accept() failed') }
// TODO move this to handle_conn<T>(conn, app)
message := readall(conn)
//message := readall(conn)
if message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE {
println('message.len = $message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE')
conn.send_string(HTTP_500) or {}
conn.close() or {}
lines := message.split_into_lines()
//lines := message.split_into_lines()
if lines.len < 2 {
conn.send_string(HTTP_500) or {}
conn.close() or {}
first_line := strip(lines[0])
//first_line := strip(lines[0])
first_line := conn.read_line()
$if debug { println(first_line) }
// Parse the first line
// "GET / HTTP/1.1"
@ -164,13 +171,40 @@ pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
mut headers := []string
mut body := ''
mut in_headers := true
for line in lines[1..] {
mut len := 0
mut body_len := 0
//for line in lines[1..] {
for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
line := conn.read_line()
sline := strip(line)
if sline == '' { in_headers = false }
if sline == '' {
//if in_headers {
// End of headers, no body => exit
if len == 0 {
//} //else {
// End of body
in_headers = false
if in_headers {
headers << sline
if sline.starts_with('Content-Length') {
len = sline.all_after(': ').int()
//println('GOT CL=$len')
} else {
body += strip(sline) + '\r\n'
body += sline + '\r\n'
body_len += body.len
if body_len >= len {
@ -182,11 +216,11 @@ pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
action = 'index'
req := http.Request{
headers: http.parse_headers(headers) //s.split_into_lines())
ws_func: 0
user_ptr: 0
method: vals[0]
url: vals[1]
headers: http.parse_headers(headers) //s.split_into_lines())
ws_func: 0
user_ptr: 0
method: vals[0]
url: vals[1]
$if debug {
println('req.headers = ')
@ -204,6 +238,7 @@ pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
if req.method in methods_with_form {
body = strip(body)
println('body="$body"' )
if vals.len < 2 {
@ -311,12 +346,14 @@ pub fn (ctx mut Context) serve_static(url, file_path, mime_type string) {
fn readall(conn net.Socket) string {
// read all message from socket
//printf("waitall=%d\n", C.MSG_WAITALL)
mut message := ''
buf := [1024]byte
for {
n := C.recv(conn.sockfd, buf, 1024, 2)
n := C.recv(conn.sockfd, buf, 1024, 0)
m := conn.crecv(buf, 1024)
message += string( byteptr(buf), m )
if message.len > MAX_HTTP_POST_SIZE { break }
@ -324,6 +361,7 @@ fn readall(conn net.Socket) string {
return message
fn strip(s string) string {
// strip('\nabc\r\n') => 'abc'