mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
compiler: generics - support across modules/files
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ pub mut:
fn main() {
mut app := App{}
vweb.run(app, port)
app := App{}
vweb.run(mut app, port)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ pub fn (app mut App) init() {
pub fn (app mut App) json_endpoint() {
pub fn (app & App) json_endpoint() {
app.vweb.json('{"a": 3}')
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ pub fn (app mut App) index() {
pub fn (app mut App) text() {
pub fn (app & App) text() {
app.vweb.text('hello world')
@ -240,9 +240,6 @@ fn (p mut Parser) name_expr() string {
mut typ := name
if typ in p.cur_fn.dispatch_of.inst.keys() {
typ = p.cur_fn.dispatch_of.inst[typ]
for p.tok == .dot {
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ mut:
defer_text []string
type_pars []string
type_inst []TypeInst
dispatch_of TypeInst // current type inst of this generic instance
body_idx int // idx of the first body statement
// dispatch_of TypeInst // current type inst of this generic instance
generic_tmpl []Token
fn_name_token_idx int // used by error reporting
comptime_define string
is_used bool // so that we can skip unused fns in resulting C code
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
f.is_c = true
else if !p.pref.translated {
if contains_capital(f.name) && !p.fileis('view.v') {
if contains_capital(f.name) && !p.fileis('view.v') && !p.is_vgen {
p.error('function names cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead')
@ -402,27 +402,19 @@ fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
// Generic functions are inserted as needed from the call site
if f.is_generic {
if p.first_pass() {
f.body_idx = p.cur_tok_index()+1
p.save_generic_tmpl(mut f, p.cur_tok_index())
if f.is_method {
rcv := p.table.find_type(receiver_typ)
if p.first_pass() && rcv.name == '' {
r := Type {
name: rcv.name.replace('*', '')
mod: p.mod
is_placeholder: true
p.error('cannot currently add generic method to a type declared after it or in another module')
// println('added generic method $rcv.name $f.name')
// println('added generic method r:$rcv.name f:$f.name')
p.add_method(rcv.name, f)
} else {
if f.is_method { p.mark_var_changed(f.args[0]) }
p.set_current_fn( EmptyFn )
p.returns = false
} else {
@ -1239,65 +1231,32 @@ fn (p mut Parser) extract_type_inst(f &Fn, args_ []string) TypeInst {
for tp in f.type_pars {
if r.inst[tp] == '' {
p.error_with_token_index('unused type parameter `$tp`', f.body_idx-2)
// p.error_with_token_index('unused type parameter `$tp`', f.body_idx-2)
p.error('unused type parameter `$tp`')
return r
// Replace type params of a given generic function using a TypeInst
fn (p mut Parser) replace_type_params(f &Fn, ti TypeInst) []string {
mut sig := []string
for a in f.args {
sig << a.typ
sig << f.typ
mut r := []string
for _, a in sig {
mut fi := a
mut fr := ''
if fi.starts_with('fn (') {
fr += 'fn ('
mut fn_args := fi[4..].all_before(') ').split(',')
fn_args << fi.all_after(') ')
for i, fa_ in fn_args {
mut fna := fa_.trim_space()
for fna.starts_with('array_') {
fna = fna[6..]
fr += 'array_'
if fna in ti.inst.keys() {
fr += ti.inst[fna]
} else {
fr += fna
if i <= fn_args.len-3 {
fr += ','
} else if i == fn_args.len-2 {
fr += ') '
// Replace function type and type of params for a given generic function using a TypeInst
fn (p mut Parser) replace_type_params(f mut Fn, ti TypeInst) {
mut args2 := []Var
mut args := f.args
for i, _ in args {
mut arg := args[i]
for k, v in ti.inst {
for arg.typ.contains(k) {
arg.typ = arg.typ.replace(k, v)
r << fr
for fi.starts_with('array_') {
fi = fi[6..]
fr += 'array_'
if fi.starts_with('varg_') {
fi = fi[5..]
fr += 'varg_'
if fi in ti.inst.keys() {
mut t := ti.inst[fi]
fr += t
// println("replaced $a => $fr")
} else {
fr += fi
r << fr
args2 << arg
return r
for k, v in ti.inst {
for f.typ.contains(k) {
f.typ = f.typ.replace(k, v)
f.args = args2
fn (p mut Parser) register_vargs_stuct(typ string, len int) string {
@ -1393,6 +1352,35 @@ fn (p mut Parser) register_multi_return_stuct(types []string) string {
return typ
fn (p mut Parser) save_generic_tmpl(f mut Fn, pos int) {
mut cbr_depth := 1
mut tokens := []Token
for i in pos..p.tokens.len-1 {
tok := p.tokens[i]
if tok.tok == .lcbr { cbr_depth++ }
if tok.tok == .rcbr {
if cbr_depth == 0 { break }
tokens << tok
f.generic_tmpl = tokens
fn (f &Fn) generic_tmpl_to_inst(ti TypeInst) string {
mut fn_body := ''
for tok in f.generic_tmpl {
mut toks := tok.str()
if toks in ti.inst {
for k,v in ti.inst {
toks = toks.replace(k, v)
fn_body += ' $toks'
return fn_body
fn (p mut Parser) rename_generic_fn_instance(f mut Fn, ti TypeInst) {
if f.is_method {
f.name = f.receiver_typ + '_' + f.name
@ -1411,113 +1399,44 @@ fn (p mut Parser) dispatch_generic_fn_instance(f mut Fn, ti TypeInst) {
if !new_inst {
p.rename_generic_fn_instance(mut f, ti)
_f := p.table.find_fn(f.name) or {
p.error('function instance `$f.name` not found')
// p.error('function instance `$f.name` not found')
f.args = _f.args
f.typ = _f.typ
f.is_generic = false
f.type_inst = []
if false {}
f.dispatch_of = ti
// println('using existing inst $f.name(${f.str_args(p.table)}) $f.typ')
// println('using existing inst ${p.fn_signature_v(f)}')
f.type_inst << ti
// Remember current scanner position, go back here for each type instance
// TODO remove this once tokens are cached in `new_parser()`
saved_tok_idx := p.cur_tok_index()
saved_fn := p.cur_fn
saved_var_idx := p.var_idx
saved_local_vars := p.local_vars
saved_line := p.cgen.cur_line
saved_lines := p.cgen.lines
saved_is_tmp := p.cgen.is_tmp
saved_tmp_line := p.cgen.tmp_line
returns := p.returns // should be always false
p.rename_generic_fn_instance(mut f, ti)
f.is_generic = false // the instance is a normal function
f.type_inst = []
if false {}
f.scope_level = 0
f.dispatch_of = ti
// TODO this is done to prevent a crash as a result of this not being
// properly initialised. This is a bug somewhere futher upstream
f.defer_text = []
if false {}
old_args := f.args
new_types := p.replace_type_params(f, ti)
f.args = []
for i in 0..new_types.len-1 {
mut v := old_args[i]
v.typ = new_types[i]
f.args << v
f.typ = new_types.last()
if f.typ in f.type_pars { f.typ = '_ANYTYPE_' }
if f.typ in ti.inst {
f.typ = ti.inst[f.typ]
p.replace_type_params(mut f, ti)
// TODO: Handle
// if f.typ in f.type_pars { f.typ = '_ANYTYPE_' }
// if f.typ in ti.inst {
// f.typ = ti.inst[f.typ]
// }
f.is_generic = false
if f.is_method {
p.add_method(f.args[0].name, f)
} else {
// println("generating gen inst $f.name(${f.str_args(p.table)}) $f.typ : $ti.inst")
p.cgen.is_tmp = false
p.returns = false
p.cgen.tmp_line = ''
p.cgen.cur_line = ''
p.cgen.lines = []
unsafe { // TODO
p.cur_fn = *f
mut fn_code := '${p.fn_signature_v(f)} {\n${f.generic_tmpl_to_inst(ti)}\n}'
if f.mod in p.v.gen_parser_idx {
pidx := p.v.gen_parser_idx[f.mod]
for mod in p.table.imports {
if p.v.parsers[pidx].import_table.known_import(mod) { continue }
p.v.parsers[pidx].register_import(mod, 0)
} else {
// TODO: add here after I work out bug
for arg in f.args {
p.token_idx = f.body_idx-1
p.next() // re-initializes the parser properly
str_args := f.str_args(p.table)
p.in_dispatch = true
p.genln('${p.get_linkage_prefix()}$f.typ $f.name($str_args) {')
// p.genln('/* generic fn instance $f.name : $ti.inst */')
p.in_dispatch = false
if f.typ == '_ANYTYPE_' {
f.typ = p.cur_fn.typ
f.name = f.name.replace('_ANYTYPE_', type_to_safe_str(f.typ))
p.cgen.lines[0] = p.cgen.lines[0].replace('_ANYTYPE_', f.typ)
for l in p.cgen.lines {
p.cgen.fns << l
p.token_idx = saved_tok_idx-1
p.check(.rpar) // end of the arg list which caused this dispatch
p.cur_fn = saved_fn
p.var_idx = saved_var_idx
p.local_vars = saved_local_vars
p.cgen.lines = saved_lines
p.cgen.cur_line = saved_line
p.cgen.is_tmp = saved_is_tmp
p.cgen.tmp_line = saved_tmp_line
p.returns = false
p.cgen.fns << '${p.fn_signature(f)};'
// "fn (int, string) int"
@ -1576,6 +1495,19 @@ fn (f &Fn) str_args(table &Table) string {
return s
fn (f &Fn) str_args_v(table &Table) string {
mut str_args := ''
for i, arg in f.args {
if f.is_method && i == 0 { continue }
mut arg_typ := arg.typ.replace('array_', '[]').replace('map_', 'map[string]')
if arg.is_mut { arg_typ = 'mut '+arg_typ.trim('*') }
else if arg_typ.ends_with('*') || arg.ptr { arg_typ = '&'+arg_typ.trim_right('*') }
str_args += '$arg.name $arg_typ'
if i < f.args.len-1 { str_args += ','}
return str_args
// find local function variable with closest name to `name`
fn (p &Parser) find_misspelled_local_var(name string, min_match f32) string {
mut closest := f32(0)
@ -1603,6 +1535,26 @@ fn (fns []Fn) contains(f Fn) bool {
return false
fn (p &Parser) fn_signature(f &Fn) string {
return '$f.typ $f.name(${f.str_args(p.table)})'
fn (p &Parser) fn_signature_v(f &Fn) string {
mut method := ''
mut f_name := f.name.all_after('__')
if f.is_method {
receiver_arg := f.args[0]
receiver_type := receiver_arg.typ.trim('*')
f_name = f_name.all_after('${receiver_type}_')
mut rcv_typ := receiver_arg.typ.replace('array_', '[]').replace('map_', 'map[string]')
if receiver_arg.is_mut { rcv_typ = 'mut '+rcv_typ.trim('*') }
else if rcv_typ.ends_with('*') || receiver_arg.ptr { rcv_typ = '&'+rcv_typ.trim_right('&*') }
method = '($receiver_arg.name $rcv_typ) '
vis := if f.is_public { 'pub ' } else { '' }
f_type := if f.typ == 'void' { '' } else { f.typ }
return '${vis}fn $method$f_name(${f.str_args_v(p.table)}) $f_type'
pub fn (f &Fn) v_fn_module() string {
return f.mod
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ pub mut:
parsers []Parser // file parsers
vgen_buf strings.Builder // temporary buffer for generated V code (.str() etc)
file_parser_idx map[string]int // map absolute file path to v.parsers index
gen_parser_idx map[string]int
cached_mods []string
@ -289,19 +290,22 @@ pub fn (v mut V) compile() {
// new vfmt is not ready yet
// add parser generated V code (str() methods etc)
mut vgen_parser := v.new_parser_from_string(v.vgen_buf.str())
// free the string builder which held the generated methods
vgen_parser.is_vgen = true
// run vgen / generic parsers
for i, _ in v.parsers {
if !v.parsers[i].is_vgen { continue }
// Generate .vh if we are building a module
if v.pref.build_mode == .build_module {
// parse generated V code (str() methods etc)
mut vgen_parser := v.new_parser_from_string(v.vgen_buf.str())
// free the string builder which held the generated methods
vgen_parser.is_vgen = true
// v.parsers.add(vgen_parser)
// All definitions
mut def := strings.new_builder(10000)// Avoid unnecessary allocations
$if !js {
@ -633,6 +637,13 @@ pub fn (v mut V) add_v_files_to_compile() {
// resolve deps and add imports in correct order
imported_mods := v.resolve_deps().imports()
for mod in imported_mods {
// TODO: work out bug and only add when needed in fn.v
if !mod in v.gen_parser_idx {
mut gp := v.new_parser_from_string('module '+mod.all_after('.')+'\n')
gp.is_vgen = true
gp.mod = mod
v.gen_parser_idx[mod] = v.add_parser(gp)
if mod == 'builtin' || mod == 'main' {
// builtin already added
// main files will get added last
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ fn (p mut Parser) register_import_alias(alias string, mod string, tok_idx int) {
if alias in p.import_table.imports && p.import_table.imports[alias] != mod {
p.error('cannot import $mod as $alias: import name $alias already in use"')
if mod.contains('.internal.') {
if mod.contains('.internal.') && !p.is_vgen {
mod_parts := mod.split('.')
mut internal_mod_parts := []string
for part in mod_parts {
@ -262,6 +262,14 @@ fn (p &Parser) log(s string) {
pub fn (p mut Parser) add_text(text string) {
if p.tokens.len > 1 && p.tokens[p.tokens.len-1].tok == .eof {
p.scanner.text = p.scanner.text + '\n' + text
fn (p mut Parser) parse(pass Pass) {
p.cgen.line = 0
p.cgen.file = cescaped_path(os.realpath(p.file_path))
@ -883,14 +891,7 @@ fn (p mut Parser) get_type() string {
// Generic type check
ti := p.cur_fn.dispatch_of.inst
if p.lit in ti.keys() {
typ += ti[p.lit]
// println('cur dispatch: $p.lit => $typ')
} else {
typ += p.lit
typ += p.lit
// C.Struct import
if p.lit == 'C' && p.peek() == .dot {
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn assert_eq<T>(a, b T) {
fn print_nice<T>(x T, indent int) {
mut space := ''
for i in 0..indent {
for _ in 0..indent {
space = space + ' '
@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ mut:
pub fn (ctx Context) html(html string) {
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n$html')
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n$html') or { panic(err) }
pub fn (ctx Context) text(s string) {
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n $s')
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n $s') or { panic(err) }
pub fn (ctx Context) json(s string) {
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n$s')
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n$ctx.headers\r\n\r\n$s') or { panic(err) }
pub fn (ctx Context) redirect(url string) {
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: $url\r\n\r\n$ctx.headers')
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: $url\r\n\r\n$ctx.headers') or { panic(err) }
pub fn (ctx Context) not_found(s string) {
ctx.conn.write(HTTP_404) or { panic(err) }
pub fn (ctx mut Context) set_cookie(key, val string) { // TODO support directives, escape cookie value (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ fn (ctx mut Context) get_header(key string) string {
//pub fn run<T>(port int) {
pub fn run<T>(app T, port int) {
pub fn run<T>(app mut T, port int) {
println('Running vweb app on http://localhost:$port ...')
l := net.listen(port) or { panic('failed to listen') }
//mut app := T{}
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ pub fn run<T>(app T, port int) {
// TODO move this to handle_conn<T>(conn, app)
s := conn.read_line()
if s == '' {
conn.write(HTTP_500) or {}
conn.close() or {}
// Parse the first line
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ pub fn run<T>(app T, port int) {
vals := first_line.split(' ')
if vals.len < 2 {
println('no vals for http')
conn.write(HTTP_500) or {}
conn.close() or {}
mut action := vals[1][1..].all_before('/')
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ pub fn run<T>(app T, port int) {
$if debug {
println('no vals for http')
conn.close() or {}
@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ pub fn run<T>(app T, port int) {
// Call the right action
app.$action() or {
conn.write(HTTP_404) or {}
conn.close() or {}
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ pub fn (ctx mut Context) handle_static(directory_path string) bool {
if static_file != '' {
data := os.read_file(static_file) or { return false }
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: $mime_type\r\n\r\n$data')
ctx.conn.write('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: $mime_type\r\n\r\n$data') or { panic(err) }
return true
return false
Reference in New Issue
Block a user