mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

checker: vfmt

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Medvednikov 2022-07-05 23:56:53 +03:00
parent 163c7ba2bb
commit c48ed52f43

View File

@ -272,37 +272,37 @@ pub fn (mut c Checker) check_files(ast_files []&ast.File) {
mut has_main_mod_file := false
mut has_main_fn := false
unsafe {
mut files_from_main_module := []&ast.File{}
for i in 0 .. ast_files.len {
mut file := ast_files[i]
c.timers.start('checker_check $file.path')
if file.mod.name == 'main' {
files_from_main_module << file
has_main_mod_file = true
if c.file_has_main_fn(file) {
mut files_from_main_module := []&ast.File{}
for i in 0 .. ast_files.len {
mut file := ast_files[i]
c.timers.start('checker_check $file.path')
if file.mod.name == 'main' {
files_from_main_module << file
has_main_mod_file = true
if c.file_has_main_fn(file) {
has_main_fn = true
c.timers.show('checker_check $file.path')
if has_main_mod_file && !has_main_fn && files_from_main_module.len > 0 {
if c.pref.is_script && !c.pref.is_test {
// files_from_main_module contain preludes at the start
mut the_main_file := files_from_main_module.last()
the_main_file.stmts << ast.FnDecl{
name: 'main.main'
mod: 'main'
is_main: true
file: the_main_file.path
return_type: ast.void_type
scope: &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
has_main_fn = true
c.timers.show('checker_check $file.path')
if has_main_mod_file && !has_main_fn && files_from_main_module.len > 0 {
if c.pref.is_script && !c.pref.is_test {
// files_from_main_module contain preludes at the start
mut the_main_file := files_from_main_module.last()
the_main_file.stmts << ast.FnDecl{
name: 'main.main'
mod: 'main'
is_main: true
file: the_main_file.path
return_type: ast.void_type
scope: &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
has_main_fn = true
last_file := c.file