mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

V 0.0.12 open-source release

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Medvednikov 2019-06-22 20:20:28 +02:00
commit d32e538073
43 changed files with 12573 additions and 0 deletions

base64/base64.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module base64
const (
Index = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
62, 63, 62, 62, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51]
fn decode(data string) string {
p := data.cstr()
len := data.len
mut pad := 0
if len > 0 && (len % 4 != 0 || p[len - 1] == `=`) {
pad = 1
L := ((len + 3) / 4 - pad) * 4
str_len := L / 4 * 3 + pad
mut str := malloc(str_len + 2)
mut j := 0
for i := 0; i < L; i += 4 {
n := (Index[p[i]] << 18) | (Index[p[i + 1]] << 12) |
(Index[p[i + 2]] << 6) | (Index[p[i + 3]])
str[j] = n >> 16
str[j] = n >> 8 & 0xff
str[j] = n & 0xff
if pad > 0 {
mut nn := (Index[p[L]] << 18) | (Index[p[L + 1]] << 12)
str[str_len - 1] = nn >> 16
if len > L + 2 && p[L + 2] != `=` {
nn = nn | (Index[p[L + 2]] << 6)
str[str_len] = nn >> 8 & 0xff
str[str_len + 1] = `\0`
return string(str)

builtin/array.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
module builtin
struct array {
// Using a void pointer allows to implement arrays without generics and without generating
// extra code for every type.
data voidptr
len int
cap int
element_size int
// Private function, used by V (`nums := []int`)
fn new_array(mylen int, cap, elm_size int) array {
arr := array {
len: mylen
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(cap * elm_size)
return arr
// Private function, used by V (`nums := [1, 2, 3]`)
fn new_array_from_c_array(len, cap, elm_size int, c_array voidptr) array {
arr := array {
len: len
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(cap * elm_size)
// TODO Write all memory functions (like memcpy) in V
C.memcpy(arr.data, c_array, len * elm_size)
return arr
// Private function, used by V (`nums := [1, 2, 3] !`)
fn new_array_from_c_array_no_alloc(len, cap, elm_size int, c_array voidptr) array {
arr := array {
len: len
cap: cap
element_size: elm_size
data: c_array
return arr
// Private function, used by V (`[0; 100]`)
fn array_repeat(val voidptr, nr_repeats int, elm_size int) array {
arr := array {
len: nr_repeats
cap: nr_repeats
element_size: elm_size
data: malloc(nr_repeats * elm_size)
for i := 0; i < nr_repeats; i++ {
C.memcpy(arr.data + i * elm_size, val, elm_size)
return arr
fn (a mut array) append_array(b array) {
for i := 0; i < b.len; i++ {
val := b[i]
fn (a mut array) sort_with_compare(compare voidptr) {
C.qsort(a.data, a.len, a.element_size, compare)
fn (a mut array) insert(i int, val voidptr) {
if i >= a.len {
panic('array.insert: index larger than length')
size := a.element_size
C.memmove(a.data + (i + 1) * size, a.data + i * size, (a.len - i) * size)
a.set(i, val)
fn (a mut array) prepend(val voidptr) {
a.insert(0, val)
fn (a mut array) delete(idx int) {
size := a.element_size
C.memmove(a.data + idx * size, a.data + (idx + 1) * size, (a.len - idx) * size)
fn (a array) _get(i int) voidptr {
if i < 0 || i >= a.len {
panic('array index out of range: $i/$a.len')
return a.data + i * a.element_size
fn (a array) first() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.first: empty array')
return a.data + 0
fn (a array) last() voidptr {
if a.len == 0 {
panic('array.last: empty array')
return a.data + (a.len - 1) * a.element_size
fn (s array) left(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(0, n)
fn (s array) right(n int) array {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.slice(n, s.len)
pub fn (s array) slice(start, _end int) array {
mut end := _end
if start > end {
panic('invalid slice index: $start > $end')
if end >= s.len {
end = s.len
l := end - start
res := array {
element_size: s.element_size
data: s.data + start * s.element_size
len: l
cap: l
return res
fn (a mut array) set(idx int, val voidptr) {
if idx < 0 || idx >= a.len {
panic('array index out of range: $idx / $a.len')
C.memcpy(a.data + a.element_size * idx, val, a.element_size)
fn (arr mut array) _push(val voidptr) {
if arr.len >= arr.cap - 1 {
cap := (arr.len + 1) * 2
// println('_push: realloc, new cap=$cap')
if arr.cap == 0 {
arr.data = malloc(cap * arr.element_size)
else {
arr.data = C.realloc(arr.data, cap * arr.element_size)
arr.cap = cap
C.memcpy(arr.data + arr.element_size * arr.len, val, arr.element_size)
fn (arr mut array) _push_many(val voidptr, size int) {
if arr.len >= arr.cap - size {
cap := (arr.len + size) * 2
// println('_push: realloc, new cap=$cap')
if arr.cap == 0 {
arr.data = malloc(cap * arr.element_size)
else {
arr.data = C.realloc(arr.data, cap * arr.element_size)
arr.cap = cap
C.memcpy(arr.data + arr.element_size * arr.len, val, arr.element_size * size)
arr.len += size
fn (a[]int) str() string {
mut res := '['
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
val := a[i]
res += '$val'
if i < a.len - 1 {
res += ', '
res += ']'
return res
fn (a[]int) free() {
// println('array free')
// TODO generic
// "[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]"
fn (a[]string) str() string {
mut res := '['
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
val := a[i]
res += '"$val"'
if i < a.len - 1 {
res += ', '
res += ']'
return res
fn free(a voidptr) {

builtin/builtin.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
module builtin
pub fn exit(reason string) {
if reason == '' {
panic('exit empty reason')
println2('exit(): $reason')
// isnil returns true if an object is nil (only for C objects).
pub fn isnil(v voidptr) bool {
return v == 0
fn on_panic(f fn (int) int) {
pub fn print_backtrace() {
$if mac {
buffer := [100]voidptr
nr_ptrs := C.backtrace(buffer, 100)
C.backtrace_symbols_fd(buffer, nr_ptrs, 1)
pub fn panic(s string) {
println2('V panic: $s')
pub fn println(s string) {
// Should never happen
if isnil(s.str) {
C.printf('%.*s\n', s.len, s.str)
pub fn eprintln(s string) {
if isnil(s.str) {
$if mac {
C.fprintf(stderr, '%.*s\n', s.len, s.str)
// TODO issues with stderr and cross compiling for Linux
$else {
pub fn print(s string) {
C.printf('%.*s', s.len, s.str)
fn println2(s string) {
C.printf('%.*s\n', s.len, s.str)
pub fn malloc(n int) byteptr {
if n < 0 {
#ifdef VPLAY
if n > 10000 {
panic('allocating more than 10 KB is not allowed in the playground')
total := i64(0)
# total_m += n;
# total = total_m;
println2('\n\n\nmalloc($n) total=$total')
ptr := C.malloc(n)
if isnil(ptr) {
panic('malloc($n) failed')
return ptr
pub fn calloc(n int) byteptr {
if n < 0 {
return C.calloc(sizeof(float) * n, sizeof(float))
fn _strlen(s byteptr) int {
// TODO don't call a C function, implement it in V
return C.strlen(s)
// `fn foo() ?Foo { return foo }` => `fn foo() ?Foo { return opt_ok(foo); }`
fn opt_ok(data voidptr) Option {
return Option {
data: data
ok: true
fn memdup(src voidptr, sz int) voidptr {
mem := malloc(sz)
return C.memcpy(mem, src, sz)
pub fn error(s string) Option {
return Option {
error: s
// TODO this is not used anymore
fn range_int(start, end int) []int {
len := end - start
mut res := [0; len]
for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
res[i] = start + i
return res

builtin/int.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
module builtin
fn (d double) str() string {
buf := malloc(sizeof(double) * 5 + 1)// TODO
C.sprintf(buf, '%f', d)
return tos(buf, _strlen(buf))
fn (d float) str() string {
buf := malloc(sizeof(double) * 5 + 1)// TODO
C.sprintf(buf, '%f', d)
return tos(buf, _strlen(buf))
fn (d f64) str() string {
buf := malloc(sizeof(double) * 5 + 1)// TODO
C.sprintf(buf, '%f', d)
return tos(buf, _strlen(buf))
fn (d f32) str() string {
buf := malloc(sizeof(double) * 5 + 1)// TODO
C.sprintf(buf, '%f', d)
return tos(buf, _strlen(buf))
fn ptr_str(ptr voidptr) string {
buf := malloc(sizeof(double) * 5 + 1)// TODO
C.sprintf(buf, '%p', ptr)
return tos(buf, _strlen(buf))
// fn (nn i32) str() string {
// return i
// }
fn (nn int) str() string {
mut n = nn
if n == 0 {
return '0'
max := 16
mut buf := malloc(max)
mut len := 0
mut is_neg = false
if n < 0 {
n = -n
is_neg = true
// Fill the string from the end
for n > 0 {
d := n % 10
buf[max - len - 1] = d + int(`0`)
n = n / 10
// Prepend - if it's negative
if is_neg {
buf[max - len - 1] = `-`
return tos(buf + max - len, len)
fn (nn u8) str() string {
mut n = nn
if n == u8(0) {
return '0'
max := 5
mut buf := malloc(max)
mut len := 0
mut is_neg = false
if n < u8(0) {
n = -n
is_neg = true
// Fill the string from the end
for n > u8(0) {
d := n % u8(10)
buf[max - len - 1] = d + u8(`0`)
n = n / u8(10)
// Prepend - if it's negative
if is_neg {
buf[max - len - 1] = `-`
return tos(buf + max - len, len)
fn (nn i64) str() string {
mut n = nn
if n == i64(0) {
return '0'
max := 32
mut buf := malloc(max)
mut len := 0
mut is_neg = false
if n < i64(0) {
n = -n
is_neg = true
// Fill the string from the end
for n > i64(0) {
d := int(n % i64(10))
buf[max - len - 1] = d + int(`0`)
n = n / i64(10)
// Prepend - if it's negative
if is_neg {
buf[max - len - 1] = `-`
return tos(buf + max - len, len)
fn (b bool) str() string {
if b {
return 'true'
return 'false'
fn (n int) hex() string {
s := n.str()
hex := malloc(s.len + 2)
C.sprintf(hex, '0x%x', n)
return tos(hex, s.len + 2)
fn (n i64) hex() string {
s := n.str()
hex := malloc(s.len + 2)
C.sprintf(hex, '0x%x', n)
return tos(hex, s.len + 2)
fn (a[]byte) contains(val byte) bool {
for aa in a {
if aa == val {
return true
return false
fn (c rune) str() string {
fn (c byte) str() string {
mut str := string {
len: 1
str: malloc(2)
str.str[0] = c
str.str[1] = `\0`
return str

builtin/map.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
module builtin
struct map {
// cap int
// keys []string
// table byteptr
// keys_table *string
// table *Entry
element_size int
// collisions []Entry
entries []Entry
is_sorted bool
struct Entry {
key string
val voidptr
// linked list for collisions
// next *Entry
fn new_map(cap int, elm_size int) map {
res := map {
// len: len,
element_size: elm_size
// entries:
// keys: []string
return res
fn (m &map) new_entry(key string, val voidptr) Entry {
new_e := Entry {
key: key
val: malloc(m.element_size)
// next: 0
C.memcpy(new_e.val, val, m.element_size)
return new_e
fn (m mut map) _set(key string, val voidptr) {
e := m.new_entry(key, val)
for i := 0; i < m.entries.len; i++ {
entry := m.entries[i]
if entry.key == key {
// e := Entry2{key: key, val: val}
m.entries[i] = e
m.entries << e// m.new_entry(key, val)
m.is_sorted = false
fn volt_abs(n int) int {
// println('volt_abs($n)')
if n < 0 {
// println('< 0: -($n)')
return -n
return n
fn (m map) bs(query string, start, end int, out voidptr) {
// println('bs "$query" $start -> $end')
mid := start + ((end - start) / 2)
if end - start == 0 {
last := m.entries[end]
C.memcpy(out, last.val, m.element_size)
if end - start == 1 {
first := m.entries[start]
C.memcpy(out, first.val, m.element_size)
if mid >= m.entries.len {
mid_msg := m.entries[mid]
// println('mid.key=$mid_msg.key')
if query < mid_msg.key {
m.bs(query, start, mid, out)
m.bs(query, mid, end, out)
fn compare_map(a, b *Entry) int {
if a.key < b.key {
return -1
if a.key > b.key {
return 1
return 0
pub fn (m mut map) sort() {
m.is_sorted = true
fn (m map) get(key string, out voidptr) bool {
if m.is_sorted {
// println('\n\nget "$key" sorted')
m.bs(key, 0, m.entries.len, out)
return true
for i := 0; i < m.entries.len; i++ {
entry := m.entries[i]
if entry.key == key {
C.memcpy(out, entry.val, m.element_size)
return true
return false
fn (m map) print() {
for i := 0; i < m.entries.len; i++ {
// entry := m.entries[i]
// println('$entry.key => $entry.val')
for i := 0; i < m.cap * m.element_size; i++ {
b := m.table[i]
print('$i: ')
C.printf('%02x', b)
fn (m map) free() {
// C.free(m.table)
// C.free(m.keys_table)
fn (m map_string) str() string {
// return 'not impl'
if m.entries.len == 0 {
return '{}'
// TODO use bytes buffer
mut s := '{\n'
for entry in m.entries {
val := m[entry.key]
s += ' "$entry.key" => "$val"\n'
s += '}'
return s

builtin/option.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module builtin
struct Option {
data voidptr
error string
ok bool

builtin/smap.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
module builtin
struct Entry2 {
key string
val string
struct smap {
entries []Entry2
is_sorted bool
fn new_smap() smap {
res := smap{}
return res
fn (m mut smap) set(key string, val string) {
for i := 0; i < m.entries.len; i++ {
entry := m.entries[i]
if entry.key == key {
e := Entry2{key: key, val: val}
m.entries[i] = e
e := Entry2{key: key, val: val}
m.entries << e
fn (m smap) get(key string) string {
if m.is_sorted {
return m.bs(key, 0, m.entries.len)
for i := 0; i < m.entries.len; i++ {
entry := m.entries[i]
if entry.key == key {
return entry.val
return ''
fn (m smap) bs(query string, start, end int) string {
mid := start + ((end - start) / 2)
if end - start == 0 {
last := m.entries[end]
return last.val
if end - start == 1 {
first := m.entries[start]
return first.val
if mid >= m.entries.len {
return ''
mid_msg := m.entries[mid]
if query < mid_msg.key {
return m.bs(query, start, mid)
return m.bs(query, mid, end)
fn compare_smap(a, b *Entry2) int {
if a.key < b.key {
return -1
if a.key > b.key {
return 1
return 0
fn (m mut smap) sort() {
m.is_sorted = true
fn (m smap) free() {
// m.entries.free()
fn (m smap) str() string {
if m.entries.len == 0 {
return '{}'
// TODO use bytes buffer
mut s := '{\n'
for entry in m.entries {
s += ' "$entry.key" => "$entry.val"\n'
s += '}'
return s

builtin/string.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
module builtin
// V strings are not null-terminated.
struct string {
str byteptr
len int
struct ustring {
s string
runes []int
len int
// For C strings only
fn C.strlen(s byteptr) int
// Converts a C string to a V string
fn tos(s byteptr, len int) string {
// This should never happen.
if isnil(s) {
panic('tos(): nil string')
return string {
str: s
len: len
fn tos_clone(s byteptr) string {
if isnil(s) {
panic('tos: nil string')
return string{}
len := strlen(s)
res := tos(s, len)
return res.clone()
// Same as `tos`, but calculates the length itself. TODO bad name.
fn tos2(s byteptr) string {
if isnil(s) {
panic('tos2: nil string')
return string{}
len := C.strlen(s)
res := tos(s, len)
return res
fn tos_no_len(s byteptr) string {
return tos2(s)
fn (a string) clone() string {
mut b := string {
len: a.len
str: malloc(a.len + 1)
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
b[i] = a[i]
b[a.len] = `\0`
return b
fn (s string) cstr() byteptr {
clone := s.clone()
return clone.str
pub fn (s string) replace(rep, with string) string {
if s.len == 0 || rep.len == 0 {
return ''
if !s.contains(rep) {
return s
// println('"$s" replace "$rep" with "$with" rep.len=$rep.len')
// TODO PERF Allocating ints is expensive. Should be a stack array
// Get locations of all reps within this string
mut idxs := []int{}
// idxs := []int {
// 2, 8, 14
// }
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
// Do we have the string we are looking for (rep) starting at i?
// Go thru all chars in rep and compare.
mut rep_i := 0
mut j := i
for rep_i < rep.len && j < s.len && s[j] == rep[rep_i] {
if rep_i == rep.len {
idxs << i
// Dont change the string if there's nothing to replace
if idxs.len == 0 {
return s
// Now we know the number of replacements we need to do and we can calc the len of the new string
new_len := s.len + idxs.len * (with.len - rep.len)
mut b := malloc(new_len + 1)// add a newline just in case
// Fill the new string
mut idx_pos := 0
mut cur_idx := idxs[idx_pos]
mut b_i = 0
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
// Reached the location of rep, replace it with "with"
if i == cur_idx {
for j := 0; j < with.len; j++ {
b[b_i] = with[j]
// Skip the length of rep, since we just replaced it with "with"
i += rep.len - 1
// Go to the next index
if idx_pos < idxs.len {
cur_idx = idxs[idx_pos]
// Rep doesnt start here, just copy
else {
b[b_i] = s[i]
b[new_len] = `\0`
return tos(b, new_len)
// TODO `.int()` ?
pub fn (s string) to_i() int {
return C.atoi(s.str)
// TODO `.f32()`
fn (s string) to_float() float {
return C.atof(s.str)
// ==
fn (s string) eq(a string) bool {
if isnil(s.str) {
panic('string.eq(): nil string')
if s.len != a.len {
return false
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
if s[i] != a[i] {
return false
return true
// !=
fn (s string) ne(a string) bool {
return !s.eq(a)
// s >= a
fn (s string) ge(a string) bool {
mut j := 0
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
if i >= a.len {
return true
if int(s[i]) < int(a[j]) {
return false
else if int(s[i]) > int(a[j]) {
return true
return true
// s <= a
fn (s string) le(a string) bool {
return !s.ge(a) || s == a
// s < a
fn (s string) lt(a string) bool {
return s.le(a) && s != a
// s > a
fn (s string) gt(a string) bool {
return s.ge(a) && s != a
// TODO `fn (s string) + (a string)` ? To be consistent with operator overloading syntax.
fn (s string) add(a string) string {
new_len := a.len + s.len
mut res := string {
len: new_len
str: malloc(new_len + 1)
for j := 0; j < s.len; j++ {
res[j] = s[j]
for j := 0; j < a.len; j++ {
res[s.len + j] = a[j]
res[new_len] = `\0`// V strings are not null terminated, but just in case
return res
pub fn (s string) split(delim string) []string {
// println('string split delim="$delim" s="$s"')
mut res := []string
if delim.len == 0 {
res << s
return res
if delim.len == 1 {
return s.split_single(delim[0])
// println2('split 1 only')
// os.exit()
mut i := 0
mut start := 0// - 1
for i < s.len {
// printiln(i)
mut a := s[i] == delim[0]
mut j := 1
for j < delim.len && a {
a = a && s[i + j] == delim[j]
last := i == s.len - 1
if a || last {
if last {
mut val := s.substr(start, i)
// println('got it "$val" start=$start i=$i delim="$delim"')
if val.len > 0 {
// todo perf
// val now is '___VAL'. remove '___' from the start
if val.starts_with(delim) {
// println('!!')
val = val.right(delim.len)
res << val.trim_space()
start = i
return res
fn (s string) split_single(delim byte) []string {
mut res := []string
if int(delim) == 0 {
res << s
return res
mut i := 0
mut start := 0
for i < s.len {
a := s[i] == delim
b := i == s.len - 1
if a || b {
if i == s.len - 1 {
val := s.substr(start, i)
if val.len > 0 {
res << val.trim_space()
start = i + 1
return res
pub fn (s string) split_into_lines() []string {
mut res := []string
if s.len == 0 {
return res
mut start := 0
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
last := i == s.len - 1
if int(s[i]) == 10 || last {
if last {
line := s.substr(start, i)
res << line
start = i + 1
return res
// 'hello'.left(2) => 'he'
pub fn (s string) left(n int) string {
if n >= s.len {
return s
return s.substr(0, n)
pub fn (s string) right(n int) string {
if n >= s.len {
return ''
return s.substr(n, s.len)
// Because the string is immutable, it is safe for multiple strings to share
// the same storage, so slicing s results in a new 2-word structure with a
// potentially different pointer and length that still refers to the same byte
// sequence. This means that slicing can be done without allocation or copying,
// making string slices as efficient as passing around explicit indexes.
// substr without allocations. Reuses memory and works great. BUT. This substring does not have
// a \0 at the end, and it's not possible to add it. So if we have s = 'privet'
// and substr := s.substr_fast(1, 4) ('riv')
// puts(substr.str) will print 'rivet'
// Avoid using C functions with these substrs!
pub fn (s string) substr(start, end int) string {
if start > end || start >= s.len || end > s.len || start < 0 || end < 0 {
panic('substr($start, $end) out of bounds (len=$s.len)')
return ''
if start >= s.len {
return ''
len := end - start
res := string {
str: s.str + start
len: len
return res
pub fn (s string) index(p string) int {
if p.len > s.len {
return -1
mut i := 0
for i < s.len {
mut j := 0
mut ii := i
for j < p.len && s[ii] == p[j] {
if j == p.len {
return i
return -1
pub fn (s string) last_index(p string) int {
if p.len > s.len {
return -1
mut i := s.len - p.len
for i >= 0 {
mut j := 0
for j < p.len && s[i + j] == p[j] {
if j == p.len {
return i
return -1
pub fn (s string) index_after(p string, start int) int {
if p.len > s.len {
return -1
mut strt := start
if start < 0 {
strt = 0
if start >= s.len {
return -1
mut i := strt
for i < s.len {
mut j := 0
mut ii := i
for j < p.len && s[ii] == p[j] {
if j == p.len {
return i
return -1
pub fn (s string) contains(p string) bool {
res := s.index(p) > 0 - 1
return res
pub fn (s string) starts_with(p string) bool {
res := s.index(p) == 0
return res
pub fn (s string) ends_with(p string) bool {
if p.len > s.len {
return false
res := s.last_index(p) == s.len - p.len
return res
// TODO only works with ASCII
pub fn (s string) to_lower() string {
mut b := malloc(s.len)// TODO + 1 ??
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
b[i] = C.tolower(s.str[i])
return tos(b, s.len)
pub fn (s string) to_upper() string {
mut b := malloc(s.len)// TODO + 1 ??
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
b[i] = C.toupper(s.str[i])
return tos(b, s.len)
// 'hey [man] how you doin'
// find_between('[', ']') == 'man'
fn (s string) find_between(start, end string) string {
start_pos := s.index(start)
if start_pos == -1 {
return ''
// First get everything to the right of 'start'
val := s.right(start_pos + start.len)
end_pos := val.index(end)
if end_pos == -1 {
return val
return val.left(end_pos)
// TODO generic
fn (ar[]string) contains(val string) bool {
for s in ar {
if s == val {
return true
return false
// TODO generic
fn (ar[]int) contains(val int) bool {
for i, s in ar {
if s == val {
return true
return false
fn (a[]string) to_c() voidptr {
# char ** res = malloc(sizeof(char*) * a.len);
for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ {
val := a[i]
# res[i] = val.str;
# return res;
return 0
fn is_space(c byte) bool {
return C.isspace(c)
fn (c byte) is_space() bool {
return is_space(c)
pub fn (s string) trim_space() string {
if s == '' {
return ''
// println('TRIM SPACE "$s"')
mut i := 0
for i < s.len && is_space(s[i]) {
mut res := s.right(i)
mut end := res.len - 1
for end >= 0 && is_space(res[end]) {
// C.printf('end=%d c=%d %c\n', end, res.str[end])
res = res.left(end + 1)
// println('after SPACE "$res"')
return res
pub fn (s string) trim(c byte) string {
if s == '' {
return ''
mut i := 0
for i < s.len && c == s[i] {
mut res := s.right(i)
mut end := res.len - 1
for end >= 0 && c == res[end] {
res = res.left(end + 1)
return res
fn (s string) trim_left(cutset string) string {
mut start := s.index(cutset)
if start != 0 {
return s
for start < s.len - 1 && s[start] == cutset[0] {
return s.right(start)
fn (s string) trim_right(cutset string) string {
return s
pos := s.last_index(cutset)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s.left(pos)
// fn print_cur_thread() {
// //C.printf("tid = %08x \n", pthread_self());
// }
fn compare_strings(a, b *string) int {
if a.le(b) {
return -1
if a.ge(b) {
return 1
return 0
fn compare_strings_by_len(a, b *string) int {
if a.len < b.len {
return -1
if a.len > b.len {
return 1
return 0
fn compare_lower_strings(a, b *string) int {
aa := a.to_lower()
bb := a.to_lower()
return compare_strings(aa, bb)
pub fn (s mut []string) sort() {
fn (s mut []string) sort_ignore_case() {
fn (s mut []string) sort_by_len() {
fn (s string) ustring() ustring {
mut res := ustring {
s: s
// runes will have at least s.len elements, save reallocations
// TODO use VLA for small strings?
runes: new_array(0, s.len, sizeof(int))
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
char_len := 0
# char_len =UTF8_CHAR_LEN(s.str[i]);
// println('cl=$char_len')
res.runes << i
i += char_len - 1
return res
// A hack that allows to create ustring without allocations.
// It's called from functions like draw_text() where we know that the string is going to be freed
// right away. Uses global buffer for storing runes []int array.
# array_int g_ustring_runes;
fn (s string) ustring_tmp() ustring {
mut res := ustring {
s: s
runes: 0
# res.runes = g_ustring_runes ;
# res.runes.len = s.len ;
mut j := 0
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
char_len := 0
# char_len =UTF8_CHAR_LEN(s.str[i]);
res.runes[j] = i
i += char_len - 1
return res
fn (u ustring) substr(start, end int) string {
// println('substr($start, $end)')
// println('runes=')
// println(u.runes)
start = u.runes[start]
// handle last char
if end >= u.runes.len {
end = u.s.len
else {
end = u.runes[end]
// println('fast $start, $end')
return u.s.substr(start, end)
fn (u ustring) left(pos int) string {
return u.substr(0, pos)
fn (u ustring) right(pos int) string {
return u.substr(pos, u.len)
fn (s string) at(idx int) byte {
if idx < 0 || idx >= s.len {
panic('string index out of range: $idx / $s.len')
return s.str[idx]
fn (u ustring) at(idx int) string {
return u.substr(idx, idx + 1)
fn (u ustring) free() {
fn abs(a int) int {
if a >= 0 {
return a
return -a
fn (c byte) is_digit() bool {
return c >= `0` && c <= `9`
fn (c byte) is_letter() bool {
return (c >= `a` && c <= `z`) || (c >= `A` && c <= `Z`)
pub fn (s string) free() {
fn (arr[]string) free() {
for s in arr {
// all_before('23:34:45.234', '.') == '23:34:45'
fn (s string) all_before(dot string) string {
pos := s.index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s.left(pos)
fn (s string) all_before_last(dot string) string {
pos := s.last_index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s.left(pos)
fn (s string) all_after(dot string) string {
pos := s.last_index(dot)
if pos == -1 {
return s
return s.right(pos + dot.len)
// fn (s []string) substr(a, b int) string {
// return join_strings(s.slice_fast(a, b))
// }
pub fn (a[]string) join(del string) string {
if a.len == 0 {
return ''
mut len := 0
for i, val in a {
len += val.len + del.len
len -= del.len
// Allocate enough memory
mut res := ''
res.len = len
res.str = malloc(res.len + 1)
mut idx := 0
// Go thru every string and copy its every char one by one
for i, val in a {
for j := 0; j < val.len; j++ {
c := val[j]
res.str[idx] = val.str[j]
// Add del if it's not last
if i != a.len - 1 {
for k := 0; k < del.len; k++ {
res.str[idx] = del.str[k]
res.str[res.len] = `\0`
return res
fn (s[]string) join_lines() string {
return s.join('\n')
// 'hello'.limit(2) => 'he'
// 'hi'.limit(10) => 'hi'
fn (s string) limit(max int) string {
u := s.ustring()
if u.len <= max {
return s
return u.substr(0, max)
// TODO is_white_space()
fn (c byte) is_white() bool {
i := int(c)
return i == 10 || i == 32 || i == 9 || i == 13 || c == `\r`
// TODO move this to strings.repeat()
fn repeat_char(c byte, n int) string {
if n <= 0 {
return ''
mut arr := malloc(n + 1)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
arr[i] = c
arr[n] = `\0`
return tos(arr, n)
pub fn (s string) hash() int {
mut hash := int(0)
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
// if key == 'Content-Type' {
// println('$i) $hash')
// }
hash = hash * int(31) + int(s.str[i])
return hash

builtin/string_builder.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module builtin
struct StringBuilder {
buf []byte
len int
fn new_string_builder(initial_size int) StringBuilder {
return StringBuilder {
buf: new_array(0, initial_size, sizeof(byte))
fn (b mut StringBuilder) write(s string) {
b.buf._push_many(s.str, s.len)
b.len += s.len
fn (b mut StringBuilder) writeln(s string) {
b.buf._push_many(s.str, s.len)
b.buf << `\n`
b.len += s.len + 1
fn (b StringBuilder) str() string {
return tos(b.buf.data, b.len)
fn (b StringBuilder) cut(n int) {
b.len -= n

builtin/utf8.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
module builtin
fn (s string) is_utf8() int {
faulty_bytes := 0
len := s.len
i := 0
// # size_t i = 0;
# byte * str = s.str;
# while (i < len) {
# if (str[i] <= 0x7F) /* 00..7F */ {
# i += 1;
# }
#else if (str[i] >= 0xC2 && str[i] <= 0xDF) /* C2..DF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 1 < len) /* Expect a 2nd byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte between C2 and DF, expecting a 2nd byte between 80 and BF");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte between C2 and DF, expecting a 2nd byte.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 2;
# }
#else if (str[i] == 0xE0) /* E0 A0..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 2 < len) /* Expect a 2nd and 3rd byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0xA0 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of E0, expecting a 2nd byte between A0 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of E0, expecting a 3nd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte of E0, expecting two following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 3;
# }
#else if (str[i] >= 0xE1 && str[i] <= 0xEC) /* E1..EC 80..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 2 < len) /* Expect a 2nd and 3rd byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte between E1 and EC, expecting the 2nd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte between E1 and EC, expecting the 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte between E1 and EC, expecting two following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 3;
# }
#else if (str[i] == 0xED) /* ED 80..9F 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 2 < len) /* Expect a 2nd and 3rd byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0x9F) {
# printf( "After a first byte of ED, expecting 2nd byte between 80 and 9F.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of ED, expecting 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte of ED, expecting two following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 3;
# }
#else if (str[i] >= 0xEE && str[i] <= 0xEF) /* EE..EF 80..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 2 < len) /* Expect a 2nd and 3rd byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte between EE and EF, expecting 2nd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte between EE and EF, expecting 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte between EE and EF, two following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 3;
# }
#else if (str[i] == 0xF0) /* F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 3 < len) /* Expect a 2nd, 3rd 3th byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x90 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F0, expecting 2nd byte between 90 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F0, expecting 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 3] < 0x80 || str[i + 3] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F0, expecting 4th byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 4;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte of F0, expecting three following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 4;
# }
#else if (str[i] >= 0xF1 && str[i] <= 0xF3) /* F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 3 < len) /* Expect a 2nd, 3rd 3th byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F1, F2, or F3, expecting a 2nd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F1, F2, or F3, expecting a 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 3] < 0x80 || str[i + 3] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F1, F2, or F3, expecting a 4th byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 4;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte of F1, F2, or F3, expecting three following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 4;
# }
#else if (str[i] == 0xF4) /* F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF */ {
# if (i + 3 < len) /* Expect a 2nd, 3rd 3th byte */ {
# if (str[i + 1] < 0x80 || str[i + 1] > 0x8F) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F4, expecting 2nd byte between 80 and 8F.");
# faulty_bytes = 2;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 2] < 0x80 || str[i + 2] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F4, expecting 3rd byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 3;
# goto end;
# }
# if (str[i + 3] < 0x80 || str[i + 3] > 0xBF) {
# printf( "After a first byte of F4, expecting 4th byte between 80 and BF.");
# faulty_bytes = 4;
# goto end;
# }
# }
#else {
# printf( "After a first byte of F4, expecting three following bytes.");
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# i += 4;
# }
#else {
# printf( "i=%d Expecting bytes in the following ranges: 00..7F C2..F4.",
# i);
# faulty_bytes = 1;
# goto end;
# }
# }
# end: ;
// println('faulty bytes=$faulty_bytes i=$i')
// # printf("c='%c'\n", str[i]);
ok := faulty_bytes == 0
if ok {
return -1
if !ok {
println2('utf is bad dalen=$len KEK $s sdf')
// s = s.left(i)
return i
// return ok
fn (s string) runes() []string {
res2 := []string{}
// res := new_empty_array_with_cap_string(s.len)
res := []string{}
if !s.is_utf8() {
mys := s
println2('string.me runes bad utf $mys HAHA')
return res
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
char_len := 0
# char_len =UTF8_CHAR_LEN(s.str[i]);
switch char_len {
case 1:
// println('ONE')
res <<(char2string(s[i]))
case 2:
// println('TWO')
rune2 := s.substr(i, i + 2)
res <<(rune2)
case 3:
// println('TWO')
rune3 := s.substr(i, i + 3)
res <<(rune3)
case 4:
// println('TWO')
rune4 := s.substr(i, i + 4)
res <<(rune4)
return res
// Convert utf32 to utf8
// utf32 == Codepoint
fn utf32_to_str(code u32) string {
// println('code = $code')
buffer := malloc(5)
# if (code <= 0x7F) {
// println('!!!!!!!1')
# buffer[0] = code;
# return tos(buffer, 1);
# }
# if (code <= 0x7FF) {
// println('!!!!!!!2')
# buffer[0] = 0xC0 | (code >> 6); /* 110xxxxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 2);
# }
# if (code <= 0xFFFF) {
// println('!!!!!!!3')
# buffer[0] = 0xE0 | (code >> 12); /* 1110xxxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[2] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 3);
# }
# if (code <= 0x10FFFF) {
# buffer[0] = 0xF0 | (code >> 18); /* 11110xxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[2] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[3] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 4);
# }
return ''
// TODO copypasta
fn utf32_to_str_no_malloc(code u32, buf voidptr) string {
// println('code = $code')
# char* buffer = buf;
# if (code <= 0x7F) {
// println('!!!!!!!1')
# buffer[0] = code;
# return tos(buffer, 1);
# }
# if (code <= 0x7FF) {
// println('!!!!!!!2')
# buffer[0] = 0xC0 | (code >> 6); /* 110xxxxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 2);
# }
# if (code <= 0xFFFF) {
// println('!!!!!!!3')
# buffer[0] = 0xE0 | (code >> 12); /* 1110xxxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[2] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 3);
# }
# if (code <= 0x10FFFF) {
# buffer[0] = 0xF0 | (code >> 18); /* 11110xxx */
# buffer[1] = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[2] = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# buffer[3] = 0x80 | (code & 0x3F); /* 10xxxxxx */
# return tos(buffer, 4);
# }
return ''
// Convert utf8 to utf32
fn (_rune string) utf32_code() int {
// println('utf 32 of $rune len=$rune.len')
if _rune.len == 0 {
return 0
// save ASC symbol as is
if _rune.len == 1 {
return int(_rune[0])
b := byte(int(_rune[0]))
// TODO should be
// res := int( rune[0] << rune.len)
# b <<= _rune.len;
res := int(b)
mut shift := 6 - _rune.len
for i := 1; i < _rune.len; i++ {
// println('c=$res')
c := int(_rune[i])
# res <<= shift;
# res |= c & 0x3f;
shift = 6
// println('!!!!!!!! utf32 $rune res = $res')
return res

compiler/cgen.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
module main
struct CGen {
out os.File
out_path string
typedefs []string
type_aliases []string
includes []string
types []string
thread_args []string
thread_fns []string
consts []string
fns []string
so_fns []string
consts_init []string
// tmp_lines []string
// tmp_lines_pos int
lines []string
is_user bool
run Pass
nogen bool
tmp_line string
cur_line string
prev_line string
is_tmp bool
fn_main string
stash string
// st_start_pos int
fn new_cgen(out_name_c string) *CGen {
// println('NEW CGENN($out_name_c)')
// println('$LANG_TMP/$out_name_c')
gen := &CGen {
out_path: '$TmpPath/$out_name_c'
out: os.create_file('$TmpPath/$out_name_c')
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// gen.tmp_lines.push('')
return gen
fn (g mut CGen) genln(s string) {
if g.nogen || g.run == RUN_DECLS {
if g.is_tmp {
// if g.tmp_lines_pos > 0 {
g.tmp_line = '$g.tmp_line $s\n'
g.cur_line = '$g.cur_line $s'
if g.cur_line != '' {
g.lines << g.cur_line
g.prev_line = g.cur_line
g.cur_line = ''
// g.lines << s
fn (g mut CGen) gen(s string) {
// if g.nogen || g.run == RunType.RUN_DECLS {
if g.nogen || g.run == RUN_DECLS {
if g.is_tmp {
// if g.tmp_lines_pos > 0 {
g.tmp_line = '$g.tmp_line $s'
else {
g.cur_line = '$g.cur_line $s'
fn (g mut CGen) save() {
s := g.lines.join('\n')
// os.system('clang-format -i $g.out_path')
fn (g mut CGen) start_tmp() {
if g.is_tmp {
os.exit('start_tmp() already started. cur_line="$g.cur_line"')
// kg.tmp_lines_pos++
g.tmp_line = ''
// g.tmp_lines[g.tmp_lines_pos] = ''
// g.tmp_lines.set(g.tmp_lines_pos, '')
g.is_tmp = true
fn (g mut CGen) end_tmp() string {
g.is_tmp = false
res := g.tmp_line
g.tmp_line = ''
// g.tmp_lines_pos--
// g.tmp_line = g.tmp_lines[g.tmp_lines_pos]
return res
fn (g mut CGen) add_placeholder() int {
// g.genln('/*placeholder*/')
// g.genln('')
// return g.lines.len - 1
if g.is_tmp {
return g.tmp_line.len
return g.cur_line.len
fn (g mut CGen) set_placeholder(pos int, val string) {
if g.nogen {
// g.lines.set(pos, val)
if g.is_tmp {
left := g.tmp_line.left(pos)
right := g.tmp_line.right(pos)
g.tmp_line = '${left}${val}${right}'
left := g.cur_line.left(pos)
right := g.cur_line.right(pos)
g.cur_line = '${left}${val}${right}'
// g.genln('')
// /////////////////////
fn (g mut CGen) add_placeholder2() int {
if g.is_tmp {
exit('tmp in addp2')
g.lines << ''
return g.lines.len - 1
fn (g mut CGen) set_placeholder2(pos int, val string) {
if g.nogen {
if g.is_tmp {
exit('tmp in setp2')
g.lines[pos] = val
// /////////////////
// fn (g mut CGen) cut_lines_after(pos int) string {
// end := g.lines.len
// lines := g.lines.slice_fast(pos, end)
// body := lines.join('\n')
// g.lines = g.lines.slice_fast(0, pos)
// return body
// }
// fn (g mut CGen) set_prev_line(val string) {
// g.lines.set(g.lines.len - 3, val)
// }
// ////fn (g mut CGen) go_back() {
// ////g.stash = g.prev_line + g.cur_line
// g.lines.set(g.lin
// ////}
// fn (g mut CGen) end_statement() {
// last_lines := g.lines.slice_fast(g.st_start_pos, g.lines.len - 1)
// mut merged := last_lines.join(' ')
// merged += '/* M $last_lines.len */'
// merged = merged.replace('\n', '')
// // zero last N lines instead of deleting them
// for i := g.st_start_pos; i < g.lines.len; i++ {
// g.lines.set(i, '')
// }
// g.lines.set(g.lines.len - 1, merged)
// // g.genln('')
// g.st_start_pos = g.lines.len - 1
// // os.exitkmerged)
// }
// fn (g mut CGen) prepend_type(typ string) {
// g.cur_line = typ.add(g.cur_line)
// g.cur_line='!!!'
// }
fn (g mut CGen) insert_before(val string) {
// g.cur_line = val.add(g.cur_line)
// return
// val += '/*inserted*/'
g.lines.insert(g.lines.len - 1, val)
// fn (g mut CGen) swap_last_lines() {
// return
// if g.run == RUN_DECLS {
// return
// }
// i := g.lines.len - 1
// j := i - 1
// tmp := g.lines[i]
// // println('lines i = $tmp')
// // println('lines j = ${g.lines[j]}')
// // // os.exit('')
// g.lines.set(i, g.lines[j])
// g.lines.set(j, tmp)
// }
fn (g mut CGen) register_thread_fn(wrapper_name, wrapper_text, struct_text string) {
for arg in g.thread_args {
if arg.contains(wrapper_name) {
g.thread_args << struct_text
g.thread_args << wrapper_text
fn (g mut CGen) delete_all_after(pos int) {
if pos > g.cur_line.len - 1 {
g.cur_line = g.cur_line.substr(0, pos)
fn (c mut V) prof_counters() string {
mut res := []string
// Global fns
for f in c.table.fns {
res << 'double ${c.table.cgen_name(f)}_time;'
// println(f.name)
// Methods
for typ in c.table.types {
// println('')
for f in typ.methods {
// res << f.cgen_name()
res << 'double ${c.table.cgen_name(f)}_time;'
// println(f.cgen_name())
return res.join(';\n')
fn (p mut Parser) print_prof_counters() string {
mut res := []string
// Global fns
for f in p.table.fns {
counter := '${p.table.cgen_name(f)}_time'
res << 'if ($counter) printf("%%f : $f.name \\n", $counter);'
// println(f.name)
// Methods
for typ in p.table.types {
// println('')
for f in typ.methods {
counter := '${p.table.cgen_name(f)}_time'
res << 'if ($counter) printf("%%f : ${p.table.cgen_name(f)} \\n", $counter);'
// res << 'if ($counter) printf("$f.name : %%f\\n", $counter);'
// res << f.cgen_name()
// res << 'double ${f.cgen_name()}_time;'
// println(f.cgen_name())
return res.join(';\n')
fn (p mut Parser) gen_type(s string) {
if !p.first_run() {
p.cgen.types << s
fn (p mut Parser) gen_typedef(s string) {
if !p.first_run() {
p.cgen.typedefs << s
fn (p mut Parser) gen_type_alias(s string) {
if !p.first_run() {
p.cgen.type_aliases << s
fn (g mut CGen) add_to_main(s string) {
println('add to main')
g.fn_main = g.fn_main + s

compiler/fn.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
module main
const (
MaxLocalVars = 50
struct Fn {
// addr int
pkg string
local_vars []Var
var_idx int
args []Var
is_interface bool
// called_fns []string
// idx int
scope_level int
typ string // return type
name string
is_c bool
receiver_typ string
is_private bool
is_method bool
returns_error bool
is_decl bool // type myfn fn(int, int)
defer string
fn (f &Fn) find_var(name string) Var {
for i in 0 .. f.var_idx {
if f.local_vars[i].name == name {
return f.local_vars[i]
return Var{}
fn (f mut Fn) open_scope() {
fn (f mut Fn) close_scope() {
// println('close_scope level=$f.scope_level var_idx=$f.var_idx')
// Move back `var_idx` (pointer to the end of the array) till we reach the previous scope level.
// This effectivly deletes (closes) current scope.
mut i := f.var_idx - 1
for; i >= 0; i-- {
v := f.local_vars[i]
if v.scope_level != f.scope_level {
// println('breaking. "$v.name" v.scope_level=$v.scope_level')
f.var_idx = i + 1
// println('close_scope new var_idx=$f.var_idx\n')
fn (f &Fn) mark_var_used(v Var) {
for i, vv in f.local_vars {
if vv.name == v.name {
mut ptr := &f.local_vars[i]
ptr.is_used = true
// / f.local_vars[i].is_used = true
// return
fn (f &Fn) known_var(name string) bool {
v := f.find_var(name)
return v.name.len > 0
fn (f mut Fn) register_var(v Var) {
new_var := {v | scope_level: f.scope_level}
// Expand the array
if f.var_idx >= f.local_vars.len {
f.local_vars << new_var
else {
f.local_vars[f.var_idx] = new_var
// vlib header file?
fn (p mut Parser) is_sig() bool {
return (p.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE || p.build_mode == BUILD) &&
fn new_fn(pkg string) *Fn {
mut f := &Fn {
pkg: pkg
local_vars: [Var{}
; MaxLocalVars]
return f
// Function signatures are added to the top of the .c file in the first run.
fn (p mut Parser) fn_decl() {
p.fgen('fn ')
is_pub := p.tok == PUB
if is_pub {
p.returns = false
mut f := new_fn(p.pkg)
// Method receiver
mut receiver_typ := ''
if p.tok == LPAR {
f.is_method = true
receiver_name := p.check_name()
is_mut := p.tok == MUT
is_amp := p.tok == AMP
if is_mut || is_amp {
receiver_typ = p.get_type()
T := p.table.find_type(receiver_typ)
if T.is_interface {
p.error('invalid receiver type `$receiver_typ` (`$receiver_typ` is an interface)')
// Don't allow modifying types from a different module
if !p.first_run() && !p.builtin_pkg && T.pkg != p.pkg {
p.error('cannot define new methods on non-local type `$receiver_typ`')
// (a *Foo) instead of (a mut Foo) is a common mistake
if !p.builtin_pkg && receiver_typ.contains('*') {
t := receiver_typ.replace('*', '')
p.error('use `($receiver_name mut $t)` instead of `($receiver_name *$t)`')
f.receiver_typ = receiver_typ
if is_mut || is_amp {
receiver_typ += '*'
receiver := Var {
name: receiver_name
is_arg: true
typ: receiver_typ
is_mut: is_mut
ref: is_amp
ptr: is_mut
line_nr: p.scanner.line_nr
f.args << receiver
if p.tok == PLUS || p.tok == MINUS || p.tok == MUL {
f.name = p.tok.str()
println('!!! $f.name')
else {
f.name = p.check_name()
// C function header def? (fn C.NSMakeRect(int,int,int,int))
is_c := f.name == 'C' && p.tok == DOT
// Just fn signature? only builtin.v + default build mode
// is_sig := p.builtin_pkg && p.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE
// is_sig := p.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE && (p.builtin_pkg || p.file.contains(LANG_TMP))
is_sig := p.is_sig()
// println('\n\nfn decl !!is_sig=$is_sig name=$f.name $p.builtin_pkg')
if is_c {
f.name = p.check_name()
f.is_c = true
else if !p.translated && !p.file_path.contains('view.v') {
if contains_capital(f.name) {
p.error('function names cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead')
if f.name.contains('__') {
p.error('function names cannot contain double underscores ("__"), use single underscores instead')
// simple_name := f.name
// println('!SIMPLE=$simple_name')
// user.register() => User_register()
has_receiver := receiver_typ.len > 0
if receiver_typ != '' {
// f.name = '${receiver_typ}_${f.name}'
// full pkg function name
// os.exit ==> os__exit()
if !is_c && !p.builtin_pkg && p.pkg != 'main' && receiver_typ.len == 0 {
f.name = p.prepend_pkg(f.name)
if p.first_run() && p.table.known_fn(f.name) && receiver_typ.len == 0 {
existing_fn := p.table.find_fn(f.name)
// This existing function could be defined as C decl before (no body), then we don't need to throw an erro
if !existing_fn.is_decl {
p.error('redefinition of `$f.name`')
// Generic?
mut is_generic := false
if p.tok == LT {
gen_type := p.check_name()
if gen_type != 'T' {
p.error('only `T` is allowed as a generic type for now')
is_generic = true
// Args (...)
p.fn_args(mut f)
// Returns an error?
if p.tok == NOT {
f.returns_error = true
// Returns a type?
mut typ := 'void'
if p.tok == NAME || p.tok == MUL || p.tok == AMP || p.tok == LSBR ||
p.tok == QUESTION {
p.fgen(' ')
// TODO In
// if p.tok in [ NAME, MUL, AMP, LSBR ] {
typ = p.get_type()
// Translated C code can have empty functions (just definitions)
is_fn_header := !is_c && !is_sig && (p.translated || p.is_test) &&
(p.tok != LCBR)// || (p.tok == NAME && p.peek() != LCBR))
if is_fn_header {
f.is_decl = true
// println('GOT fn header $f.name')
// { required only in normal function declarations
if !is_c && !is_sig && !is_fn_header {
p.fgen(' ')
// Register option ? type
if typ.starts_with('Option_') {
p.cgen.typedefs << 'typedef Option $typ;'
// Register function
f.typ = typ
mut str_args := f.str_args(p.table)
// println('FN DECL $f.name typ=$f.typ str_args="$str_args"')
// Special case for main() args
if f.name == 'main' && !has_receiver {
if str_args != '' {
p.error('fn main must have no arguments and no return values')
typ = 'int'
str_args = 'int argc, char** argv'
// Only in C code generate User_register() instead of register()
// Internally it's still stored as "register" in type User
// mut fn_name_cgen := f.name
// if receiver_typ != '' {
// fn_name_cgen = '${receiver_typ}_$f.name'
// fn_name_cgen = fn_name_cgen.replace(' ', '')
// fn_name_cgen = fn_name_cgen.replace('*', '')
// }
mut fn_name_cgen := p.table.cgen_name(f)
// Start generation of the function body
is_live := p.is_live && f.name != 'main' && f.name != 'reload_so'
skip_main_in_test := f.name == 'main' && p.is_test
if !is_c && !is_live && !is_sig && !is_fn_header && !skip_main_in_test {
if p.obfuscate {
p.genln('; // ${f.name}')
p.genln('$typ $fn_name_cgen($str_args) {')
// if f.name == 'WinMain' {
// typ = 'int'
// }
if is_fn_header {
p.genln('$typ $fn_name_cgen($str_args);')
if is_c {
p.cur_fn = f
// Register the method
if receiver_typ != '' {
mut receiver_T := p.table.find_type(receiver_typ)
// No such type yet? It could be defined later. Create a new type.
// struct declaration later will modify it instead of creating a new one.
if p.first_run() && receiver_T.name == '' {
// println('fn decl !!!!!!! REG PH $receiver_typ')
ttyp := Type {
name: receiver_typ.replace('*', '')
pkg: p.pkg
is_placeholder: true
// f.idx = p.table.fn_cnt
else {
// println('register_fn typ=$typ isg=$is_generic')
if is_sig || p.first_run() || is_live || is_fn_header || skip_main_in_test {
// First pass? Skip the body for now [BIG]
if !is_sig && !is_fn_header {
for {
if p.tok.is_decl() {
// Live code reloading? Load all fns from .so
if is_live && p.first_run() {
// p.cgen.consts_init.push('$fn_name_cgen = dlsym(lib, "$fn_name_cgen");')
p.cgen.so_fns << fn_name_cgen
fn_name_cgen = '(* $fn_name_cgen )'
// Actual fn declaration!
mut fn_decl := '$typ $fn_name_cgen($str_args)'
if p.obfuscate {
fn_decl += '; // ${f.name}'
// Add function definition to the top
if !is_c && f.name != 'main' && p.first_run() {
// TODO hack to make Volt compile without -embed_vlib
if f.name == 'darwin__nsstring' && p.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE {
p.cgen.fns << fn_decl + ';'
p.fgenln('\n')// TODO defer this instead of copy pasting
if f.name == 'main' || f.name == 'WinMain' {
if p.table.imports.contains('os') {
if f.name == 'main' {
p.genln('os__init_os_args(argc, argv);')
else if f.name == 'WinMain' {
// We are in live code reload mode, call the .so loader in bg
if p.is_live {
pthread_t _thread_so;
pthread_create(&_thread_so , NULL, &reload_so, NULL); ')
if p.is_test && !p.scanner.file_path.contains('/volt') {
p.error('tests cannot have function `main`')
// println('is_c=$is_c name=$f.name')
if is_c || is_sig || is_fn_header {
// println('IS SIG RETURNING tok=${p.strtok()}')
// We are in profile mode? Start counting at the beginning of the function (save current time).
if p.is_prof && f.name != 'main' && f.name != 'time__ticks' {
p.genln('double _PROF_START = time__ticks();//$f.name')
cgen_name := p.table.cgen_name(f)
f.defer = ' ${cgen_name}_time += time__ticks() - _PROF_START;'
// Print counting result after all statements in main
if p.is_prof && f.name == 'main' {
// Counting or not, always need to add defer before the end
if typ != 'void' && !p.returns && f.name != 'main' && f.name != 'WinMain' {
p.error('$f.name must return "$typ"')
// {} closed correctly? scope_level should be 0
if p.pkg == 'main' {
// println(p.cur_fn.scope_level)
if p.cur_fn.scope_level > 2 {
// p.error('unclosed {')
// Make sure all vars in this function are used (only in main for now)
// if p.builtin_pkg || p.pkg == 'os' ||p.pkg=='http'{
if p.pkg != 'main' {
for var in f.local_vars {
if var.name == '' {
if !var.is_used && !var.is_arg && !p.translated && var.name != '_' {
p.scanner.line_nr = var.line_nr - 1
p.error('`$var.name` declared and not used')
// Very basic automatic memory management at the end of the function.
// This is inserted right before the final `}`, so if the object is being returned,
// the free method will not be called.
if p.is_test && var.typ.contains('array_') {
// p.genln('v_${var.typ}_free($var.name); // !!!! XAXA')
// p.genln('free(${var.name}.data); // !!!! XAXA')
// println('end of func decl')
// p.print_tok()
p.cur_fn = EmptyFn
// Important function with 5 args.
// user.say_hi() => "User_say_hi(user)"
// method_ph - where to insert "user_say_hi("
// receiver_var - "user" (needed for pthreads)
// receiver_type - "User"
fn (p mut Parser) async_fn_call(f Fn, method_ph int, receiver_var, receiver_type string) {
// println('\nfn_call $f.name is_method=$f.is_method receiver_type=$f.receiver_type')
// p.print_tok()
mut thread_name := ''
// Normal function => just its name, method => TYPE_FNNAME
mut fn_name := f.name
if f.is_method {
receiver_type = receiver_type.replace('*', '')
fn_name = '${receiver_type}_${f.name}'
// Generate tmp struct with args
arg_struct_name := 'thread_arg_$fn_name'
tmp_struct := p.get_tmp()
p.genln('$arg_struct_name * $tmp_struct = malloc(sizeof($arg_struct_name));')
mut arg_struct := 'typedef struct $arg_struct_name { '
// str_args contains the args for the wrapper function:
// wrapper(arg_struct * arg) { fn("arg->a, arg->b"); }
mut str_args := ''
for i, arg in f.args {
arg_struct += '$arg.typ $arg.name ;'// Add another field (arg) to the tmp struct definition
str_args += 'arg->$arg.name'
if i == 0 && f.is_method {
p.genln('$tmp_struct -> $arg.name = $receiver_var ;')
if i < f.args.len - 1 {
str_args += ','
// Set the struct values (args)
p.genln('$tmp_struct -> $arg.name = ')
if i < f.args.len - 1 {
str_args += ','
arg_struct += '} $arg_struct_name ;'
// Also register the wrapper, so we can use the original function without modifying it
fn_name = p.table.cgen_name(f)
wrapper_name := '${fn_name}_thread_wrapper'
wrapper_text := 'void* $wrapper_name($arg_struct_name * arg) {$fn_name( /*f*/$str_args ); }'
p.cgen.register_thread_fn(wrapper_name, wrapper_text, arg_struct)
// Create thread object
tmp_nr := p.get_tmp_counter()
thread_name = '_thread$tmp_nr'
if p.os != WINDOWS {
p.genln('pthread_t $thread_name;')
tmp2 := p.get_tmp()
mut parg := 'NULL'
if f.args.len > 0 {
parg = ' $tmp_struct'
// Call the wrapper
if p.os == WINDOWS {
p.genln(' CreateThread(0,0, $wrapper_name, $parg, 0,0);')
else {
p.genln('int $tmp2 = pthread_create(& $thread_name, NULL, $wrapper_name, $parg);')
fn (p mut Parser) fn_call(f Fn, method_ph int, receiver_var, receiver_type string) {
p.calling_c = f.is_c
is_print := p.is_prod &&// Hide prints only in prod
!p.is_test &&
!p.builtin_pkg &&// Allow prints in builtin pkgs
(f.name == 'println' || (f.is_c && f.name == 'printf'))
if !p.cgen.nogen {
p.cgen.nogen = is_print
cgen_name := p.table.cgen_name(f)
// if p.is_prof {
// p.cur_fn.called_fns << cgen_name
// }
// Normal function call
if !f.is_method {
// p.fgen(f.name)
// If we have a method placeholder,
// we need to preappend "method(receiver, ...)"
else {
// C only knows about functions "array_get", "array_set" etc
// TODO I don't need this?
// mut cgen_typ := receiver_type.replace('*', '')
// if cgen_typ.starts_with('array_') {
// cgen_typ = 'array'
// }
// println('METHOD fn_call name=$cgen_name')
// mut method_call := '${cgen_typ}_${cgen_name}('
mut method_call := '${cgen_name}('
// println('GGGG $f.name')
receiver := f.args.first()
if receiver.is_mut && !p.expr_var.is_mut {
println('$method_call recv=$receiver.name recv_mut=$receiver.is_mut')
p.error('`$p.expr_var.name` is immutable')
// if receiver is mutable or a ref (&), generate & for the first arg
if receiver.ref || (receiver.is_mut && !receiver_type.contains('*')) {
method_call += '& /* ? */'
// generate deref (TODO copy pasta later in fn_call_args)
if !receiver.is_mut && receiver_type.contains('*') {
method_call += '*'
mut cast = ''
// Method returns (void*) => cast it to int, string, user etc
// number := *(int*)numbers.first()
if f.typ == 'void*' {
// array_int => int
cast = receiver_type.all_after('_')
cast = '*($cast*) '
p.cgen.set_placeholder(method_ph, '$cast $method_call')
// p.check(LPAR)
// p.check(RPAR)
p.calling_c = false
if is_print {
p.cgen.nogen = false
// println('end of fn call typ=$f.typ')
// for declaration
// return an updated Fn object with args[] field set
fn (p mut Parser) fn_args(f mut Fn) {
// TODO defer p.check(RPAR)
if f.is_interface {
int_arg := Var {
typ: f.receiver_typ
f.args << int_arg
// Just register fn arg types
types_only := p.tok == MUL || (p.peek() == COMMA && p.table.known_type(p.lit)) || p.peek() == RPAR// (int, string)
if types_only {
for p.tok != RPAR {
typ := p.get_type()
v := Var {
typ: typ
is_arg: true
// is_mut: is_mut
line_nr: p.scanner.line_nr
// f.register_var(v)
f.args << v
if p.tok == COMMA {
// (a int, b,c string) syntax
for p.tok != RPAR {
mut names := [
// a,b,c int syntax
for p.tok == COMMA {
names << p.check_name()
is_mut := p.tok == MUT
if is_mut {
mut typ2 := p.get_type()
for name in names {
if !p.first_run() && !p.table.known_type(typ2) {
p.error('fn_args: unknown type $typ2')
if is_mut {
// && !typ2.starts_with('array_') {
typ2 += '*'
v := Var {
name: name
typ: typ2
is_arg: true
is_mut: is_mut
ptr: is_mut
line_nr: p.scanner.line_nr
f.args << v
if p.tok == COMMA {
if p.tok == DOTDOT {
f.args << Var {
name: '..'
fn (p mut Parser) fn_call_args(f *Fn) *Fn {
// p.gen('(')
// println('fn_call_args() name=$f.name args.len=$f.args.len')
// C func. # of args is not known
// if f.name.starts_with('c_') {
if f.is_c {
for p.tok != RPAR {
// debug("LEX before EXP", p.tok)
// debug("LEX AFTER EXP", p.tok)
if p.tok == COMMA {
p.gen(', ')
// debug("UUUUU C FUNC" + fnName)
// p.g.Gen("C FN " + fnName)
// p.gen(')')
return f
// Receiver - first arg
for i, arg in f.args {
// println('$i) arg=$arg.name')
// Skip receiver, because it was already generated in the expression
if i == 0 && f.is_method {
if f.args.len > 1 {
// Reached the final vararg? Quit
if i == f.args.len - 1 && arg.name == '..' {
amp_ph := p.cgen.add_placeholder()
// ) here means not enough args were supplied
if p.tok == RPAR {
str_args := f.str_args(p.table)// TODO this is C args
p.error('not enough arguments in call to `$f.name ($str_args)`')
// If `arg` is mutable, the caller needs to provide MUT:
// `arr := [1,2,3]; reverse(mut arr);`
if arg.is_mut {
if p.tok != MUT {
p.error('`$arg.name` is a mutable argument, you need to provide `mut`: `$f.name(...mut a...)`')
if p.peek() != NAME {
p.error('`$arg.name` is a mutable argument, you need to provide a variable to modify: `$f.name(... mut a...)`')
typ := p.bool_expression()
// TODO temporary hack to allow println(777)
if i == 0 && f.name == 'println' && typ != 'string'
&& typ != 'void' {
// If we dont check for void, then V will compile "println(procedure())"
if !p.is_prod {
T := p.table.find_type(typ)
if typ == 'u8' {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, 'u8_str(')
else if T.parent == 'int' {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, 'int_str(')
else if typ.ends_with('*') {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, 'ptr_str(')
else {
// Make sure this type has a `str()` method
if !T.has_method('str') {
p.error('`$typ` needs to have method `str() string` to be printable')
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, '${typ}_str(')
got := typ
expected := arg.typ
// println('fn arg got="$got" exp="$expected"')
if !p.check_types_no_throw(got, expected) {
mut err := 'Fn "$f.name" wrong arg #${i+1}. '
err += 'Expected "$arg.typ" ($arg.name) but got "$typ"'
is_interface := p.table.is_interface(arg.typ)
// Add & or * before arg?
if !is_interface {
// Dereference
if got.contains('*') && !expected.contains('*') {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, '*')
// Reference
// TODO ptr hacks. DOOM hacks, fix please.
if !got.contains('*') && expected.contains('*') && got != 'voidptr' {
// println('\ne:"$expected" got:"$got"')
if ! (expected == 'void*' && got == 'int') &&
! (expected == 'byte*' && got.contains(']byte')) &&
! (expected == 'byte*' && got == 'string') {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, '& /*11 EXP:"$expected" GOT:"$got" */')
// interface?
if is_interface {
if !got.contains('*') {
p.cgen.set_placeholder(amp_ph, '&')
// Pass all interface methods
interface_type := p.table.find_type(arg.typ)
for method in interface_type.methods {
p.gen(', ${typ}_${method.name} ')
// Check for commas
if i < f.args.len - 1 {
// Handle 0 args passed to varargs
is_vararg := i == f.args.len - 2 && f.args[i + 1].name == '..'
if p.tok != COMMA && !is_vararg {
p.error('wrong number of arguments for $i,$arg.name fn `$f.name`: expected $f.args.len, but got less')
if p.tok == COMMA {
p.fgen(', ')
if !is_vararg {
// varargs
if f.args.len > 0 {
last_arg := f.args.last()
if last_arg.name == '..' {
for p.tok != RPAR {
if p.tok == COMMA {
if p.tok == COMMA {
p.error('wrong number of arguments for fn `$f.name`: expected $f.args.len, but got more')
// p.gen(')')
fn contains_capital(s string) bool {
// for c in s {
for i := 0; i < s.len; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c >= `A` && c <= `Z` {
return true
return false
// "fn (int, string) int"
fn (f Fn) typ_str() string {
mut sb := new_string_builder(50)
sb.write('fn (')
for i, arg in f.args {
if i < f.args.len - 1 {
if f.typ != 'void' {
sb.write(' $f.typ')
return sb.str()
// f.args => "int a, string b"
fn (f &Fn) str_args(table *Table) string {
mut s := ''
for i, arg in f.args {
// Interfaces are a special case. We need to pass the object + pointers
// to all methods:
// fn handle(r Runner) { =>
// void handle(void *r, void (*Runner_run)(void*)) {
if table.is_interface(arg.typ) {
// First the object (same name as the interface argument)
s += ' void* $arg.name'
// Now all methods
interface_type := table.find_type(arg.typ)
for method in interface_type.methods {
s += ', $method.typ (*${arg.typ}_${method.name})(void*) '
else if arg.name == '..' {
s += '...'
else {
// s += '$arg.typ $arg.name'
s += table.cgen_name_type_pair(arg.name, arg.typ)// '$arg.typ $arg.name'
if i < f.args.len - 1 {
s += ', '
return s

compiler/jsgen.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module main
// TODO replace with comptime code generation.
// TODO remove cJSON dependency.
// OLD: User decode_User(string js) {
// now it's
// User decode_User(cJSON* root) {
// User res;
// res.name = decode_string(js_get(root, "name"));
// res.profile = decode_Profile(js_get(root, "profile"));
// return res;
// }
// Codegen json_decode/encode funcs
fn (p mut Parser) gen_json_for_type(typ Type) {
mut dec := ''
mut enc := ''
t := typ.name
if t == 'int' || t == 'string' || t == 'bool' {
if p.first_run() {
// println('gen_json_for_type( $typ.name )')
// Register decoder fn
mut dec_fn := Fn {
pkg: p.pkg
typ: 'Option_$typ.name'
name: js_dec_name(t)
// Already registered? Skip.
if p.table.known_fn(dec_fn.name) {
// decode_TYPE funcs receive an actual cJSON* object to decode
// cJSON_Parse(str) call is added by the compiler
arg := Var {
typ: 'cJSON*'
dec_fn.args << arg
// Register encoder fn
mut enc_fn := Fn {
pkg: p.pkg
typ: 'cJSON*'
name: js_enc_name(t)
// encode_TYPE funcs receive an object to encode
enc_arg := Var {
typ: t
enc_fn.args << enc_arg
// Code gen decoder
dec += '
//$t $dec_fn.name(cJSON* root) {
Option $dec_fn.name(cJSON* root, $t* res) {
// $t res;
if (!root) {
const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
if (error_ptr != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in decode() for $t error_ptr=: %%s\\n", error_ptr);
// printf("\\nbad js=%%s\\n", js.str);
return b_error(tos2(error_ptr));
// Code gen encoder
enc += '
cJSON* $enc_fn.name($t val) {
cJSON *o = cJSON_CreateObject();
string res = tos2("");
// Handle arrays
if t.starts_with('array_') {
dec += p.decode_array(t)
enc += p.encode_array(t)
// Range through fields
for field in typ.fields {
if field.attr == 'skip' {
field_type := p.table.find_type(field.typ)
// Now generate decoders for all field types in this struct
// need to do it here so that these functions are generated first
name := field.name
_typ := field.typ.replace('*', '')
enc_name := js_enc_name(_typ)
dec_name := js_dec_name(_typ)
if is_js_prim(_typ) {
dec += ' /*prim*/ res->$name = $dec_name(js_get(root, "$field.name"))'
// dec += '.data'
else {
dec += ' /*!!*/ $dec_name(js_get(root, "$field.name"), & (res->$name))'
dec += ';\n'
enc += ' cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "$name", $enc_name(val.$name)); \n'
// cJSON_delete
p.cgen.fns << '$dec return opt_ok(res); \n}'
p.cgen.fns << '/*enc start*/ $enc return o;}'
fn is_js_prim(typ string) bool {
return typ == 'int' || typ == 'string' || typ == 'bool'
fn (p mut Parser) decode_array(typ string) string {
typ = typ.replace('array_', '')
t := p.table.find_type(typ)
fn_name := js_dec_name(typ)
// If we have `[]Profile`, have to register a Profile en(de)coder first
mut s := ''
if is_js_prim(typ) {
s = '$typ val= $fn_name(jsval); '
else {
s = ' $typ val; $fn_name(jsval, &val); '
return '
*res = new_array(0, 0, sizeof($typ));
const cJSON *jsval = NULL;
cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root)
array__push(res, &val);
fn js_enc_name(typ string) string {
name := 'json__jsencode_$typ'
return name
fn js_dec_name(typ string) string {
name := 'json__jsdecode_$typ'
return name
fn (p &Parser) encode_array(typ string) string {
typ = typ.replace('array_', '')
fn_name := js_enc_name(typ)
return '
o = cJSON_CreateArray();
for (int i = 0; i < val.len; i++){
cJSON_AddItemToArray(o, $fn_name( (($typ*)val.data)[i] ));

compiler/main.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
module main
import os
import time
const (
Version = '0.0.12'
// TODO no caps
enum BuildMode {
// `v program.v'
// Build user code only, and add pre-compiled vlib (`cc program.o builtin.o os.o...`)
// `v -embed_vlib program.v`
// vlib + user code in one file (slower compilation, but easier when working on vlib and cross-compiling)
// `v -lib ~/v/os`
// build any module (generate os.o + os.vh)
BUILD // TODO a better name would be smth like `.build_module` I think
fn vtmp_path() string {
$if windows {
return os.home_dir() + '/.vlang$Version/'
return '/var/tmp/vlang$Version/'
const (
SupportedPlatforms = ['windows', 'mac', 'linux']
TmpPath = vtmp_path()
// TODO V was re-written in V before enums were implemented. Lots of consts need to be replaced with
// enums.
const (
MAC = 0
enum Pass {
// A very short pass that only looks at imports in the begginning of each file
// First pass, only parses and saves declarations (fn signatures, consts, types).
// Skips function bodies.
// We need this because in V things can be used before they are declared.
// Second pass, parses function bodies and generates C or machine code.
// TODO rename to:
enum Pass {
struct V {
build_mode BuildMode
os int // the OS to build for
nofmt bool // disable vfmt
out_name_c string // name of the temporary C file
files []string // all V files that need to be parsed and compiled
dir string // directory (or file) being compiled (TODO rename to path?)
table *Table // table with types, vars, functions etc
cgen *CGen // C code generator
is_test bool // `v test string_test.v`
is_script bool // single file mode (`v program.v`), `fn main(){}` can be skipped
is_so bool
is_live bool // for hot code reloading
is_prof bool // benchmark every function
translated bool // `v translated doom.v` are we running V code translated from C? allow globals, ++ expressions, etc
obfuscate bool // `v -obf program.v`, renames functions to "f_XXX"
lang_dir string // "~/code/v"
is_verbose bool // print extra information with `v.log()`
is_run bool // `v run program.v`
is_play bool // playground mode
show_c_cmd bool // `v -show_c_cmd` prints the C command to build program.v.c
sanitize bool // use Clang's new "-fsanitize" option
out_name string // "program.exe"
is_prod bool // use "-O2" and skip printlns (TODO I don't thik many people want printlns to disappear in prod buidls)
is_repl bool
fn main() {
// There's no `flags` module yet, so args have to be parsed manually
args := os.args
// Print the version and exit.
if 'version' in args {
println2('V $Version')
if '-h' in args || '--help' in args || 'help' in args {
// u := os.file_last_mod_unix('/var/tmp/alex')
// t := time.unixn(u)
// println(t.clean())
// If there's not tmp path with current version yet, the user must be using a pre-built package
// Copy the `vlib` directory to the tmp path.
if !os.file_exists(TmpPath) && os.file_exists('vlib') {
os.system2('cp -rf vlib $TmpPath/')
// os.system2('cp -rf json $TmpPath/')
// Just fmt and exit
if args.contains('fmt') {
file := args.last()
if !os.file_exists(file) {
os.exit1('"$file" does not exist')
if !file.ends_with('.v') {
os.exit1('v fmt can only be used on .v files')
println2('vfmt is temporarily disabled')
// V with no args? REPL
if args.len < 2 {
// Construct the V object from command line arguments
mut c := new_v(args)
if c.is_verbose {
// Generate the docs and exit
if args.contains('doc') {
// c.gen_doc_html_for_module(args.last())
fn (c mut V) compile() {
mut cgen := c.cgen
cgen.genln('// Generated by V')
// Add user files to compile
if c.is_verbose {
println('all .v files:')
// First pass (declarations)
for file in c.files {
mut p := c.new_parser(file, RUN_DECLS)
// Main pass
cgen.run = RUN_MAIN
if c.os == MAC {
cgen.genln('#define mac (1) ')
// cgen.genln('#include <pthread.h>')
if c.os == LINUX {
cgen.genln('#define linux (1) ')
cgen.genln('#include <pthread.h>')
if c.os == WINDOWS {
cgen.genln('#define windows (1) ')
// cgen.genln('#include <WinSock2.h>')
cgen.genln('#include <windows.h> ')
if c.is_play {
cgen.genln('#define VPLAY (1) ')
#include <stdio.h> // TODO remove all these includes, define all function signatures and types manually
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_list
#include <inttypes.h> // int64_t etc
//================================== TYPEDEFS ================================*/
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef int64_t i64;
typedef int32_t i32;
typedef int16_t i16;
typedef int8_t i8;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint32_t rune;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
typedef unsigned char* byteptr;
typedef int* intptr;
typedef void* voidptr;
typedef struct array array;
typedef struct map map;
typedef array array_string;
typedef array array_int;
typedef array array_byte;
typedef array array_uint;
typedef array array_float;
typedef map map_int;
typedef map map_string;
#ifndef bool
typedef int bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0
//============================== HELPER C MACROS =============================*/
#define _PUSH(arr, val, tmp, tmp_typ) {tmp_typ tmp = (val); array__push(arr, &tmp);}
#define _IN(typ, val, arr) array_##typ##_contains(arr, val)
#define ALLOC_INIT(type, ...) (type *)memdup((type[]){ __VA_ARGS__ }, sizeof(type))
#define UTF8_CHAR_LEN( byte ) (( 0xE5000000 >> (( byte >> 3 ) & 0x1e )) & 3 ) + 1
//================================== GLOBALS =================================*/
//int V_ZERO = 0;
byteptr g_str_buf;
int load_so(byteptr);
void reload_so();
void init_consts();')
imports_json := c.table.imports.contains('json')
// TODO remove global UI hack
if c.os == MAC && ((c.build_mode == EMBED_VLIB && c.table.imports.contains('ui')) ||
(c.build_mode == BUILD && c.dir.contains('/ui'))) {
cgen.genln('id defaultFont = 0; // main.v')
// TODO remove ugly .c include once V has its own json parser
// Embed cjson either in embedvlib or in json.o
if imports_json && c.build_mode == EMBED_VLIB ||
(c.build_mode == BUILD && c.out_name.contains('json.o')) {
cgen.genln('#include "json/cJSON/cJSON.c" ')
// We need the cjson header for all the json decoding user will do in default mode
if c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE {
if imports_json {
cgen.genln('#include "json/cJSON/cJSON.h"')
if c.build_mode == EMBED_VLIB || c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE {
// If we declare these for all modes, then when running `v a.v` we'll get
// `/usr/bin/ld: multiple definition of 'total_m'`
cgen.genln('i64 total_m = 0; // For counting total RAM allocated')
cgen.genln('int g_test_ok = 1; ')
if c.table.imports.contains('json') {
#define js_get(object, key) cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive((object), (key))
if os.args.contains('-debug_alloc') {
cgen.genln('#define DEBUG_ALLOC 1')
cgen.genln('/*================================== FNS =================================*/')
cgen.genln('this line will be replaced with definitions')
defs_pos := cgen.lines.len - 1
for file in c.files {
mut p := c.new_parser(file, RUN_MAIN)
// p.g.gen_x64()
// Format all files (don't format automatically generated vlib headers)
if !c.nofmt && !file.contains('/vlib/') {
// new vfmt is not ready yet
c.log('Done parsing.')
// Write everything
mut d := new_string_builder(10000)// Just to avoid some unnecessary allocations
d.writeln('\nstring _STR(const char*, ...);\n')
d.writeln('\nstring _STR_TMP(const char*, ...);\n')
if c.is_prof {
d.writeln('; // Prof counters:')
dd := d.str()
cgen.lines.set(defs_pos, dd)// TODO `def.str()` doesn't compile
// if c.build_mode in [.default, .embed_vlib] {
if c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE || c.build_mode == EMBED_VLIB {
// vlib can't have `init_consts()`
cgen.genln('void init_consts() { g_str_buf=malloc(1000); ${cgen.consts_init.join_lines()} }')
// _STR function can't be defined in vlib
string _STR(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, fmt);
size_t len = vsnprintf(0, 0, fmt, argptr) + 1;
byte* buf = malloc(len);
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(buf, fmt, argptr);
return tos2(buf);
string _STR_TMP(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list argptr;
va_start(argptr, fmt);
size_t len = vsnprintf(0, 0, fmt, argptr) + 1;
va_start(argptr, fmt);
vsprintf(g_str_buf, fmt, argptr);
return tos2(g_str_buf);
// Make sure the main function exists
// Obviously we don't need it in libraries
if c.build_mode != BUILD {
if !c.table.main_exists() && !c.is_test {
// It can be skipped in single file programs
if c.is_script {
println('Generating main()...')
cgen.genln('int main() { $cgen.fn_main; return 0; }')
else {
println('panic: function `main` is undeclared in the main module')
// Generate `main` which calls every single test function
else if c.is_test {
cgen.genln('int main() { init_consts();')
for v in c.table.fns {
if v.name.starts_with('test_') {
cgen.genln('return g_test_ok == 0; }')
if c.is_live {
cgen.genln(' int load_so(byteptr path) {
printf("load_so %s\\n", path); dlclose(live_lib); live_lib = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!live_lib) {puts("open failed"); exit(1); return 0;}
for so_fn in cgen.so_fns {
cgen.genln('$so_fn = dlsym(live_lib, "$so_fn"); ')
cgen.genln('return 1; }')
if c.is_verbose {
if c.is_test || c.is_run {
if true || c.is_verbose {
println('============running $c.out_name==============================')
cmd := if c.out_name.starts_with('/') {
else {
'./' + c.out_name
ret := os.system2(cmd)
if ret != 0 {
s := os.system(cmd)
os.exit1('ret not 0, exiting')
fn (c mut V) cc() {
linux_host := os.user_os() == 'linux'
c.log('cc() isprod=$c.is_prod outname=$c.out_name')
mut a := ['-w']// arguments for the C compiler
flags := c.table.flags.join(' ')
mut shared := ''
if c.is_so {
a << '-shared'// -Wl,-z,defs'
c.out_name = c.out_name + '.so'
if c.is_prod {
a << '-O2'
else {
a << '-g'
mut libs := ''// builtin.o os.o http.o etc
if c.build_mode == BUILD {
a << '-c'
else if c.build_mode == EMBED_VLIB {
else if c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE {
libs = '$TmpPath/vlib/builtin.o'
if !os.file_exists(libs) {
println2('`builtin.o` not found')
for imp in c.table.imports {
if imp == 'webview' {
libs += ' $TmpPath/vlib/${imp}.o'
// -I flags
mut args := ''
for flag in c.table.flags {
if !flag.starts_with('-l') {
args += flag
args += ' '
if c.sanitize {
a << '-fsanitize=leak'
// Cross compiling linux
sysroot := '/Users/alex/tmp/lld/linuxroot/'
if c.os == LINUX && !linux_host {
// Build file.o
a << '-c --sysroot=$sysroot -target x86_64-linux-gnu'
// Right now `out_name` can be `file`, not `file.o`
if !c.out_name.ends_with('.o') {
c.out_name = c.out_name + '.o'
// Cross compiling windows
// sysroot := '/Users/alex/tmp/lld/linuxroot/'
// Output executable name
// else {
a << '-o $c.out_name'
// }
// Min macos version is mandatory I think?
if c.os == MAC {
a << '-mmacosx-version-min=10.7'
a << flags
a << libs
// macOS code can include objective C TODO remove once objective C is replaced with C
if c.os == MAC {
a << '-x objective-c'
// The C file we are compiling
a << '$TmpPath/$c.out_name_c'
// Without these libs compilation will fail on Linux
if c.os == LINUX && c.build_mode != BUILD {
a << '-lm -ldl -lpthread'
// Find clang executable
fast_clang := '/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/8.0.0/bin/clang'
args := a.join(' ')
cmd := if os.file_exists(fast_clang) {
'$fast_clang -I. $args'
else {
'clang -I. $args'
// Print the C command
if c.show_c_cmd || c.is_verbose {
// Run
res := os.system(cmd)
// println('C OUTPUT:')
if res.contains('error: ') {
panic('clang error')
// Link it if we are cross compiling and need an executable
if c.os == LINUX && !linux_host && c.build_mode != BUILD {
c.out_name = c.out_name.replace('.o', '')
obj_file := c.out_name + '.o'
println('linux obj_file=$obj_file out_name=$c.out_name')
ress := os.system('/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/8.0.0/bin/ld.lld --sysroot=$sysroot ' +
'-v -o $c.out_name ' +
'-m elf_x86_64 -dynamic-linker /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ' +
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o ' +
'$sysroot/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm-2.28.a ' +
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o ' +
obj_file +
' /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so ' +
if ress.contains('error:') {
println('linux cross compilation done. resulting binary: "$c.out_name"')
// print_time('after gcc')
fn (c &V) v_files_from_dir(dir string) []string {
mut res := []string
mut files := os.ls(dir)
if !os.file_exists(dir) {
panic('$dir doesnt exist')
if c.is_verbose {
println('v_files_from_dir ("$dir")')
// println(files.len)
// println(files)
for file in files {
if !file.ends_with('.v') && !file.ends_with('.vh') {
if file.ends_with('_test.v') {
if file.ends_with('_win.v') && c.os != WINDOWS {
if file.ends_with('_lin.v') && c.os != LINUX {
if file.ends_with('_mac.v') && c.os != MAC {
lin_file := file.replace('_mac.v', '_lin.v')
// println('lin_file="$lin_file"')
// If there are both _mac.v and _lin.v, don't use _mac.v
if os.file_exists('$dir/$lin_file') {
else if c.os == WINDOWS {
else {
// If there's only _mac.v, then it can be used on Linux too
res << '$dir/$file'
return res
// Parses imports, adds necessary libs, and then user files
fn (c mut V) add_user_v_files() {
mut dir := c.dir
// Need to store user files separately, because they have to be added after libs, but we dont know
// which libs need to be added yet
mut user_files := []string
// v volt/slack_test.v: compile all .v files to get the environment
// I need to implement user packages! TODO
is_test_with_imports := dir.ends_with('_test.v') &&
(dir.contains('/volt') || dir.contains('/c2volt'))// TODO
if is_test_with_imports {
user_files << dir
pos := dir.last_index('/')
dir = dir.left(pos) + '/'// TODO WHY IS THIS NEEDED?
if dir.ends_with('.v') {
// Just compile one file and get parent dir
user_files << dir
dir = dir.all_before('/')
else {
// Add files from the dir user is compiling (only .v files)
files := c.v_files_from_dir(dir)
for file in files {
user_files << file
if user_files.len == 0 {
exit('No input .v files')
if c.is_verbose {
// Parse user imports
for file in user_files {
mut p := c.new_parser(file, RUN_IMPORTS)
// Parse lib imports
if c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE {
for i := 0; i < c.table.imports.len; i++ {
pkg := c.table.imports[i]
vfiles := c.v_files_from_dir('$TmpPath/vlib/$pkg')
// Add all imports referenced by these libs
for file in vfiles {
mut p := c.new_parser(file, RUN_IMPORTS)
else {
// TODO this used to crash compiler?
// for pkg in c.table.imports {
for i := 0; i < c.table.imports.len; i++ {
pkg := c.table.imports[i]
// mut import_path := '$c.lang_dir/$pkg'
vfiles := c.v_files_from_dir('$c.lang_dir/$pkg')
// Add all imports referenced by these libs
for file in vfiles {
mut p := c.new_parser(file, RUN_IMPORTS)
if c.is_verbose {
// Only now add all combined lib files
for pkg in c.table.imports {
mut module_path := '$c.lang_dir/$pkg'
// If we are in default mode, we don't parse vlib .v files, but header .vh files in
// TmpPath/vlib
// These were generated by vfmt
if c.build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE || c.build_mode == BUILD {
module_path = '$TmpPath/vlib/$pkg'
vfiles := c.v_files_from_dir(module_path)
for vfile in vfiles {
c.files << vfile
// TODO c.files.append_array(vfiles)
// Add user code last
for file in user_files {
c.files << file
// c.files.append_array(user_files)
fn get_arg(joined_args, arg, def string) string {
key := '-$arg '
mut pos := joined_args.index(key)
if pos == -1 {
return def
pos += key.len
mut space := joined_args.index_after(' ', pos)
if space == -1 {
space = joined_args.len
res := joined_args.substr(pos, space)
// println('get_arg($arg) = "$res"')
return res
fn (c &V) log(s string) {
if !c.is_verbose {
fn new_v(args[]string) *V {
mut dir := args.last()
// println('new compiler "$dir"')
if args.len < 2 {
dir = ''
joined_args := args.join(' ')
target_os := get_arg(joined_args, 'os', '')
mut out_name := get_arg(joined_args, 'o', 'a.out')
// build mode
mut build_mode := DEFAULT_MODE
if args.contains('-lib') {
build_mode = BUILD
// v -lib ~/v/os => os.o
base := dir.all_after('/')
println('Building module ${base}...')
out_name = '$TmpPath/vlib/${base}.o'
// Cross compiling? Use separate dirs for each os
if target_os != os.user_os() {
out_name = '$TmpPath/vlib/$target_os/${base}.o'
println('Cross compiling $out_name')
// TODO embed_vlib is temporarily the default mode. It's much slower.
else if !args.contains('-embed_vlib') {
build_mode = EMBED_VLIB
is_test := dir.ends_with('_test.v')
is_script := dir.ends_with('.v')
if is_script && !os.file_exists(dir) {
exit('`$dir` does not exist')
// No -o provided? foo.v => foo
if out_name == 'a.out' && dir.ends_with('.v') {
out_name = dir.left(dir.len - 2)
// if we are in `/foo` and run `v .`, the executable should be `foo`
if dir == '.' && out_name == 'a.out' {
base := os.getwd().all_after('/')
out_name = base.trim_space()
mut _os := MAC
// No OS specifed? Use current system
if target_os == '' {
$if linux {
_os = LINUX
$if mac {
_os = MAC
$if windows {
else {
switch target_os {
case 'linux': _os = LINUX
case 'windows': _os = WINDOWS
case 'mac': _os = MAC
builtins := [
// Location of all vlib files TODO allow custom location
mut lang_dir = os.home_dir() + '/code/v/'
out_name_c := out_name.all_after('/') + '.c'
mut files := []string
// Add builtin files
if !out_name.contains('builtin.o') {
for builtin in builtins {
mut f := '$lang_dir/builtin/$builtin'
// In default mode we use precompiled vlib.o, point to .vh files with signatures
if build_mode == DEFAULT_MODE || build_mode == BUILD {
f = '$TmpPath/vlib/builtin/${builtin}h'
files << f
obfuscate := args.contains('-obf')
return &V {
os: _os
out_name: out_name
files: files
dir: dir
lang_dir: lang_dir
table: new_table(obfuscate)
out_name: out_name
out_name_c: out_name_c
is_test: is_test
is_script: is_script
is_so: args.contains('-shared')
is_play: args.contains('play')
is_prod: args.contains('-prod')
is_verbose: args.contains('-verbose')
obfuscate: obfuscate
is_prof: args.contains('-prof')
is_live: args.contains('-live')
sanitize: args.contains('-sanitize')
nofmt: args.contains('-nofmt')
show_c_cmd: args.contains('-show_c_cmd')
translated: args.contains('translated')
cgen: new_cgen(out_name_c)
build_mode: build_mode
is_run: args.contains('run')
is_repl: args.contains('-repl')
fn run_repl() []string {
println2('V $Version')
println2('Use Ctrl-D to exit')
println2('For now you have to use println() to print values, this will be fixed soon\n')
file := TmpPath + '/vrepl.v'
mut lines := []string
for {
print('>>> ')
mut line := os.get_line().trim_space()
if line == '' {
// Save the source only if the user is printing something,
// but don't add this print call to the `lines` array,
// so that it doesn't get called during the next print.
if line.starts_with('print') {
// TODO remove this once files without main compile correctly
source_code := 'fn main(){' + lines.join('\n') + '\n' + line + '}'
os.write_file(file, source_code)
mut v := new_v( ['v', '-repl', file])
s := os.system(TmpPath + '/vrepl')
else {
lines << line
return lines
// This definitely needs to be better :)
const (
HelpText = '
- To build a V program:
v file.v
- To get current V version:
v version
- To build an optimized executable:
v -prod file.v
- To specify the executable\'s name:
v -o program file.v
- To disable automatic formatting:
v -nofmt file.v
- To build a program with an embedded vlib (use this if you do not have prebuilt vlib libraries or if you
are working on vlib)
v -embed_vlib file.v

compiler/parser.v Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

compiler/scanner.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
module main
struct Scanner {
file_path string
text string
pos int
line_nr int
inside_string bool
dollar_start bool // for hacky string interpolation TODO simplify
dollar_end bool
debug bool
line_comment string
started bool
is_fmt bool
// vfmt fields
fmt_out StringBuilder
fmt_indent int
fmt_line_empty bool
const (
QUOTE = `"`
fn new_scanner(file_path string) *Scanner {
if !os.file_exists(file_path) {
panic('"$file_path" doesnt exist')
scanner := &Scanner {
file_path: file_path
text: os.read_file(file_path)
fmt_out: new_string_builder(1000)
// println('new scanner "$file_path" txt.len=$scanner.text.len')
return scanner
// TODO remove once multiple return values are implemented
struct ScanRes {
tok Token
lit string
fn scan_res(tok Token, lit string) ScanRes {
return ScanRes{tok, lit}
fn is_white(c byte) bool {
return c.is_white()
fn is_nl(c byte) bool {
i := int(c)
return i == 12 || i == 10
fn (s mut Scanner) ident_name() string {
start := s.pos
for {
c := s.text[s.pos]
if !is_name_char(c) && !c.is_digit() {
name := s.text.substr(start, s.pos)
return name
fn (s mut Scanner) ident_number() string {
start := s.pos
is_hex := s.text[s.pos] == `0` && s.text[s.pos + 1] == `x`
is_oct := !is_hex && s.text[s.pos] == `0`
mut is_float := false
for {
c := s.text[s.pos]
if c == `.` {
is_float = true
is_good_hex := is_hex && (c == `x` || c == `u` || (c >= `a` && c <= `f`))
// 1e+3, 1e-3, 1e3
if !is_hex && c == `e` {
next := s.text[s.pos + 1]
if next == `+` || next == `-` || next.is_digit() {
if !c.is_digit() && c != `.` && !is_good_hex {
// 1..9
if c == `.` && s.text[s.pos + 1] == `.` {
if is_oct && c >= `8` && !is_float {
s.error('malformed octal constant')
number := s.text.substr(start, s.pos)
return number
fn (s mut Scanner) skip_whitespace() {
for s.pos < s.text.len && is_white(s.text[s.pos]) {
if is_nl(s.text[s.pos]) {
if s.is_fmt {
// if s.pos == s.text.len {
// return scan_res(EOF, '')
// }
fn (s mut Scanner) scan() ScanRes {
// if s.file_path == 'd.v' {
// println('\nscan()')
// }
// if s.started {
if s.pos > 0 {
// || (s.pos == 0 && s.text.len > 0 && s.text[s.pos] == `\n`) {
s.started = true
if s.pos >= s.text.len {
return scan_res(EOF, '')
// skip whitespace
if !s.inside_string {
if s.is_fmt && s.text[s.pos] == `\n` {
return scan_res(NL, '')
// End of $var, start next string
if !s.is_fmt && s.dollar_end {
// fmt.Println("end of $var, get string", s.pos, string(s.text[s.pos]))
if s.text[s.pos] == SINGLE_QUOTE {
// fmt.Println("ENDDD")
s.dollar_end = false
return scan_res(STRING, '')
s.dollar_end = false
return scan_res(STRING, s.ident_string())
// println('ws skipped')
// end of file
if s.pos >= s.text.len {
// println('scan(): returning EOF (pos >= len)')
return scan_res(EOF, '')
// println('!!!!! HANDLE CHAR pos=$s.pos')
// handle each char
c := s.text[s.pos]
mut nextc := `\0`
if s.pos + 1 < s.text.len {
nextc = s.text[s.pos + 1]
// name or keyword
if is_name_char(c) {
name := s.ident_name()
next_char := s.text[s.pos + 1]// tmp hack to detect . in ${}
// println('!!! got name=$name next_char=$next_char')
if is_key(name) {
// println('IS KEY')
// tok := (key_to_token(name))
// println(tok.str())
return scan_res(key_to_token(name), '')
// 'asdf $b' => "b" is the last name in the string, dont start parsing string
// at the next ', skip it
if s.inside_string {
// println('is_letter inside string! nextc=${nextc.str()}')
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == SINGLE_QUOTE {
// println('var is last before QUOTE')
s.dollar_start = false
s.inside_string = false
if s.dollar_start && next_char != `.` {
// println('INSIDE STRING .dollar var=$name')
s.dollar_end = true
s.dollar_start = false
return scan_res(NAME, name)
// number, `.123`
else if c.is_digit() || c == `.` && nextc.is_digit() {
num := s.ident_number()
return scan_res(INT, num)
// all other tokens
switch c {
case `+`:
if nextc == `+` {
return scan_res(INC, '')
else if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(PLUS_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(PLUS, '')
case `-`:
if nextc == `-` {
return scan_res(DEC, '')
else if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(MINUS_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(MINUS, '')
case `*`:
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(MULT_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(MUL, '')
case `^`:
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(XOR_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(XOR, '')
case `%`:
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(MOD_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(MOD, '')
case `?`:
return scan_res(QUESTION, '')
return scan_res(STRING, s.ident_string())
// TODO allow double quotes
// case QUOTE:
// return scan_res(STRING, s.ident_string())
case `\``:
return scan_res(CHAR, s.ident_char())
case `(`:
return scan_res(LPAR, '')
case `)`:
return scan_res(RPAR, '')
case `[`:
return scan_res(LSBR, '')
case `]`:
return scan_res(RSBR, '')
case `{`:
// Skip { in ${ in strings
if s.inside_string {
return s.scan()
return scan_res(LCBR, '')
case `$`:
return scan_res(DOLLAR, '')
case `}`:
// s = `hello $name kek`
// s = `hello ${name} kek`
if s.inside_string {
if s.text[s.pos] == SINGLE_QUOTE {
s.inside_string = false
return scan_res(STRING, '')
return scan_res(STRING, s.ident_string())
else {
return scan_res(RCBR, '')
case `&`:
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(AND_ASSIGN, '')
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `&` {
return scan_res(AND, '')
return scan_res(AMP, '')
case `|`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `|` {
return scan_res(OR, '')
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(OR_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(PIPE, '')
case `,`:
return scan_res(COMMA, '')
case `\n`:
return scan_res(NL, '')
case `.`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `.` {
return scan_res(DOTDOT, '')
return scan_res(DOT, '')
case `#`:
start := s.pos + 1
for s.text[s.pos] != `\n` {
hash := s.text.substr(start, s.pos)
if s.is_fmt {
// fmt needs NL after #
return scan_res(HASH, hash.trim_space())
case `@`:
start := s.pos + 1
for s.text[s.pos] != `\n` {
at := s.text.substr(start, s.pos)
return scan_res(AT, at.trim_space())
case `>`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `=` {
return scan_res(GE, '')
else if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `>` {
if s.text[s.pos + 2] == `=` {
s.pos += 2
return scan_res(RIGHT_SHIFT_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(RIGHT_SHIFT, '')
else {
return scan_res(GT, '')
case `<`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `=` {
return scan_res(LE, '')
else if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `<` {
if s.text[s.pos + 2] == `=` {
s.pos += 2
return scan_res(LEFT_SHIFT_ASSIGN, '')
return scan_res(LEFT_SHIFT, '')
else {
return scan_res(LT, '')
case `=`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `=` {
return scan_res(EQ, '')
else {
return scan_res(ASSIGN, '')
case `:`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `=` {
return scan_res(DECL_ASSIGN, '')
else {
return scan_res(COLON, '')
case `;`:
return scan_res(SEMICOLON, '')
case `!`:
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `=` {
return scan_res(NE, '')
else {
return scan_res(NOT, '')
case `~`:
return scan_res(BIT_NOT, '')
case `/`:
if nextc == `=` {
return scan_res(DIV_ASSIGN, '')
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `/` {
// debug("!!!!!!GOT LINE COM")
start := s.pos + 1
for s.text[s.pos] != `\n` {
s.line_comment = s.text.substr(start + 1, s.pos)
s.line_comment = s.line_comment.trim_space()
s.fgenln('// $s.line_comment')
if s.is_fmt {
// fmt needs NL after comment
else {
// Skip comment
return s.scan()
return scan_res(LINE_COM, s.line_comment)
// Multiline comments
if s.text[s.pos + 1] == `*` {
start := s.pos
// Skip comment
for ! (s.text[s.pos] == `*` && s.text[s.pos + 1] == `/`) {
if s.pos >= s.text.len {
s.error('comment not terminated')
if s.text[s.pos] == `\n` {
end := s.pos + 1
comm := s.text.substr(start, end)
if s.is_fmt {
return scan_res(MLINE_COM, comm)
// Skip if not in fmt mode
return s.scan()
return scan_res(DIV, '')
println2('(char code=$c) pos=$s.pos len=$s.text.len')
s.error('invalid character `${c.str()}`')
return scan_res(EOF, '')
fn (s &Scanner) error(msg string) {
// println('!! SCANNER ERROR: $msg')
file := s.file_path.all_after('/')
println2('panic: $file:${s.line_nr + 1}')
// os.print_backtrace()
// println(file)
// println(s.file_path)
os.exit1(' ')
// println2('array out of bounds $idx len=$a.len')
// This is really bad. It needs a major clean up
fn (s mut Scanner) ident_string() string {
// println("\nidentString() at char=", string(s.text[s.pos]),
// "chard=", s.text[s.pos], " pos=", s.pos, "txt=", s.text[s.pos:s.pos+7])
debug := s.file_path.contains('test_test')
if debug {
println('identStr() $s.file_path line=$s.line_nr pos=$s.pos')
mut start := s.pos
s.inside_string = false
slash := `\\`
for {
if s.pos >= s.text.len {
c := s.text[s.pos]
if debug {
prevc := s.text[s.pos - 1]
// end of string
if c == SINGLE_QUOTE && (prevc != slash || (prevc == slash && s.text[s.pos - 2] == slash)) {
// handle '123\\' slash at the end
if c == `\n` {
// Don't allow \0
if c == `0` && s.pos > 2 && s.text[s.pos - 1] == `\\` {
s.error('0 character in a string literal')
// Don't allow \x00
if c == `0` && s.pos > 5 && s.text[s.pos - 1] == `0` && s.text[s.pos - 2] == `x` &&
s.text[s.pos - 3] == `\\` {
s.error('0 character in a string literal')
// ${var}
if !s.is_fmt && c == `{` && prevc == `$` {
s.inside_string = true
// fmt.Println("breaking out of is()")
// so that s.pos points to $ at the next step
s.pos -= 2
// fmt.Println("break pos=", s.pos, "c=", string(s.text[s.pos]), "d=", s.text[s.pos])
// $var
// if !s.is_fmt && c != `{` && c != ` ` && ! (c >= `0` && c <= `9`) && prevc == `$` {
if !s.is_fmt && (c.is_letter() || c == `_`) && prevc == `$` {
s.inside_string = true
s.dollar_start = true
// println('setting s.dollar=true pos=$s.pos')
s.pos -= 2
mut lit := ''
if s.text[start] == SINGLE_QUOTE {
mut end := s.pos
if s.inside_string {
if start > s.pos{}
else {
lit = s.text.substr(start, end)
// if lit.contains('\n') {
// println('\nstring lit="$lit" pos=$s.pos line=$s.line_nr')
// }
for c in lit {
if s.file_path.contains('range_test') {
return lit
fn (s mut Scanner) ident_char() string {
start := s.pos
slash := `\\`
mut len := 0
for {
if s.pos >= s.text.len {
if s.text[s.pos] != slash {
double_slash := s.text[s.pos - 1] == slash && s.text[s.pos - 2] == slash
if s.text[s.pos] == `\`` && (s.text[s.pos - 1] != slash || double_slash) {
if double_slash {
c := s.text.substr(start + 1, s.pos)
if len != 1 {
s.error('invalid character literal (more than one character: $len)')
return c
fn (p mut Parser) peek() Token {
for {
tok := p.scanner.peek()
if tok != NL {
return tok
fn (s mut Scanner) peek() Token {
pos := s.pos
line := s.line_nr
inside_string := s.inside_string
dollar_start := s.dollar_start
dollar_end := s.dollar_end
// /////
res := s.scan()
tok := res.tok
s.pos = pos
s.line_nr = line
s.inside_string = inside_string
s.dollar_start = dollar_start
s.dollar_end = dollar_end
return tok
fn (s mut Scanner) debug_tokens() {
s.pos = 0
fname := s.file_path.all_after('/')
println('\n===DEBUG TOKENS $fname ============')
// allToks := ''
s.debug = true
for {
res := s.scan()
tok := res.tok
lit := res.lit
// printiln(tok)
// allToks += tok.String()
if lit != '' {
println(' `$lit`')
// allToks += " `" + lit + "`"
else {
// allToks += "\n"
if tok == EOF {
println('============ END OF DEBUG TOKENS ==================')
// fmt.Println("========"+s.file+"========\n", allToks)
fn is_name_char(c byte) bool {
return c.is_letter() || c == `_`

compiler/table.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
module main
struct Table {
types []Type
consts []Var
fns []Fn
obf_ids map_int // obf_ids 'myfunction'] == 23
packages []string // List of all modules registered by the application
imports []string // List of all imports
flags []string // ['-framework Cocoa', '-lglfw3']
fn_cnt int atomic
obfuscate bool
enum AccessMod {
PRIVATE // private immutable
PRIVET_MUT // private mutable
PUBLIC // public immmutable (readonly)
PUBLIC_MUT // public, but mutable only in this module
PUBLIC_MUT_MUT // public and mutable both inside and outside (not recommended to use, that's why it's so verbose)
enum TypeCategory {
struct Type {
pkg string
name string
fields []Var
methods []Fn
parent string
cat TypeCategory
gen_types []string
func Fn // For cat == FN (type kek fn())
is_c bool // C.FILE
is_interface bool
is_enum bool
// This field is used for types that are not defined yet but are known to exist.
// It allows having things like `fn (f Foo) bar()` before `Foo` is defined.
// This information is needed in the first pass.
is_placeholder bool
// For debugging types
fn (t Type) str() string {
mut s := 'type "$t.name" {'
if t.fields.len > 0 {
// s += '\n $t.fields.len fields:\n'
for field in t.fields {
s += '\n $field.name $field.typ'
s += '\n'
if t.methods.len > 0 {
// s += '\n $t.methods.len methods:\n'
for method in t.methods {
s += '\n ${method.str()}'
s += '\n'
s += '}\n'
return s
const (
CReserved = [
// 'ok',
// This is used in generated C code
fn (f Fn) str() string {
t := Table{}
str_args := f.str_args(t)
return '$f.name($str_args) $f.typ'
// fn (types array_Type) print_to_file(f string) {
// }
const (
NUMBER_TYPES = ['number', 'int', 'i8', 'u8', 'i16', 'u16', 'i32', 'u32', 'byte', 'i64', 'u64', 'long', 'double', 'float', 'f32', 'f64']
FLOAT_TYPES = ['double', 'float', 'f32', 'f64']
fn is_number_type(typ string) bool {
return NUMBER_TYPES.contains(typ)
fn is_float_type(typ string) bool {
return FLOAT_TYPES.contains(typ)
fn new_table(obfuscate bool) *Table {
mut t := &Table {
obf_ids: map[string]int{}
obfuscate: obfuscate
t.register_type_with_parent('i8', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('u8', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('i16', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('u16', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('i32', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('u32', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('byte', 'int')
// t.register_type_with_parent('i64', 'int')
t.register_type_with_parent('u64', 'int')
t.register_type('double')// TODO remove
t.register_type('float')// TODO remove
t.register_const('stdin', 'int', 'main', false)
t.register_const('stderr', 'int', 'main', false)
t.register_type_with_parent('map_string', 'map')
t.register_type_with_parent('map_int', 'map')
return t
// If `name` is a reserved C keyword, returns `v_name` instead.
fn (t mut Table) var_cgen_name(name string) string {
if CReserved.contains(name) {
return 'v_$name'
else {
return name
fn (t mut Table) register_package(pkg string) {
if t.packages.contains(pkg) {
t.packages << pkg
fn (table &Table) known_pkg(pkg string) bool {
return pkg in table.packages
fn (t mut Table) register_const(name, typ string, pkg string, is_imported bool) {
t.consts << Var {
name: name
typ: typ
is_const: true
is_import_const: is_imported
pkg: pkg
// Only for translated code
fn (p mut Parser) register_global(name, typ string) {
p.table.consts << Var {
name: name
typ: typ
is_const: true
is_global: true
pkg: p.pkg
// TODO PERF O(N) this slows down the comiler a lot!
fn (t mut Table) register_fn(f Fn) {
// Avoid duplicate fn names TODO why? the name should already be unique?
for ff in t.fns {
if ff.name == f.name {
t.fns << f
fn (table &Table) known_type(typ string) bool {
// 'byte*' => look up 'byte', but don't mess up fns
if typ.ends_with('*') && !typ.contains(' ') {
typ = typ.left(typ.len - 1)
for t in table.types {
if t.name == typ && !t.is_placeholder {
return true
return false
// TODO PERF O(N) this slows down the comiler a lot!
fn (t &Table) find_fn(name string) Fn {
for f in t.fns {
if f.name == name {
return f
return Fn{}
// TODO PERF O(N) this slows down the comiler a lot!
fn (t &Table) known_fn(name string) bool {
for f in t.fns {
if f.name == name {
return true
return false
fn (t &Table) known_const(name string) bool {
v := t.find_const(name)
// TODO use optional
return v.name.len > 0
fn (t mut Table) register_type(typ string) {
if typ.len == 0 {
// println('REGISTER TYPE $typ')
for typ2 in t.types {
if typ2.name == typ {
// if t.types.filter( _.name == typ.name).len > 0 {
// return
// }
datyp := Type {
name: typ
t.types << datyp
fn (p mut Parser) register_type_with_parent(strtyp, parent string) {
typ := Type {
name: strtyp
parent: parent
pkg: p.pkg
fn (t mut Table) register_type_with_parent(typ, parent string) {
if typ.len == 0 {
// if t.types.filter(_.name == typ) > 0
for typ2 in t.types {
if typ2.name == typ {
mut pkg := ''
if parent == 'array' {
pkg = 'builtin'
datyp := Type {
name: typ
parent: parent
t.types << datyp
fn (t mut Table) register_type2(typ Type) {
if typ.name.len == 0 {
// println('register type2 $typ.name')
for typ2 in t.types {
if typ2.name == typ.name {
t.types << typ
fn (t mut Type) add_field(name, typ string, is_mut bool, attr string, access_mod AccessMod) {
// if t.name == 'Parser' {
// println('adding field $name')
// }
v := Var {
name: name
typ: typ
is_mut: is_mut
attr: attr
access_mod: access_mod
t.fields << v
fn (t &Type) has_field(name string) bool {
field := t.find_field(name)
return (field.name != '')
fn (t &Type) find_field(name string) Var {
for field in t.fields {
if field.name == name {
return field
return Var{}
fn (table &Table) type_has_field(typ &Type, name string) bool {
field := table.find_field(typ, name)
return (field.name != '')
fn (table &Table) find_field(typ &Type, name string) Var {
field := typ.find_field(name)
if field.name.len == 0 && typ.parent.len > 0 {
parent := table.find_type(typ.parent)
return parent.find_field(name)
return field
fn (t mut Type) add_method(f Fn) {
// if t.name.contains('Parser') {
// println('!!!add_method() $f.name to $t.name len=$t.methods.len cap=$t.methods.cap')
// }
t.methods << f
// println('end add_method()')
fn (t &Type) has_method(name string) bool {
method := t.find_method(name)
return (method.name != '')
fn (table &Table) type_has_method(typ &Type, name string) bool {
method := table.find_method(typ, name)
return (method.name != '')
// TODO use `?Fn`
fn (table &Table) find_method(typ &Type, name string) Fn {
// println('TYPE HAS METHOD $name')
method := typ.find_method(name)
if method.name.len == 0 && typ.parent.len > 0 {
parent := table.find_type(typ.parent)
return parent.find_method(name)
// println('parent = $parent.name $res')
// return res
return method
fn (t &Type) find_method(name string) Fn {
// println('$t.name find_method($name) methods.len=$t.methods.len')
for method in t.methods {
// println('method=$method.name')
if method.name == name {
return method
return Fn{}
fn (t mut Type) add_gen_type(type_name string) {
// println('add_gen_type($s)')
if t.gen_types.contains(type_name) {
t.gen_types << type_name
fn (p &Parser) find_type(name string) *Type {
typ := p.table.find_type(name)
if typ.name.len == 0 {
return p.table.find_type(p.prepend_pkg(name))
return typ
fn (t &Table) find_type(name string) *Type {
if name.ends_with('*') && !name.contains(' ') {
name = name.left(name.len - 1)
// TODO PERF use map
for i, typ in t.types {
if typ.name == name {
return &t.types[i]
return &Type{}
fn (p mut Parser) _check_types(got, expected string, throw bool) bool {
p.log('check types got="$got" exp="$expected" ')
if p.translated {
return true
// Allow ints to be used as floats
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('float') {
return true
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('f64') {
return true
if got == 'f64' && expected == 'float' {
return true
if got == 'float' && expected == 'f64' {
return true
// Allow ints to be used as longs
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('long') {
return true
if got == 'void*' && expected.starts_with('fn ') {
return true
if got.starts_with('[') && expected == 'byte*' {
return true
// Todo void* allows everything right now
if got.eq('void*') || expected.eq('void*') {
// if !p.builtin_pkg {
if p.is_play {
return false
return true
// TODO only allow numeric consts to be assigned to bytes, and
// throw an error if they are bigger than 255
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('byte') {
return true
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('byte*') {
return true
// byteptr += int
if got.eq('int') && expected.eq('byteptr') {
return true
if got == 'Option' && expected.starts_with('Option_') {
return true
// lines := new_array
if got == 'array' && expected.starts_with('array_') {
return true
// Expected type "Option_os__File", got "os__File"
if expected.starts_with('Option_') && expected.ends_with(got) {
return true
// NsColor* return 0
if !p.is_play {
if expected.ends_with('*') && got == 'int' {
return true
// if got == 'T' || got.contains('<T>') {
// return true
// }
// if expected == 'T' || expected.contains('<T>') {
// return true
// }
// Allow pointer arithmetic
if expected.eq('void*') && got.eq('int') {
return true
expected = expected.replace('*', '')
got = got.replace('*', '')
if got != expected {
// Interface check
if expected.ends_with('er') {
if p.satisfies_interface(expected, got, throw) {
return true
if !throw {
return false
else {
p.error('expected type `$expected`, but got `$got`')
return true
// throw by default
fn (p mut Parser) check_types(got, expected string) bool {
return p._check_types(got, expected, true)
fn (p mut Parser) check_types_no_throw(got, expected string) bool {
return p._check_types(got, expected, false)
fn (p mut Parser) satisfies_interface(interface_name, _typ string, throw bool) bool {
int_typ := p.table.find_type(interface_name)
typ := p.table.find_type(_typ)
for method in int_typ.methods {
if !typ.has_method(method.name) {
// if throw {
p.error('Type "$_typ" doesnt satisfy interface "$interface_name" (method "$method.name" is not implemented)')
// }
return false
return true
fn type_default(typ string) string {
if typ.starts_with('array_') {
typ = typ.right(6)
return 'new_array(0, 1, sizeof($typ))'
// Always set pointers to 0
if typ.ends_with('*') {
return '0'
// ?
if typ.contains('__') {
return ''
// Default values for other types are not needed because of mandatory initialization
switch typ {
case 'int': return '0'
case 'string': return 'tos("", 0)'
case 'void*': return '0'
case 'byte*': return '0'
case 'bool': return '0'
return ''
fn (t &Table) is_interface(name string) bool {
for typ in t.types {
if typ.is_interface && typ.name == name {
return true
return false
// Do we have fn main()?
fn (t &Table) main_exists() bool {
for f in t.fns {
if f.name == 'main' {
return true
return false
// TODO use `?Var`
fn (t &Table) find_const(name string) Var {
for c in t.consts {
if c.name == name {
return c
return Var{}
fn (table mut Table) cgen_name(f &Fn) string {
mut name := f.name
if f.is_method {
name = '${f.receiver_typ}_$f.name'
name = name.replace(' ', '')
name = name.replace('*', '')
name = name.replace('+', 'plus')
name = name.replace('-', 'minus')
// Avoid name conflicts (with things like abs(), print() etc).
// Generate b_abs(), b_print()
// TODO duplicate functionality
if f.pkg == 'builtin' && CReserved.contains(f.name) {
return 'v_$name'
// Obfuscate but skip certain names
// TODO ugly, fix
if table.obfuscate && f.name != 'main' && f.name != 'WinMain' && f.pkg != 'builtin' && !f.is_c &&
f.pkg != 'darwin' && f.pkg != 'os' && !f.name.contains('window_proc') && f.name != 'gg__vec2' &&
f.name != 'build_token_str' && f.name != 'build_keys' && f.pkg != 'json' &&
!name.ends_with('_str') && !name.contains('contains') {
mut idx := table.obf_ids[name]
// No such function yet, register it
if idx == 0 {
table.obf_ids[name] = table.fn_cnt
idx = table.fn_cnt
old := name
name = 'f_$idx'
println2('$old ==> $name')
return name
// ('s', 'string') => 'string s'
// ('nums', '[20]byte') => 'byte nums[20]'
// ('myfn', 'fn(int) string') => 'string (*myfn)(int)'
fn (table &Table) cgen_name_type_pair(name, typ string) string {
// Special case for [10]int
if typ.len > 0 && typ[0] == `[` {
tmp := typ.all_after(']')
size := typ.all_before(']')
return '$tmp $name $size ]'
// fn()
else if typ.starts_with('fn (') {
T := table.find_type(typ)
if T.name == '' {
os.exit1('this should never happen')
str_args := T.func.str_args(table)
return '$T.func.typ (*$name)( $str_args /*FFF*/ )'
// TODO tm hack, do this for all C struct args
else if typ == 'tm' {
return 'struct tm $name'
return '$typ $name'

compiler/token.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
module main
enum Token {
// = := += -=
// {} () []
// == != <= < >= >
// comments
// keywords
// build_keys genereates a map with keywords' string values:
// Keywords['return'] == .return
fn build_keys() map_int {
mut res := map[string]int{}
for t := int(keyword_beg) + 1; t < int(keyword_end); t++ {
key := TOKENSTR[t]
res[key] = int(t)
return res
fn build_token_str() []string {
mut s := [''; 140]// TODO define a const
s[keyword_beg] = ''
s[keyword_end] = ''
s[EOF] = 'EOF'
s[NAME] = 'NAME'
s[INT] = 'INT'
s[CHAR] = 'CHAR'
s[PLUS] = '+'
s[MINUS] = '-'
s[MUL] = '*'
s[DIV] = '/'
s[MOD] = '%'
s[XOR] = '^'
s[BIT_NOT] = '~'
s[PIPE] = '|'
s[HASH] = '#'
s[AMP] = '&'
s[AT] = '@'
s[INC] = '++'
s[DEC] = '--'
s[AND] = '&&'
s[OR] = '||'
s[NOT] = '!'
s[DOT] = '.'
s[DOTDOT] = '..'
s[COMMA] = ','
s[SEMICOLON] = ';'
s[COLON] = ':'
s[ASSIGN] = '='
s[DECL_ASSIGN] = ':='
s[PLUS_ASSIGN] = '+='
s[MINUS_ASSIGN] = '-='
s[MULT_ASSIGN] = '*='
s[DIV_ASSIGN] = '/='
s[XOR_ASSIGN] = '^='
s[MOD_ASSIGN] = '%='
s[OR_ASSIGN] = '|='
s[AND_ASSIGN] = '&='
s[LCBR] = '{'
s[RCBR] = '}'
s[LPAR] = '('
s[RPAR] = ')'
s[LSBR] = '['
s[RSBR] = ']'
s[EQ] = '=='
s[NE] = '!='
s[GT] = '>'
s[LT] = '<'
s[GE] = '>='
s[LE] = '<='
s[QUESTION] = '?'
s[LEFT_SHIFT] = '<<'
s[RIGHT_SHIFT] = '>>'
s[LINE_COM] = '//'
s[NL] = 'NLL'
s[DOLLAR] = '$'
s[ASSERT] = 'assert'
s[STRUCT] = 'struct'
s[IF] = 'if'
s[ELSE] = 'else'
s[RETURN] = 'return'
s[PACKAGE] = 'module'
s[SIZEOF] = 'sizeof'
s[GO] = 'go'
s[GOTO] = 'goto'
s[CONST] = 'const'
s[MUT] = 'mut'
s[TIP] = 'type'
s[FOR] = 'for'
s[SWITCH] = 'switch'
s[MATCH] = 'match'
s[CASE] = 'case'
s[FUNC] = 'fn'
s[TRUE] = 'true'
s[FALSE] = 'false'
s[CONTINUE] = 'continue'
s[BREAK] = 'break'
s[IMPORT] = 'import'
s[EMBED] = 'embed'
s[TYPEOF] = 'typeof'
s[DEFAULT] = 'default'
s[ENDIF] = 'endif'
s[ENUM] = 'enum'
s[INTERFACE] = 'interface'
s[PUB] = 'pub'
s[IMPORT_CONST] = 'import_const'
s[IN] = 'in'
s[ATOMIC] = 'atomic'
s[OR_ELSE] = 'or'
s[GLOBAL] = '__global'
s[UNION] = 'union'
s[STATIC] = 'static'
return s
const (
TOKENSTR = build_token_str()
KEYWORDS = build_keys()
fn key_to_token(key string) Token {
a := Token(KEYWORDS[key])
return a
fn is_key(key string) bool {
return int(key_to_token(key)) > 0
fn (t Token) str() string {
return TOKENSTR[int(t)]
fn (t Token) is_decl() bool {
return t == ENUM || t == INTERFACE || t == FUNC || t == STRUCT || t == TIP ||
t == CONST || t == IMPORT_CONST || t == AT || t == EOF
const (
AssignTokens = [
fn (t Token) is_assign() bool {
return t in AssignTokens
fn (t[]Token) contains(val Token) bool {
for tt in t {
if tt == val {
return true
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Please share your thoughts, suggestions, questions, etc here:
// https://github.com/vlang-io/V/issues/3
// I'm very interested in your feedback.
import http
import json
import runtime
struct Story {
title string
// Fetches top HN stories in 8 coroutines
fn main() {
resp := http.get('https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json')?
ids := json.decode([]int, resp.body)?
mut cursor := 0
for _ in 0..8 {
go fn() {
for {
lock { // Without this lock the program will not compile
if cursor >= ids.len {
id := ids[cursor]
url := 'https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/$id.json'
resp := http.get(url)?
story := json.decode(Story, resp.body)?
runtime.wait() // Waits for all coroutines to finish

examples/links_scraper.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import http
fn main() {
html := http.get('https://news.ycombinator.com')
mut pos := 0
for {
pos = html.index_after('https://', pos + 1)
if pos == -1 {
end := html.index_after('"', pos)
println(html.substr(pos, end))

examples/tetris/tetris.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
import rand
import time
import gx
import gl
import gg
import glfw
import math
const (
BlockSize = 20 // pixels
FieldHeight = 20 // # of blocks
FieldWidth = 10
TetroSize = 4
WinWidth = BlockSize * FieldWidth
WinHeight = BlockSize * FieldHeight
TimerPeriod = 250 // ms
const (
// Tetros' 4 possible states are encoded in binaries
BTetros = [
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0110 6
// 0110 6
[66, 66, 66, 66],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0010 2
// 0111 7
[27, 131, 72, 232],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0110 6
[36, 231, 36, 231],
// 0000 0
// 0000 0
// 0110 6
// 0011 3
[63, 132, 63, 132],
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0001 1
// 0001 1
[311, 17, 223, 74],
// 0000 0
// 0011 3
// 0010 2
// 0010 2
[322, 71, 113, 47],
// Special case since 15 can't be used
// 1111
[1111, 9, 1111, 9],
// Each tetro has its unique color
Colors = [
gx.rgb(0, 0, 0),
gx.rgb(253, 32, 47),
gx.rgb(0, 110, 194),
gx.rgb(34, 169, 16),
gx.rgb(170, 0, 170),
gx.rgb(0, 0, 170),
gx.rgb(0, 170, 0),
gx.rgb(170, 85, 0),
gx.rgb(0, 170, 170),
// TODO: type Tetro [TetroSize]struct{ x, y int }
struct Block {
x int
y int
struct Game {
// Position of the current tetro
pos_x int
pos_y int
// field[y][x] contains the color of the block with (x,y) coordinates
// "-1" border is to avoid bounds checking.
// -1 -1 -1 -1
// -1 0 0 -1
// -1 0 0 -1
// -1 -1 -1 -1
// TODO: field [][]int
field array_array_int
// TODO: tetro Tetro
tetro []Block
// TODO: tetros_cache []Tetro
tetros_cache []Block
// Index of the current tetro. Refers to its color.
tetro_idx int
// Index of the rotation (0-3)
rotation_idx int
// gg context for drawing
gg *gg.GG
fn main() {
mut game := &Game{gg: 0} // TODO
mut window := glfw.create_window(glfw.WinCfg {
width: WinWidth
height: WinHeight
title: 'V Tetris'
ptr: game // glfw user pointer
game.gg = gg.new_context(gg.Cfg {
width: WinWidth
height: WinHeight
use_ortho: true // This is needed for 2D drawing
go game.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread
gl.clear() // For some reason this is necessary to avoid an intial flickering
gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
for {
gl.clear_color(255, 255, 255, 255)
fn (g mut Game) init_game() {
g.field = []array_int // TODO: g.field = [][]int
// Generate the field, fill it with 0's, add -1's on each edge
for i := 0; i < FieldHeight + 2; i++ {
mut row := [0; FieldWidth + 2]
row[0] = - 1
row[FieldWidth + 1] = - 1
g.field << row
mut first_row := g.field[0]
mut last_row := g.field[FieldHeight + 1]
for j := 0; j < FieldWidth + 2; j++ {
first_row[j] = - 1
last_row[j] = - 1
fn (g mut Game) parse_tetros() {
for b_tetros in BTetros {
for b_tetro in b_tetros {
for t in parse_binary_tetro(b_tetro) {
g.tetros_cache << t
fn (g mut Game) run() {
for {
glfw.post_empty_event() // force window redraw
fn (g mut Game) move_tetro() {
// Check each block in current tetro
for block in g.tetro {
y := block.y + g.pos_y + 1
x := block.x + g.pos_x
// Reached the bottom of the screen or another block?
// TODO: if g.field[y][x] != 0
row := g.field[y]
if row[x] != 0 {
// The new tetro has no space to drop => end of the game
if g.pos_y < 2 {
// Drop it and generate a new one
fn (g mut Game) move_right(dx int) {
// Reached left/right edge or another tetro?
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x + dx
row := g.field[y]
if row[x] != 0 {
// Do not move
g.pos_x += dx
fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_lines() {
for y := FieldHeight; y >= 1; y-- {
fn (g mut Game) delete_completed_line(y int) {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
f := g.field[y]
if f[x] == 0 {
// Move everything down by 1 position
for yy := y - 1; yy >= 1; yy-- {
for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ {
mut a := g.field[yy + 1]
mut b := g.field[yy]
a[x] = b[x]
// Place a new tetro on top
fn (g mut Game) generate_tetro() {
g.pos_y = 0
g.pos_x = FieldWidth / 2 - TetroSize / 2
g.tetro_idx = rand.next(BTetros.len)
g.rotation_idx = 0
// Get the right tetro from cache
fn (g mut Game) get_tetro() {
idx := g.tetro_idx * TetroSize * TetroSize + g.rotation_idx * TetroSize
g.tetro = g.tetros_cache.slice(idx, idx + TetroSize)
fn (g mut Game) drop_tetro() {
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
x := tetro.x + g.pos_x
y := tetro.y + g.pos_y
// Remember the color of each block
// TODO: g.field[y][x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
mut row := g.field[y]
row[x] = g.tetro_idx + 1
fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() {
for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ {
tetro := g.tetro[i]
g.draw_block(g.pos_y + tetro.y, g.pos_x + tetro.x, g.tetro_idx + 1)
fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j int, color_idx int) {
g.gg.draw_rect((j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize,
BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1, Colors[color_idx])
fn (g &Game) draw_field() {
for i := 1; i < FieldHeight + 1; i++ {
for j := 1; j < FieldWidth + 1; j++ {
f := g.field[i]
if f[j] > 0 {
g.draw_block(i, j, f[j])
fn (g &Game) draw_scene() {
fn parse_binary_tetro(t int) []Block {
res := [Block{} ; 4]
mut cnt := 0
horizontal := t == 9// special case for the horizontal line
for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ {
// Get ith digit of t
p := int(math.pow(10, 3 - i))
mut digit := int(t / p)
t %= p
// Convert the digit to binary
for j := 3; j >= 0; j-- {
bin := digit % 2
digit /= 2
if bin == 1 || (horizontal && i == TetroSize - 1) {
// TODO: res[cnt].x = j
// res[cnt].y = i
mut point := &res[cnt]
point.x = j
point.y = i
return res
// TODO: this exposes the unsafe C interface, clean up
fn key_down(wnd voidptr, key int, code int, action, mods int) {
if action != 2 && action != 1 {
// Fetch the game object stored in the user pointer
mut game := &Game(glfw.get_window_user_pointer(wnd))
switch key {
case glfw.KeyUp:
// Rotate the tetro
if game.rotation_idx == TetroSize {
game.rotation_idx = 0
if game.pos_x < 0 {
game.pos_x = 1
case glfw.KeyLeft:
case glfw.KeyRight:
case glfw.KeyDown:
game.move_tetro() // drop faster when the player presses <down>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import os
fn main() {
mut path = 'cinderella.txt'
if os.args.len != 2 {
println('usage: word_counter [text_file]')
println('using $path')
else {
path = os.args[1]
lines := os.read_file_lines(path.trim_space())
mut m := map[string]int{}
for line in lines {
words := line.to_lower().split(' ')
for word in words {
key := filter_word(word)
if key == '' {
m[key] = m[key] + 1// TODO m[key]++
// Sort the keys
mut keys := []string
for e in m.entries {
keys << e.key
// Print the map
for key in keys {
val := m[key]
println('$key => $val')
// Removes punctuation
fn filter_word(word string) string {
if word == '' || word == ' ' {
return ''
mut i := 0
for i < word.len && !is_letter(word[i]) {
start := i
for i < word.len && is_letter(word[i]) {
end := i
return word.substr(start, end)
// TODO remove once it's possible to call word[i].is_letter()
fn is_letter(c byte) bool {
return c.is_letter()

gg/gg.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
module gg
import stbi
import glm
import gl
#flag darwin -I/usr/local/Cellar/freetype/2.10.0/include/freetype2
#flag -lfreetype
#flag linux -I/usr/include/freetype2
#flag linux -I.
#include "ft2build.h"
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include "glad.h"
struct Vec2 {
x int
y int
import const (
const (
pub fn vec2(x, y int) Vec2 {
res := Vec2 {
x: x,
y: y,
return res
struct Character {
texture_id u32
size Vec2
bearing Vec2
advance u32
fn init() {
struct Face {
cobj voidptr
kek int
struct Cfg {
width int
height int
use_ortho int
retina bool
font_size int
struct GG {
shader gl.Shader
// use_ortho bool
width int
height int
VAO u32
rect_vao u32
rect_vbo u32
line_vao u32
line_vbo u32
VBO u32
chars []gg.Character
utf_runes []string
utf_chars []gg.Character
text_ctx *GG
face Face
scale int // retina = 2 , normal = 1
// fn new_context(width, height int, use_ortho bool, font_size int) *GG {
pub fn new_context(cfg Cfg) *GG {
// println('new context orhto=$cfg.use_ortho')
// # glScissor(0,0,300,300);
shader := gl.new_shader('simple')
if cfg.use_ortho > 0 {
projection := glm.ortho(0, cfg.width, cfg.height, 0)
// for debugging broken tetris in gg.o
# projection.data[0]=0.010000;
# projection.data[1]=0.000000;
# projection.data[2]=0.000000;
# projection.data[3]=0.000000;
# projection.data[4]=0.000000;
# projection.data[5]=-0.005000;
# projection.data[6]=0.000000;
# projection.data[7]=0.000000;
# projection.data[8]=0.000000;
# projection.data[9]=0.000000;
# projection.data[10]=1.000000;
# projection.data[11]=0.000000;
# projection.data[12]=-1.000000;
# projection.data[13]=1.000000;
# projection.data[14]=0.000000;
# projection.data[15]=1.000000;
// projection_new := ortho(0, width, height, 0)
// println('\nORTHO OLD=')
# for (int i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%d=%f ",i, projection.data[i]);
// println('\n\n!ORTHO NEW=')
// # for (int i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%d=%f ",i, projection_new[i]);
// println('\n\n')
println('setting o')
shader.set_mat4('projection', projection)
else {
// TODO move to function (allow volt functions to return arrrays without allocations)
// i := glm.identity3()
shader.set_mat4('projection', glm.identity())
VAO := gl.gen_vertex_array()
println('new gg context VAO=$VAO')
VBO := gl.gen_buffer()
mut scale := 1
if cfg.retina {
scale = 2
mut ctx := &GG {
shader: shader,
width: cfg.width,
height: cfg.height,
// /line_vao: gl.gen_vertex_array()
// /line_vbo: gl.gen_buffer()
text_ctx: new_context_text(cfg, scale),
scale: scale
// use_ortho: use_ortho
// ctx.init_rect_vao()
return ctx
pub fn (ctx &GG) draw_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float, c gx.Color) {
// println('draw_triangle $x1,$y1 $x2,$y2 $x3,$y3')
ctx.shader.set_color('color', c)
vertices := [
x1, y1, 0,
x2, y2, 0,
x3, y3, 0,
] !
// bind the Vertex Array Object first, then bind and set vertex buffer(s),
// and then configure vertex attributes(s).
gl.set_vbo(ctx.VBO, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 3, 0)
// gl.bind_buffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uint(0))
// You can unbind the VAO afterwards so other VAO calls won't accidentally modify this VAO,
// but this rarely happens. Modifying other
// VAOs requires a call to glBindVertexArray anyways so we generally don't unbind VAOs
// (nor VBOs) when it's not directly necessary.
// gl.bind_vertex_array(uint(0))
// gl.bind_vertex_array(ctx.VAO)
gl.draw_arrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3)
pub fn (ctx &GG) draw_triangle_tex(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float, c gx.Color) {
ctx.shader.set_color('color', c)
ctx.shader.set_int('has_texture', 1)
vertices := [
x1, y1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
x2, y2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
x3, y3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
] !
gl.set_vbo(ctx.VBO, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
// position attribute
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 3, 0)
// color attribute
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 8, 3)
// texture attribute
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 8, 6)
// /
// gl.draw_arrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3)
gl.draw_elements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0)
fn (ctx &GG) draw_rect(x, y, w, h float, c gx.Color) {
// println('gg.draw_rect($x,$y,$w,$h)')
// wrong order
// // ctx.draw_triangle(x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, c)
// // ctx.draw_triangle(x, y, x, y + h, x + w, y + h, c)
// good order. counter clock wise
// ctx.draw_triangle(x, y, x, y + h, x + w, y + h, c)
// ctx.draw_triangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, x + w, y, c)
ctx.draw_rect2(x, y, w, h, c)
fn (ctx mut GG) init_rect_vao() {
ctx.rect_vao = gl.gen_vertex_array()
ctx.rect_vbo = gl.gen_buffer()
vertices := [
x + w, y, 0,
x + w, y + h, 0,
x, y + h, 0,
x, y, 0,
] !
indices := [
0, 1, 3,// first triangle
1, 2, 3// second triangle
] !
gl.set_vbo(ctx.rect_vbo, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
ebo := gl.gen_buffer()
// ///////
gl.set_ebo(ebo, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
fn (ctx &GG) draw_rect2(x, y, w, h float, c gx.Color) {
C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &ctx.VAO)
C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &ctx.VBO)
ctx.shader.set_color('color', c)
ctx.shader.set_int('has_texture', 0)
// 4--1
// 3--2
#ifdef linux
// y += h
vertices := [
x + w, y, 0,
x + w, y + h, 0,
x, y + h, 0,
x, y, 0,
] !
indices := [
0, 1, 3,// first triangle
1, 2, 3// second triangle
] !
gl.set_vbo(ctx.VBO, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
ebo := gl.gen_buffer()
// ///////
gl.set_ebo(ebo, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)// !!! LEAKS
// /////
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 3, 0)
// gl.bind_vao(ctx.rect_vao)
gl.draw_elements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0)
C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &ebo)
// jfn ft_load_char(face FT_Face, code FT_ULong) Character {
// fn ft_load_char(_face voidptr, _code voidptr) Character {
fn ft_load_char(_face Face, code long) Character {
// #FT_Face face = *(FT_Face*)(_face); FT_ULong code = *(FT_ULong*)(code);
# FT_Face face = *((FT_Face*)_face.cobj);
# if (FT_Load_Char(face, code, FT_LOAD_RENDER))
os.exit('ERROR::FREETYTPE: Failed to load Glyph')
// Generate texture
# GLuint texture;
# glGenTextures(1, &texture);
# glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
# glTexImage2D(
# 0,
# face->glyph->bitmap.width,
# face->glyph->bitmap.rows,
# 0,
# face->glyph->bitmap.buffer
# );
// Set texture options
// Now store character for later use
ch := Character{}
# ch.texture_id=texture ;
# ch.size = gg__vec2(face->glyph->bitmap.width, face->glyph->bitmap.rows);
# ch.bearing = gg__vec2(face->glyph->bitmap_left, face->glyph->bitmap_top),
# ch.advance = face->glyph->advance.x;
return ch
fn new_context_text(cfg Cfg, scale int) *GG {
// Can only have text in ortho mode
if !cfg.use_ortho {
return &GG{text_ctx: 0}
mut width := cfg.width * scale
mut height := cfg.height * scale
font_size := cfg.font_size * scale
// exit('fs=$font_size')
// if false {
// retina
// width = width * 2// scale// 2
// height = height * 2// scale// 2
// font_size *= scale// 2
// }
gl.viewport(0, 0, width, height)
// return &GG{}
shader := gl.new_shader('text')
projection := glm.ortho(0, width, 0, height)// 0 at BOT
// projection_new := ortho(0, width, 0, height)// 0 at BOT
// projection := gl.ortho(0, width,height,0) // 0 at TOP
shader.set_mat4('projection', projection)
# FT_Library ft;
// All functions return a value different than 0 whenever an error occurred
# if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ft))
println('ERROR::FREETYPE: Could not init FreeType Library')
// Load font as face
// face := FT_Face{}
mut font_path := 'RobotoMono-Regular.ttf'
if !os.file_exists(font_path) {
font_path = '/var/tmp/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf'
if !os.file_exists(font_path) {
println2('failed to load RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')
# FT_Face face;
# if (FT_New_Face(ft, font_path.str, 0, &face))
// # if (FT_New_Face(ft, "/Library/Fonts/Courier New.ttf", 0, &face))
// # if (FT_New_Face(ft, "/System/Library/Fonts/Apple Color Emoji.ttc", 0, &face))
exit('ERROR::FREETYPE: Failed to load font')
// Set size to load glyphs as
# FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face, 0, font_size) ;
// Disable byte-alignment restriction
# glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
// Gen texture
// Load first 128 characters of ASCII set
mut chars := []gg.Character{}
f := Face {
cobj: 0
kek: 0
# f.cobj = &face;
// # for (GLubyte c = 0; c < 128; c++)
for c := 0; c < 128; c++ {
// ch := Character{}
// ch:=ft_load_char(face, c)
// # ch =gg__ft_load_char(&face, &c);
// ////////////////////////////////
mut ch := ft_load_char(f, long(c))
// s := utf32_to_str(uint(0x043f))
// s := 'п'
// ch = ft_load_char(f, s.utf32_code())
// # ch = gg__ft_load_char(f, 0x043f); // RUS P
// # unsigned long c = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, 0x043f );
// # printf("!!!!!!!!! %lu\n", c);
// # c = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, 0xd0bf );
// # printf("!!!!!!!!! %lu\n", c);
// # ch = gg__ft_load_char(f, 0xd0bf) ; // UTF 8
chars << ch
ch := Character{}
// # ch = gg__ft_load_char(f, 0x0000043f);
// # ch = gg__ft_load_char(f, 128169);
// chars.push(ch)
// Configure VAO
VAO := gl.gen_vertex_array()
println('new gg text context VAO=$VAO')
VBO := gl.gen_buffer()
gl.bind_buffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO)
// # glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GLfloat) * 6 * 4, NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT, false, 4, 0)
// # glVertexAttribPointer(0, 4, GL_FLOAT,false, 4 * sizeof(GLfloat), 0);
// gl.bind_buffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uint(0))
// # glBindVertexArray(0);
mut ctx := &GG {
shader: shader,
width: width,
height: height,
scale: scale
chars: chars,
face: f
text_ctx: 0
return ctx
// A dirty hack to implement rendering of cyrillic letters.
// All UTF-8 must be supported.
fn (ctx mut GG) init_utf8_runes() {
s := 'йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ'
us := s.ustring()
for i := 0; i < us.len; i++ {
_rune := us.at(i)
ch := ft_load_char(ctx.face, _rune.utf32_code())
// ctx.utf_rune_map.set(rune, ch)
ctx.utf_runes << _rune
ctx.utf_chars << ch
// fn (ctx &GG) render_text(text string, x, y, scale float, color gx.Color) {
pub fn (ctx &GG) draw_text(_x, _y int, text string, cfg gx.TextCfg) {
// dont draw non ascii for now
for i := 0; i < text.len; i++ {
c := text[i]
if int(c) > 128 {
// ctx.text_ctx._draw_text(_x, _y, '[NON ASCII]', cfg)
// return
// # glScissor(0,0,300,300);
utext := text.ustring_tmp()
// utext := text.ustring()
ctx.text_ctx._draw_text(_x, _y, utext, cfg)
// utext.free()
// # glScissor(0,0,ctx->width*2,ctx->height*2);
// gl.disable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST)// TODO
// #free(text.str);
fn (ctx &GG) draw_text_fast(_x, _y int, text ustring, cfg gx.TextCfg) {
ctx.text_ctx._draw_text(_x, _y, text, cfg)
// TODO HACK with second text context
// fn (ctx &GG) _draw_text(_x, _y int, text string, cfg gx.TextCfg) {
fn (ctx &GG) _draw_text(_x, _y int, utext ustring, cfg gx.TextCfg) {
if utext.s.contains('on_seg') {
firstc := utext.at(0)
println('drawtext "$utext.s" len=$utext.s.len ulen=$utext.len x=$_x firstc=$firstc')
if firstc != ' ' {
// println('scale=$ctx.scale size=$cfg.size')
if cfg.align == gx.ALIGN_RIGHT {
width := utext.len * 7
_x -= width + 10
x := float(_x) * ctx.scale// float(2)
// println('y=$_y height=$ctx.height')
// _y = _y * int(ctx.scale) //+ 26
_y = _y * int(ctx.scale) + ((cfg.size * ctx.scale) / 2) + 5 * ctx.scale
y := float(ctx.height - _y)
color := cfg.color
// Activate corresponding render state
ctx.shader.set_color('textColor', color)
# glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
// Iterate through all characters
// utext := text.ustring()
for i := 0; i < utext.len; i++ {
_rune := utext.at(i)
// println('$i => $_rune')
mut ch := Character{}
if _rune.len == 1 {
idx := _rune[0]
if idx < 0 || idx >= ctx.chars.len {
println('BADE RUNE $_rune')
ch = ctx.chars[_rune[0]]
else if _rune.len > 1 {
// TODO O(1) use map
for j := 0; j < ctx.utf_runes.len; j++ {
rune_j := ctx.utf_runes[j]
// if string_eq(ctx.utf_runes[j], rune) {
if rune_j.eq(_rune) {
ch = ctx.utf_chars[j]
if ch.size.x == 0 {
// continue
// mut c := int(text[i])
// c = 128
// s := 'A'
// c := int(s[0])
// ch := ctx.chars[c]
xpos := x + float(ch.bearing.x) * 1
ypos := y - float(ch.size.y - ch.bearing.y) * 1
w := float(ch.size.x) * 1
h := float(ch.size.y) * 1
// Update VBO for each character
# GLfloat vertices[6][4] = {
# { xpos, ypos + h, 0.0, 0.0 },
# { xpos, ypos, 0.0, 1.0 },
# { xpos + w, ypos, 1.0, 1.0 },
# { xpos, ypos + h, 0.0, 0.0 },
# { xpos + w, ypos, 1.0, 1.0 },
# { xpos + w, ypos + h, 1.0, 0.0 }
# };
// t := glfw.get_time()
// Render glyph texture over quad
// t1 := glfw.get_time()
# glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ch.texture_id);
// Update content of VBO memory
gl.bind_buffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.VBO)
// t2 := glfw.get_time()
// # glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(vertices), vertices); // Be sure to use glBufferSubData and not glBufferData
# glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
// t3 := glfw.get_time()
// gl.bind_buffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, uint(0))
// t4 := glfw.get_time()
// Render quad
gl.draw_arrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6)
// t5 := glfw.get_time()
// # if (glfw__get_time() - t > 0.001)
// {
// # printf("do_text = %f '%s' \n", glfw__get_time() - t, text.str);
// # printf("t1=%f, t2=%f, t3=%f, t4=%f, t5=%f\n\n\n", t1-t, t2-t1, t3-t2, t4-t3, t5-t4);
// }
// Now advance cursors for next glyph (note that advance is number of 1/64 pixels)
// Bitshift by 6 to get value in pixels (2^6 = 64 (divide amount of 1/64th pixels by 64 to get amount of pixels))
# x += (ch.advance >> 6) * 1;
# glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// runes.free()
// #free(runes.data);
fn (ctx &GG) draw_text_def(x, y int, text string) {
cfg := gx.TextCfg {
color: gx.BLACK,
align: gx.ALIGN_LEFT,
ctx.draw_text(x, y, text, cfg)
fn update() {
// # ui__post_empty_event();
pub fn (c GG) circle(x, y, r int) {
fn (c GG) fill_color(color gx.Color) {
fn (c GG) fill() {
fn (c GG) move_to(x, y int) {
fn (c GG) line_to(x, y int) {
fn (c GG) stroke_width(size int) {
fn (c GG) stroke_color(color gx.Color) {
fn (c GG) stroke() {
fn (c GG) save() {
fn (c GG) restore() {
fn (c GG) intersect_scissor(x, y, w, h int) {
fn (c GG) translate(x, y int) {
fn (c GG) create_font(name, file string) int {
return 0
fn (c GG) text(x, y int, text string) {
fn (c GG) text_box(x, y, max int, text string) {
fn (c GG) font_face(f string) {
fn (c GG) font_size(size int) {
fn (c GG) text_align(a int) {
pub fn create_image(file string) u32 {
println('gg create image "$file"')
if file.contains('twitch') {
return u32(0)// TODO
if !os.file_exists(file) {
println('gg create image no such file "$file"')
return u32(0)
texture := gl.gen_texture()
img := stbi.load(file)
// println('gg end')
return texture
pub fn (ctx &GG) draw_line_c(x, y, x2, y2 int, color gx.Color) {
C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &ctx.VAO)
C.glDeleteBuffers(1, &ctx.VBO)
ctx.shader.set_color('color', color)
vertices := [float(x), float(y), float(x2), float(y2)] !
gl.set_vbo(ctx.VBO, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 2, 0)
gl.draw_arrays(GL_LINES, 0, 2)
pub fn (c &GG) draw_line(x, y, x2, y2 int) {
c.draw_line_c(x, y, x2, y2, gx.GRAY)
pub fn (c &GG) draw_vertical(x, y, height int) {
c.draw_line(x, y, x, y + height)
// fn (ctx &GG) draw_image(x, y, w, h float, img stbi.Image) {
pub fn (ctx &GG) draw_image(x, y, w, h float, tex_id u32) {
// println('DRAW IMAGE $x $y $w $h $tex_id')
// ctx.shader.set_color('color', c)
ctx.shader.set_int('has_texture', 1)
// 4--1
// | |
// 3--2
vertices := [
x + w, y, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1,
x + w, y + h, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
x, y + h, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
x, y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1,
] !
indices := [
0, 1, 3,// first triangle
1, 2, 3// second triangle
] !
// VAO := gl.gen_vertex_array()
// VBO := gl.gen_buffer()
gl.set_vbo(ctx.VBO, vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
ebo := gl.gen_buffer()
gl.set_ebo(ebo, indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 8, 0)
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(1, 3, GL_FLOAT, false, 8, 3)
gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(2, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 8, 6)
gl.draw_elements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0)
pub fn (c &GG) draw_empty_rect(x, y, w, h int, color gx.Color) {
c.draw_line_c(x, y, x + w, y, color)
c.draw_line_c(x, y, x, y + h, color)
c.draw_line_c(x, y + h, x + w, y + h, color)
c.draw_line_c(x + w, y, x + w, y + h, color)

glfw/glfw.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
module glfw
// Debugging a custom build
#flag darwin -L/var/tmp/glfw/src/
#flag darwin -lglfw
#flag linux -lglfw
#flag windows -I/usr/local/Cellar/glfw/3.2.1/include/
// #include <glad/glad.h> // !gen.go include GLFW.v
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
// #flag darwin -framework Carbon
// #flag darwin -framework Cocoa
// #flag darwin -framework CoreVideo
// #flag darwin -framework IOKit
// struct C.GL
// @GLFWwindow* C.glfwCreateWindow
// #int gconst_init = 0;
const (
import const (
import const (
const (
const (
KeyUp = 265
KeyLeft = 263
KeyRight = 262
KeyDown = 264
struct WinCfg {
width int
height int
title string
ptr voidptr
borderless bool
is_modal int
is_browser bool
url string
// data *C.GLFWwindow
// TODO change data to cobj
struct Window {
data voidptr
title string
mx int
my int
struct Size {
width int
height int
struct Pos {
x int
y int
// type clickfn fn (window * GLFWwindow, button, action, mods int)
type clickfn fn (window voidptr, button, action, mods int)
fn init() {
// fn mouse_move(w * GLFWwindow, x, y double) {
fn mouse_move(w voidptr, x, y double) {
// #printf("%f : %f => %d \n", x,y);
// fn create_window(title string, w, h int) * Window {
fn window_hint(key, val int) {
C.glfwWindowHint(key, val)
fn create_window(c WinCfg) *Window {
// TODO why i need this in stdlib? extern?
// # if (!gconst_init) { init_consts(); gconst_init = 1; }
// ChatsRepo
if c.borderless {
window_hint(GLFW_RESIZABLE, 0)
window_hint(GLFW_DECORATED, 0)
cwindow := C.glfwCreateWindow(c.width, c.height, c.title.str, 0, 0)
# if (!cwindow)
// if cwindow == 0
println('failed to credate glfw window')
// # glfwSetCursorPosCallback(cwindow, glfw__mouse_move) ;
// C.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(cwindow, mouse_move)
C.printf('create window wnd=%p ptr==%p\n', cwindow, c.ptr)
C.glfwSetWindowUserPointer(cwindow, c.ptr)
// # void *a =glfwGetWindowUserPointer(cwindow);
// # printf("aaaaaa=%p d=%d\n", a,a);
window := &Window {
data: cwindow,
title: c.title,
// user_ptr: ptr,
// repo: repo,
// for !C.glfwWindowShouldClose(cwindow) {
// C.glfwPollEvents()
// wait_events()
// }
// C.glfwTerminate()
return window
fn (w &Window) set_title(title string) {
C.glfwSetWindowTitle(w.data, title.str)
fn (w &Window) make_context_current() {
// ChatsRepo
kkk := 0
// println('making context current' )
fn swap_interval(interval int) {
fn wait_events() {
fn poll_events() {
fn (w &Window) should_close() bool {
// ChatsRepo
return C.glfwWindowShouldClose(w.data)
fn (w &Window) swap_buffers() {
fn (w mut Window) onmousemove(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetCursorPosCallback(w.data, cb)
fn (w mut Window) set_mouse_button_callback(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(w.data, cb)
fn (w mut Window) on_click(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(w.data, cb)
fn (w &Window) set_scroll_callback(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetScrollCallback(w.data, cb)
fn (w &Window) on_scroll(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetScrollCallback(w.data, cb)
fn post_empty_event() {
fn (w mut Window) onkeydown(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetKeyCallback(w.data, cb)
fn (w mut Window) onchar(cb voidptr) {
C.glfwSetCharModsCallback(w.data, cb)
fn get_time() double {
return C.glfwGetTime()
fn key_pressed(wnd voidptr, key int) bool {
# return glfwGetKey(wnd, key) == GLFW_PRESS;
return false
// TODO not mut
fn (w mut Window) get_clipboard_text() string {
return tos2(C.glfwGetClipboardString(w.data))
// # char *c = glfwGetClipboardString(w->data);
// # return tos_no_len(c);
// return ''
fn (w &Window) set_clipboard_text(s string) {
C.glfwSetClipboardString(w.data, s.str)
fn (w &Window) get_cursor_pos() Pos {
x := double(0)
y := double(0)
C.glfwGetCursorPos(w.data, &x, &y)
return Pos {
x: int(x)
y: int(y)
fn (w &Window) user_ptr() voidptr {
return C.glfwGetWindowUserPointer(w.data)
fn (w &Window) set_user_ptr(ptr voidptr) {
C.glfwSetWindowUserPointer(w.data, ptr)
fn C.glfwGetVideoMode() C.GLFWvideoMode
fn get_monitor_size() Size {
# GLFWvidmode* mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
// window_width = mode->width;
// window_height = mode->height;
// monitor := C.glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()
res := Size{}
# res.width=mode->width;
# res.height=mode->height;
// C.glfwGetMonitorPhysicalSize(monitor, &res.width, &res.height)
return res
fn (size Size) str() string {
return '{$size.width, $size.height}'
fn get_window_user_pointer(gwnd voidptr) voidptr {
return C.glfwGetWindowUserPointer(gwnd)

glm/glm.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
module glm
import math
#flag -lmyglm
# float* myglm_ortho(float, float, float, float);
# float* myglm_translate(float, float, float);
// # float* myglm_rotate(float *m, float angle, float, float, float);
// # float* myglm_perspective(float, float, float, float);
// # float* myglm_look_at(glm__Vec3, glm__Vec3, glm__Vec3);
// # glm__Vec3 myglm_mult(glm__Vec3, glm__Vec3);
// # glm__Vec3 myglm_cross(glm__Vec3, glm__Vec3);
// # glm__Vec3 myglm_normalize(glm__Vec3);
struct Mat4 {
data *float
struct Vec2 {
x float
y float
struct Vec3 {
x float
y float
z float
fn vec3(x, y, z float) Vec3 {
res := Vec3 {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z,
return res
fn mat4(f *float) Mat4 {
res := Mat4 {
data: f
return res
fn (v Vec3) str() string {
return 'Vec3{ $v.x, $v.y, $v.z }'
fn (v Vec2) str() string {
return 'Vec3{ $v.x, $v.y }'
fn (m Mat4) str() string {
mut s := '[ '
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
if i != 0 {
s += ' '
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
val := m.data[i * 4 + j]
s += '${val:.2f} '
if i != 3 {
s += '\n'
s += ']'
return s
fn vec2(x, y int) Vec2 {
res := Vec2 {
x: x,
y: y,
return res
fn (a Vec3) add(b Vec3) Vec3 {
res := Vec3 {
x: a.x + b.x,
y: a.y + b.y,
z: a.z + b.z,
return res
fn (a Vec3) sub(b Vec3) Vec3 {
res := Vec3 {
x: a.x - b.x,
y: a.y - b.y,
z: a.z - b.z,
return res
// fn (a Vec3) mult(b Vec3) Vec3 {
// # return myglm_mult(a,b);
// }
fn (a Vec3) mult_scalar(b float) Vec3 {
res := Vec3 {
x: a.x * b,
y: a.y * b,
z: a.z * b,
return res
fn (a Vec3) print() {
x := a.x
y := a.y
z := a.z
# printf("vec3{%f,%f,%f}\n",x,y,z);
// println('vec3{$x,$y,$z}')
fn rotate(m Mat4, angle float, vec Vec3) Mat4 {
// # t_mat4 m;
// println('rotate done')
# return glm__mat4( myglm_rotate(m.data, angle, vec.x,vec.y,vec.z) );
return Mat4{}
// fn translate(vec Vec3) *float {
fn translate(m Mat4, v Vec3) Mat4 {
// # return glm__mat4(myglm_translate(vec.x,vec.y,vec.z) );
a := m.data
mut out := float_calloc(16)
x := v.x
y := v.y
z := v.z
a00 := a[0]a01 := a[1]a02 := a[2]a03 := a[3]
a10 := a[4]a11 := a[5]a12 := a[6]a13 := a[7]
a20 := a[8]a21 := a[9]a22 := a[10]a23 := a[11]
out[0] = a00 out[1] = a01 out[2] = a02 out[3] = a03
out[4] = a10 out[5] = a11 out[6] = a12 out[7] = a13
out[8] = a20 out[9] = a21 out[10] = a22 out[11] = a23
out[12] = a00 * x + a10 * y + a20 * z + a[12]
out[13] = a01 * x + a11 * y + a21 * z + a[13]
out[14] = a02 * x + a12 * y + a22 * z + a[14]
out[15] = a03 * x + a13 * y + a23 * z + a[15]
return mat4(out)
fn normalize(vec Vec3) Vec3 {
# return myglm_normalize(vec);
return Vec3{}
// https://github.com/g-truc/glm/blob/0ceb2b755fb155d593854aefe3e45d416ce153a4/glm/ext/matrix_clip_space.inl
fn ortho(left, right, bottom, top float) Mat4 {
println('glm ortho($left, $right, $bottom, $top)')
// mat<4, 4, T, defaultp> Result(static_cast<T>(1));
n := 16
mut res := float_calloc(n)
# res[0] = 2 / (right - left) ;
# res[5] = 2.0 / (top - bottom);
# res[10] = (1);
# res[12] = - (right + left) / (right - left);
# res[13] = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
res[15] = 1
return mat4(res)
// fn scale(a *float, v Vec3) *float {
fn scale(m Mat4, v Vec3) Mat4 {
a := m.data
mut out := float_calloc(16)
x := v.x
y := v.y
z := v.z
out[0] = a[0] * v.x
out[1] = a[1] * x
out[2] = a[2] * x
out[3] = a[3] * x
out[4] = a[4] * y
out[5] = a[5] * y
out[6] = a[6] * y
out[7] = a[7] * y
out[8] = a[8] * z
out[9] = a[9] * z
out[10] = a[10] * z
out[11] = a[11] * z
out[12] = a[12]
out[13] = a[13]
out[14] = a[14]
out[15] = a[15]
return mat4(out)
// fn rotate_z(a *float, rad float) *float {
fn rotate_z(m Mat4, rad float) Mat4 {
a := m.data
mut out := float_calloc(16)
s := math.sin(rad)
c := math.cos(rad)
a00 := a[0]
a01 := a[1]
a02 := a[2]
a03 := a[3]
a10 := a[4]
a11 := a[5]
a12 := a[6]
a13 := a[7]
out[8] = a[8]
out[9] = a[9]
out[10] = a[10]
out[11] = a[11]
out[12] = a[12]
out[13] = a[13]
out[14] = a[14]
out[15] = a[15]
// Perform axis-specific matrix multiplication
out[0] = a00 * c + a10 * s
out[1] = a01 * c + a11 * s
out[2] = a02 * c + a12 * s
out[3] = a03 * c + a13 * s
out[4] = a10 * c - a00 * s
out[5] = a11 * c - a01 * s
out[6] = a12 * c - a02 * s
out[7] = a13 * c - a03 * s
return mat4(out)
fn identity() Mat4 {
// 1 0 0 0
// 0 1 0 0
// 0 0 1 0
// 0 0 0 1
n := 16
mut res := float_calloc(sizeof(float) * n)
res[0] = 1
res[5] = 1
res[10] = 1
res[15] = 1
return mat4(res)
// returns *float without allocation
fn identity2(res *float) {
res[0] = 1
res[5] = 1
res[10] = 1
res[15] = 1
// # float f[16]={0};// for (int i =0;i<16;i++)
// # printf("!!%d\n", f[0]);
// # glm__identity2(&f);
// # gl__Shader_set_mat4(shader, tos2("projection"), f) ;
fn identity3() []float {
res := [1.0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1,
] !
return res
// https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix/blob/1549cf21dfa14a2bc845993485343d519cf064fe/src/gl-matrix/mat4.js
fn ortho_js(left, right, bottom, top float) *float {
mynear := 1
myfar := 1
lr := 1.0 / (left - right)
bt := 1.0 / (bottom - top)
nf := 1.0 / 1.0// (mynear -myfar)
# float* out = malloc (sizeof(float) * 16);
# out[0] = -2 * lr;
# out[1] = 0;
# out[2] = 0;
# out[3] = 0;
# out[4] = 0;
# out[5] = -2 * bt;
# out[6] = 0;
# out[7] = 0;
# out[8] = 0;
# out[9] = 0;
# out[10] = 2 * nf;
# out[11] = 0;
# out[12] = (left + right) * lr;
# out[13] = (top + bottom) * bt;
# out[14] = 1 * nf;//(far + near) * nf;
# out[15] = 1;
# return out;
f := 0.0
return &f
// fn ortho_old(a, b, c, d float) *float {
// # return myglm_ortho(a,b,c,d);
// }
fn cross(a, b Vec3) Vec3 {
// # return myglm_cross(a,b);
return Vec3{}
fn perspective(degrees float, ratio float, a, b float) Mat4 {
// println('lang per degrees=$degrees ratio=$ratio a=$a b=$b')
// # printf("lang pers degrees=%f ratio=%f a=%f b=%f\n", degrees, ratio, a,b);
# return glm__mat4( myglm_perspective(degrees, ratio, a,b) ) ;
return Mat4{}
fn look_at(eye, center, up Vec3) Mat4 {
# return glm__mat4( myglm_look_at(eye, center, up) ) ;
return Mat4{}

gx/gx.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
module gx
struct Color {
r int
g int
b int
const (
BLUE = Color { r: 60, g: 126, b: 197 }
Blue = Color { r: 60, g: 126, b: 197 }
BlueLite = Color { r: 226, g: 233, b: 241 }
BLACK = Color { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }
WHITE = Color { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }
GRAY = Color { r: 223, g: 223, b: 223 }
GRAY_DARK = Color { r: 150, g: 150, b: 150 }
GRAY_LITE = Color { r: 245, g: 245, b: 245 }
BLUE_LITE = Color { r: 226, g: 233, b: 241 }
ORANGE = Color { r: 255, g: 140, b: 0 }
GREEN = Color { r: 0, g: 140, b: 0 }
RED = Color { r: 140, g: 0, b: 0 }
YELLOW = Color { r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 }
const (
struct TextCfg {
color Color
size int
align int
max_width int
family string
bold bool
mono bool
struct Image {
obj voidptr
id int
width int
height int
pub fn (img Image) is_empty() bool {
return isnil(img.obj)
pub fn (c Color) str() string {
return '{$c.r, $c.g, $c.b}'
pub fn (a Color) eq(b Color) bool {
return a.r == b.r &&
a.g == b.g &&
a.b == b.b
pub fn rgb(r, g, b int) Color {
res := Color {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b,
return res
// fn text_width_char(c char) int {
// return text_width(char2string(c))
// // return C.text_width_char(c)
// }

http/download_lin.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module http
import os
@size_t kek
type downloadfn fn (written int)
struct DownloadStruct {
stream voidptr
written int
cb downloadfn
fn download_cb(ptr voidptr, size, nmemb size_t, userp voidptr) int {
// # struct http__MemoryStruct *mem = (struct http__MemoryStruct *)userp;
data := &DownloadStruct(userp)
# size_t written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, (FILE*)(data->stream));
// # printf("!!!%d\n", written);
# data->written += written;
if !isnil(data.cb) {
# data->cb(data->written);
# return written;
return 0
fn download_file_with_progress(url, out string, cb, cb_finished voidptr) {
curl := C.curl_easy_init()
if isnil(curl) {
# FILE* fp = fopen(out.str,"wb");
# curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.str);
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, download_cb)
// # curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, http__download_cb);
data := &DownloadStruct {
// stream:fp
cb: cb
# data->stream = fp;
# curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, data);
# double d = 0;
# curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &d);
# CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
# curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
# fclose(fp);
# void (*finished)() =cb_finished; finished();
fn download_file(url, out string) {
// println('\nDOWNLOAD FILE $out url=$url')
// -L follow redirects
// println('curl -L -o "$out" "$url"')
res := os.system('curl -s -L -o "$out" "$url"')
// res := os.system('curl -s -L -o "$out" "$url"')
// println(res)

http/download_mac.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module http
import os
struct LUEL {
age int
type downloadfn fn (written int)
struct DownloadStruct {
stream voidptr
written int
cb downloadfn
fn download_cb(ptr voidptr, size, nmemb size_t, userp voidptr) int {
// # struct http__MemoryStruct *mem = (struct http__MemoryStruct *)userp;
data := &DownloadStruct(userp)
# size_t written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, (FILE*)(data->stream));
// # printf("!!!%d\n", written);
# data->written += written;
if !isnil(data.cb) {
# data->cb(data->written);
# return written;
return 0
fn download_file_with_progress(url, out string, cb, cb_finished voidptr) {
curl := C.curl_easy_init()
if isnil(curl) {
# FILE* fp = fopen(out.str,"wb");
# curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.str);
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, download_cb)
// # curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, http__download_cb);
data := &DownloadStruct {
// stream:fp
cb: cb
# data->stream = fp;
# curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, data);
# double d = 0;
# curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &d);
# CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
# curl_easy_cleanup(curl);
# fclose(fp);
# void (*finished)() =cb_finished; finished();
fn download_file(url, out string) {
// println('\nDOWNLOAD FILE $out url=$url')
// -L follow redirects
// println('curl -L -o "$out" "$url"')
os.system2('curl -s -L -o "$out" "$url"')
// res := os.system('curl -s -L -o "$out" "$url"')
// println(res)

http/download_win.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module http
fn download_file_with_progress(url, out string, cb, cb_finished voidptr) {
fn download_file(url, out string) {
# HRESULT res = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, url.str, out.str, 0, NULL);
# if(res == S_OK) {
println('Download Ok')
# } else if(res == E_OUTOFMEMORY) {
println('Buffer length invalid, or insufficient memory')
# } else if(res == INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE) {
println('URL is invalid')
# } else {
# printf("Download error: %d\n", res);
# }

http/http.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
module http
struct Request {
// headers []string
headers map_string
method string
// cookies map[string]string
h string
cmd string
typ string // GET POST
data string
url string
ws_func voidptr
user_ptr voidptr
verbose bool
struct Response {
body string
headers map_string
status_code int
// embed 'http'
fn get(url string) string {
if url == '' {
println2('http: empty get url')
return ''
mut req := new_request('GET', url, '')
resp := req.do()
return resp.body
fn get2(url string) string {
return ''
fn post(url, data string) string {
req := new_request('POST', url, data)
resp := req.do()
return resp.body
fn new_request(typ, _url, _data string) *Request {
mut url := _url
mut data := _data
// req.headers['User-Agent'] = 'V $VERSION'
if typ == 'GET' && !url.contains('?') && data != '' {
println('zeroing data, to url')
url = '$url?$data'
data = ''
// req.headers = new_map(0, sizeof(string))// []string{}
return &Request {
typ: typ
url: _url
data: _data
ws_func: 0
user_ptr: 0
headers: new_map(0, sizeof(string))
fn (req &Request) do() Response {
mut resp := Response{}
return resp
fn (req mut Request) free() {
fn (resp mut Response) free() {
fn (req mut Request) add_header(key, val string) {
// println('start add header')
// println('add header "$key" "$val"')
// println(key)
// println(val)
// h := '$key: $val'
// println('SET H')
// req.headers << h
req.headers[key] = val
// mut h := req.h
// h += ' -H "${key}: ${val}" '
// req.h = h

http/http_mac.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
module http
#include <curl/curl.h>
#flag windows -I/usr/local/opt/curl/include
#flag darwin -lcurl
#flag windows -lcurl
#flag linux -lcurl
@size_t kek
@CURL* curl_easy_init
type wsfn fn (s string, ptr voidptr)
struct MemoryStruct {
size size_t
ws_func wsfn
user_ptr voidptr // for wsfn
strings []string
import const (
// type C.CURLcode {
// }
fn C.curl_easy_strerror(curl voidptr) byteptr
fn C.curl_easy_perform(curl voidptr) C.CURLcode
fn write_fn(contents byteptr, size, nmemb int, _mem *MemoryStruct) int {
mut mem = _mem
// # printf("size =%d nmemb=%d contents=%s\n", size, nmemb, contents);
realsize := size * nmemb// TODO size_t ?
// if !isnil(mem.ws_func) {
# if (mem->ws_func)
C.printf('\n\nhttp_mac.m: GOT WS FUNC. size=%d\n', realsize)
// Skip negative and 0 junk chars in the WS string
mut start := 0
for i := 0; i < realsize; i++ {
// printf("char=%d %c\n", s[i], s[i]);
if contents[i] == 0 && start == 0 {
start = i
contents += start + 1
// printf("GOOD CONTEnTS=%s\n", contents);
s := tos_no_len(contents)
// mem.ws_func('kek', 0)
# mem->ws_func(s, mem->user_ptr);
mut c := tos_no_len(contents)
c = c.trim_space()
// Need to clone because libcurl reuses this memory
mem.strings << c.clone()
return realsize
struct C.curl_slist { }
fn (req &Request) do() Response {
println('req.do() mac/linux url="$req.url" data="$req.data"')
// println('req.do() url="$req.url"')
mut resp := Response {
headers: map[string]string{}
mut headers := map[string]string{}
// no data at this point
chunk := MemoryStruct {
ws_func: req.ws_func
user_ptr: req.user_ptr
// header chunk
hchunk := MemoryStruct {
ws_func: 0
user_ptr: 0
// init curl
curl := C.curl_easy_init()
if isnil(curl) {
println2('curl init failed')
return Response{}
// options
// url2 := req.url.clone()
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, req.url.cstr())// ..clone())
// C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://example.com')
// return resp
// curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$if windows {
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_fn)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, write_fn)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &chunk)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &hchunk)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
if req.typ == 'POST' {
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, req.data.cstr())
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST')
// req.headers << 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// Add request headers
mut hlist := &C.curl_slist{!}
// for i, h := range req.headers {
for entry in req.headers.entries {
key := entry.key
val := req.headers[key]
h := '$key: $val'
hlist = C.curl_slist_append(hlist, h.cstr())
// curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, // (long)CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS);ô`CÒÊ
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1)
if req.verbose {
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, hlist)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1)
C.curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
println('bef easy()')
res := C.curl_easy_perform(curl)
println('after easy()')
# if (res != CURLE_OK )
err := C.curl_easy_strerror(res)
println('curl_easy_perform() failed: $err')
body := chunk.strings.join('')// tos_no_len(chunk.memory)
// chunk.strings.free()
// resp.headers = hchunk.strings
if hchunk.strings.len == 0 {
return Response{}
first_header := hchunk.strings.first()
mut status_code := 0
if first_header.contains('HTTP/') {
val := first_header.find_between(' ', ' ')
status_code = val.to_i()
// Build resp headers map
// println('building resp headers hchunk.strings.len')
for h in hchunk.strings {
// break
// println(h)
vals := h.split(':')
pos := h.index(':')
if pos == -1 {
if h.contains('Content-Type') {
key := h.left(pos)
val := h.right(pos + 1)
// println('"$key" *** "$val"')
// val2 := val.trim_space()
// println('val2="$val2"')
headers[key] = val// val.trim_space()
// println('done')
// j.println(resp.status_code)
// println('body=')
// j.println(resp.body)
// j.println('headers=')
// j.println(hchunk.strings)
println('end of req.do() url="$req.url"')
return Response {
body: body
fn unescape(s string) string {
return tos2(C.curl_unescape(s.cstr(), s.len))
fn escape(s string) string {
return tos2(C.curl_escape(s.cstr(), s.len))
// ////////////////
fn (req &Request) do2() Response {
mut resp := Response{}
return resp

http/http_win.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
module http
#flag -lwininet
#flag -lurlmon
// #include <WinInet.h>
#include "urlmon.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
// #LPWSTR winstring(string s);
// # bool ok = InternetReadFile(request, buf, BUF_MAX, &nr_read);
import const (
fn (req &Request) do() Response {
mut s := ''
emptyresp := Response{}
mut url := req.url
println('\n\nhttp.do() WIN URL="$url" TYP=$req.typ data="$req.data" headers.len=req.headers.len"')
is_ssl := req.url.starts_with('https://')
println('is ssl=$is_ssl')
mut pos := url.index('/')
url = url.right(pos + 2)
mut host := url
mut path := '/'
pos = url.index('/')
if pos > -1 {
host = url.left(pos)
host = host.clone()
path = url.right(pos)
// println('HOST="$host"')
// println('PATH="$path"')
mut headers := ''
mut resp_headers := ''
// for header in req.headers {
for entry in req.headers.entries {
// headers += '$header\r\n'
key := entry.key
val := req.headers[key]
headers += '$key: $val\r\n'
if req.typ == 'POST' {
headers += 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
// headers = headers.trim_space()
// println('!!! OLO REQ HEADERS WIN="$headers"')
data := req.data
// Retrieve default http user agent
// char httpUseragent[512];
// # char httpUseragent []= "";
user_agent := ''
// DWORD szhttpUserAgent = sizeof(httpUseragent);
// ObtainUserAgentString(0, httpUseragent, &szhttpUserAgent);
// # HINTERNET internet = InternetOpenA(httpUseragent, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0);
internet := C.InternetOpenA(user_agent.str, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, 0, 0, 0)
// # if (!internet)
if isnil(internet) {
println('InternetOpen() failed')
return emptyresp
// if is_ssl {
// }
connect := C.InternetConnectA(internet, host.str, port, 0, 0, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0)
// # HINTERNET connect = InternetConnectA(internet, host.str, port, NULL, NULL,
# if (!connect)
if isnil(connect) {
e := C.GetLastError()
println('[windows] InternetConnect() failed')
C.printf('err=%d\n', e)
return emptyresp
flags := 0
// # DWORD flags =
#flags =
if is_ssl {
#flags = flags | INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE;
request := C.HttpOpenRequest(connect, req.typ.str, path.str, 'HTTP/1.1', 0, 0, flags, 0)
// request := C.InternetOpenUrl(connect, req.typ.str, path.str, 'HTTP/1.1', 0, 0, flags, 0)
// # HINTERNET request = HttpOpenRequest(connect, req->typ.str, path.str, "HTTP/1.1",
// # NULL, NULL, flags, NULL);
// # if (!request)
if isnil(request) {
println('HttpOpenRequest() failed')
return emptyresp
// println('LEN BEFORE SEND=$headers.len ; $headers')
# bool ret =HttpSendRequest(request, headers.str, -1, data.str, data.len);
# printf("RET=%d\n", ret);
# int e = GetLastError();
# printf("e=%d\n", e);
// Get response headers
// Todo call twice to get len
# LPSTR h_buf = malloc(1024);
# DWORD dwSize = 1024;
// LPVOID lpOutBuffer=malloc(dwSize);
# HttpQueryInfo(request, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF,
# h_buf,&dwSize,NULL);
# printf(" resp HEADERS %s\n", h_buf);
// Get response body
// # const int BUF_MAX = 1024;
// # TCHAR buf[BUF_MAX + 1];
mut buf := [1025]byte
mut nr_read := 0
BUF_MAX := 1024
// ok := C.InternetReadFile(request, buf, BUF_MAX, &nr_read)
// # DWORD dwRead = 0;
// /println('calling InternetReadFile()')
// # bool ok = InternetReadFile(request, buf, BUF_MAX, &nr_read);
// # if (!ok)
// {
// println('read not ok')
// # int e = GetLastError();
// # printf("%d\n", e);
// }
// # printf("dwread=%d\n", dwRead);
// # while ((InternetReadFile(request, buf, BUF_MAX, &nr_read)) && nr_read > 0)
ok := C.InternetReadFile(request, buf, BUF_MAX, &nr_read)
if !ok {
println('InternetReadFile() not ok ')
if ok && nr_read == 0 {
println('ok && nr read == 0, breaking')
C.printf('buf broken="%s"\n', buf)
if req.url.contains('websocket') {
println('win sleeping 2')
buf[nr_read] = 0
C.printf('buf="%s"\n', buf)
s += tos2(buf)// TODO perf
nr_read = 0
# resp_headers = tos2(h_buf);
hh := resp_headers.split('\n')
mut resp := Response {
body: s
headers: map[string]string{}
// headers: resp_headers
// println('gen hh')
for h in hh {
// println('\n!')
// println(h)
vals := h.split(':')
pos := h.index(':')
if pos == -1 {
key := h.left(pos)
val := h.right(pos + 1)
// println('$key => $val')
resp.headers[key] = val.trim_space()
println('END OF WIN req.do($req.url)')
return resp
fn escape(s string) string {
# DWORD size=1;
# char *escaped = NULL;
# char *empty_string = NULL;
# HRESULT res = UrlEscapeA(s.str, empty_string, &size, URL_ESCAPE_PERCENT | URL_ESCAPE_SEGMENT_ONLY);
# if (res == E_POINTER)
# escaped = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
# if (!escaped)
# return s;
# UrlEscapeA(s.str, escaped, &size, URL_ESCAPE_PERCENT | URL_ESCAPE_SEGMENT_ONLY);
# return tos2(escaped);
return ''
fn C.InternetReadFile(voidptr, voidptr, int, intptr) bool

json/json_primitives.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module json
// #include "json/cJSON/cJSON.c"
#include "json/cJSON/cJSON.h"
struct C.cJSON {
valueint int
valuestring byteptr
fn jsdecode_int(root *C.cJSON) int {
if isnil(root) {
return 0
return root.valueint
fn jsdecode_string(root *C.cJSON) string {
if isnil(root) {
return ''
if isnil(root.valuestring) {
return ''
// println('jsdecode string valuestring="$root.valuestring"')
// return tos(root.valuestring, _strlen(root.valuestring))
return tos_clone(root.valuestring)// , _strlen(root.valuestring))
fn jsdecode_bool(root *C.cJSON) bool {
if isnil(root) {
return false
return C.cJSON_IsTrue(root)
// ///////////////////
fn jsencode_int(val int) *C.cJSON {
return C.cJSON_CreateNumber(val)
fn jsencode_bool(val bool) *C.cJSON {
return C.cJSON_CreateBool(val)
fn jsencode_string(val string) *C.cJSON {
clone := val.clone()
return C.cJSON_CreateString(clone.str)
// return C.cJSON_CreateString2(val.str, val.len)
// ///////////////////////
// user := decode_User(json_parse(js_string_var))
fn json_parse(s string) *C.cJSON {
return C.cJSON_Parse(s.str)
// json_string := json_print(encode_User(user))
fn json_print(json *C.cJSON) string {
s := C.cJSON_PrintUnformatted(json)
return tos(s, _strlen(s))
// / cjson wrappers
// fn json_array_for_each(val, root *C.cJSON) {
// #cJSON_ArrayForEach (val ,root)
// }

math/math.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module math
const (
PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459
fn abs(a f64) f64 {
if a < 0 {
return -a
return a
fn cos(a f64) f64 {
return C.cos(a)
fn max(a, b f64) f64 {
if a > b {
return a
return b
fn min(a, b f64) f64 {
if a < b {
return a
return b
fn pow(a, b f64) f64 {
return C.pow(a, b)
fn radians(degrees f64) f64 {
return degrees * (PI / 180.0)
fn round(f f64) f64 {
return C.round(f)
fn sin(a f64) f64 {
return C.sin(a)
fn sqrt(a f64) f64 {
return C.sqrt(a)

os/os.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
module os
#include <sys/stat.h>
const (
args = []string
struct FILE {
struct File {
cfile *FILE
import const (
fn init_os_args(argc int, c voidptr) []string {
mut args := []string
# char** argv = (char**) c;
for i := 0; i < argc; i++ {
// # printf("ARG %d = '%s'\n", i, argv[i]);
arg := ''
# arg = tos(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]));
args << arg
# os__args = args;
return args
fn parse_windows_cmd_line(cmd byteptr) {
s := tos2(cmd)
vals := s.split(' ')
# os__args = vals;
// read_file reads the file in `path` and returns the contents.
// TODO return `?string`
pub fn read_file(path string) string {
res := ''
# FILE *f = fopen(path.str, "r");
# if (!f) return tos("", 0);
# fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
# long fsize = ftell(f);
// # fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); //same as rewind(f);
# rewind(f);
# char *string = malloc(fsize + 1);
# fread(string, fsize, 1, f);
# fclose(f);
# string[fsize] = 0;
// # printf("RFILE= %s\n", string);
# res = tos(string, fsize);
return res
fn (f File) read_rune() string {
# if (!f.cfile) return tos("", 0);
c := malloc(1)
C.fread(c, 1, 1, f.cfile)
return tos(c, 1)
// `file_size` returns the size of the file located in `path`.
pub fn file_size(path string) int {
# struct stat s;
# stat(path.str, &s);
// # if (S_ISLNK(s.st_mode)) return -1;
# return s.st_size;
// //////////////////////
# FILE *f = fopen(path.str, "r");
# if (!f) return 0;
# fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
# long fsize = ftell(f);
// # fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); //same as rewind(f);
# rewind(f);
# return fsize;
return 0
pub fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) int {
# struct stat attr;
# stat(path.str, &attr);
# return attr.st_mtime ;
return 0
pub fn file_last_mod_time(path string) time.Time {
return time.now()
q := C.tm{}
# struct stat attr;
# stat(path.str, &attr);
// # q = attr.st_mtime;
# struct tm * now = localtime(&attr.st_mtime);
# q = *now;
# printf("Last modified time: %s", ctime(&attr.st_mtime));
return time.convert_ctime(q)
// `read_lines` reads the file in `path` into an array of lines.
pub fn read_lines(path string) []string {
return read_file_lines(path)
fn read_file_into_lines(path string) []string {
return read_file_lines(path)
fn read_file_into_ulines(path string) []ustring {
lines := read_file_into_lines(path)
// mut ulines := new_array(0, lines.len, sizeof(ustring))
mut ulines := []ustring
for myline in lines {
// ulines[i] = ustr
ulines << myline.ustring()
return ulines
const (
BUF_SIZE = 5000
fn read_file_lines(path string) []string {
// println('read file $path into lines')
mut res := []string
# char buf[os__BUF_SIZE];
# FILE *fp = fopen(path.str, "rb");
# if (!fp)
println('failed to open file "$path"')
return res
# while (fgets(buf, os__BUF_SIZE, fp) != NULL)
mut val := ''
# buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; // eat the newline fgets() stores
#ifdef windows
# if (buf[strlen(buf)-2] == 13)
# buf[strlen(buf) - 2] = '\0'; // eat the newline fgets() stores
// # printf("%s\n", buf);
# val=tos_clone(buf) ;
// for i := 0; i < val.len; i++ {
// C.printf('%d) %c %d\n', i, val.str[i], val.str[i])
// }
#ifdef windows
// if val.str[val.len - 1] == 13 {
if val[val.len - 1] == 13 {
// val.len--
// println('QQQ read line="$val"')
res << val
# fclose(fp);
return res
fn append_to_file(file, s string) {
# FILE* fp = fopen(file.str, "a");
# fputs(s.str, fp);
# fputs("\n", fp);
# fclose(fp);
struct Reader {
fp *FILE
struct FileInfo {
name string
size int
// fn open(file string) File? {
// return open_file(file)
// }
pub fn open(path string) File {
return open_file(path)
fn open_file(file string) File {
return create_file2(file, 'r')
// `create` creates a file at a specified location and returns a writable `File` object.
pub fn create(path string) File {
return create_file(path)
pub fn open_append(path string) File {
return create_file(path)
fn create_file(file string) File {
return create_file2(file, 'w')
fn create_file_a(file string) File {
return create_file2(file, 'a')
fn open_file_a(file string) File {
return create_file2(file, 'a')
fn create_file2(file string, mode string) File {
res := File {
cfile: C.fopen(file.cstr(), mode.cstr())
if isnil(res.cfile) {
println('coudlnt create file "$file"')
return res
fn (f File) append(s string) {
ss := s.clone()
C.fputs(ss.cstr(), f.cfile)
// ss.free()
// C.fwrite(s.str, 1, s.len, f.cfile)
// convert any value to []byte (LittleEndian) and write it
// for example if we have write(7, 4), "07 00 00 00" gets written
// write(0x1234, 2) => "34 12"
fn (f File) write(data voidptr, size int) {
C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile)
fn (f File) write_at(data voidptr, size, pos int) {
C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, SEEK_SET)
C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile)
C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, SEEK_END)
fn (f File) appendln(s string) {
// C.fwrite(s.str, 1, s.len, f.cfile)
// ss := s.clone()
// TODO perf
C.fputs(s.cstr(), f.cfile)
// ss.free()
C.fputs('\n', f.cfile)
fn (f File) close() {
fn close_file(fp *FILE) {
$if windows {
# if (fp)
// `system2` starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its code.
pub fn system2(cmd string) int {
cstr := cmd.clone()
ret := int(C.system(cstr.cstr()))
// println(' system2 ret=$ret cmd="$s"')
if ret == -1 {
return ret
fn popen(path string) *FILE {
cpath := path.cstr()
$if windows {
return C._popen(cpath, 'r')
$else {
return C.popen(cpath, 'r')
// TODO rename to run or exec (system doesnt return a string)
// `system` starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output.
// TODO merge the two functions.
pub fn system(cmd string) string {
// println('OS SYSTEM($s)')
res := ''
ss := '$cmd 2>&1'
f := popen(ss)// cmd)
// # if (!f)
if isnil(f) {
println('popen $cmd failed')
#define MAX 1000
# char buf[MAX];
// # char* buf = malloc(MAX);
// j# sleep(1);
// # if (!fgets(buf, MAX, f)) {
// jprintln('first get failed')
// jos.print_c_errno()
// j# }
# while (fgets(buf, MAX, f) != NULL) {
// # printf("popen buf=%s\n", buf);
# res = string_add(res, tos(buf, strlen(buf)));
# }
// println(res)
return res.trim_space()
fn system_into_lines(s string) []string {
mut res := []string
cmd := '$s 2>&1'
#ifdef windows
# FILE* f = _popen(cmd.str, "r");
# FILE* f = popen(cmd.str, "r");
#define MAX 5000
// # char buf[MAX];
# char * buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX);
# while (fgets(buf, MAX, f) != NULL)
val := ''
# buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; // eat the newline fgets() stores
# val=tos_clone(buf);
res << val
return res
// `getenv` returns the value of the environment variable named by the key.
pub fn getenv(key string) string {
s := C.getenv(key.cstr())
if isnil(s) {
return ''
return tos2(s)
fn exit(reason string) {
println2('exit(): $reason')
fn exit1(reason string) {
println2('exit(): $reason')
// `file_exists` returns true if `path` exists.
pub fn file_exists(path string) bool {
// # return access( path.str, F_OK ) != -1 ;
res := false
#ifdef windows
# res = _access( path.str, 0 ) != -1 ;
# res = access( path.str, 0 ) != -1 ;
return res
// `mkdir` creates a new directory with the specified path.
pub fn mkdir(path string) {
$if windows {
path = path.replace('/', '\\')
C.CreateDirectory(path.cstr(), 0)
$else {
println('AAAAAAAA $$ "$path"')
C.mkdir(path.cstr(), 511)// S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO
// os.system2('mkdir -p $path')
// `rm` removes file in `path`.
pub fn rm(path string) {
$if windows {
// os.system2('del /f $path')
$else {
// C.unlink(path.cstr())
fn rmdir(path string, guard string) {
if !path.contains(guard) {
println('rmdir canceled because the path doesnt contain $guard')
println2('rmdir "$path"')
#ifndef windows
os.system('rm -rf "$path"')
os.system('rmdir /s /q "$path"')
pub fn unzip(path, out string) {
$if windows {
// TODO native string
// TODO handle older Windows
// The only way to unzip a file without installing dependencies is to use PowerShell + .NET
# char *s="powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command \"& { Add-Type -A 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('PATH', 'OUT'); }\" ";
mut cmd := ''
# cmd = tos(s, strlen(s));
cmd = cmd.replace('PATH', path)
cmd = cmd.replace('OUT', out)
$else {
os.system('unzip -o -d "$out" "$path"')
fn print_c_errno() {
# printf("errno=%d err='%s'\n", errno, strerror(errno));
pub fn basedir(path string) string {
pos := path.last_index('/')
if pos == -1 {
return path
return path.left(pos + 1)
pub fn filename(path string) string {
return path.all_after('/')
fn C.getline(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) int
pub fn get_line() string {
max := 256
buf := malloc(max)
nr_chars := C.getline(&buf, &max, stdin)
if nr_chars == 0 {
return ''
return tos(buf, nr_chars - 1)
pub fn user_os() string {
$if linux {
return 'linux'
$if mac {
return 'mac'
$if windows {
return 'windows'
return 'unknown'
// `home_dir` returns path to user's home directory.
pub fn home_dir() string {
mut home := os.getenv('HOME')
$if windows {
home = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE')
home += os.getenv('HOMEPATH')
home += '/'
return home
pub fn write_file(path, text string) {
f := os.create(path)
fn on_segfault(f voidptr) {
#ifdef windows
#ifdef mac
# struct sigaction sa;
# memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
# sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
# sa.sa_sigaction = f;
# sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
# sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, 0);

os/os_mac.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module os
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
// import darwin
fn log(s string) {
fn is_dir(path string) bool {
# struct stat statbuf;
cstr := path.cstr()
# if (stat(cstr, &statbuf) != 0)
return false
# return S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode);
return false
fn chdir(path string) {
fn getwd() string {
cwd := malloc(1024)
# if (getcwd(cwd, 1024)) return tos2(cwd);
return ''
fn ls(path string) []string {
mut res := []string
# DIR *dir;
# struct dirent *ent;
# if ((dir = opendir (path.str)) == NULL)
println('ls() couldnt open dir "$path"')
return res
// print all the files and directories within directory */
# while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
name := ''
# name = tos_clone(ent->d_name);//, strlen(ent->d_name));
// # printf ("printf ls() %s\n", ent->d_name);
// println(name)
if name != '.' && name != '..' && name != '' {
res << name
# }
# closedir (dir);
// res.sort()
// println('sorted res')
// print_strings(res)
return res
fn print_backtrace() {
# void *buffer[100];
nptrs := 0
# nptrs = backtrace(buffer, 100);
# printf("%d!!\n", nptrs);
# backtrace_symbols_fd(buffer, nptrs, STDOUT_FILENO) ;

os/os_win.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module os
fn ls(path string) []string {
mut res := []string
return res
const (
fn is_dir(path string) bool {
val := int(C.GetFileAttributes(path.cstr()))
fn chdir(path string) {
fn getwd() string {
panic('getwd() not impl')
return ''
fn log(s string) {

rand/rand.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module rand
#include <time.h>
// #include <stdlib.h>
fn seed() {
# time_t t;
# srand((unsigned) time(&t));
fn next(max int) int {
# return rand() % max;
return 0

stbi/stbi.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module stbi
#include "glad.h"
import gl
#include <stb_image.h>
struct Image {
width int
height int
nr_channels int
ok bool
data voidptr
ext string
import const (
fn load(path string) Image {
ext := path.all_after('.')
mut res := Image {
ok: true
ext: ext
data: 0
if ext == 'png' {
res.data = C.stbi_load(path.str, &res.width, &res.height, &res.nr_channels, STBI_rgb_alpha)
else {
res.data = C.stbi_load(path.str, &res.width, &res.height, &res.nr_channels, 0)
if isnil(res.data) {
exit('stbi cant load')
return res
fn (img Image) free() {
fn (img Image) tex_image_2d() {
mut rgb_flag := GL_RGB
if img.ext == 'png' {
rgb_flag = GL_RGBA
C.glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, rgb_flag, img.width, img.height, 0, rgb_flag, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
fn set_flip_vertically_on_load(val bool) {

time/time.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
module time
import rand
#include <time.h>
struct Time {
year int
day int
month int
hour int
minute int
second int
uni int // TODO it's safe to use "unix" now
fn asfd() {
struct C.tm {
tm_year int
tm_mon int
tm_mday int
tm_hour int
tm_min int
tm_sec int
pub fn now() Time {
# time_t t = time(0);
// t := C.time(0)
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# res.day = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = (int)t;
// # res.ms = now->tm_msec;
return res
// fn now() Time {
// t := C.time(0)
// now := localtime(&t)
// return Time{
// year: now.tm_year + 1900
// month : now.tm_mon + 1
// day : now.tm_mday
// hour : now.tm_hour
// minute : now.tm_min
// second : now.tm_sec
// uni : int(t)
// }
// }
pub fn random() Time {
return Time {
year: rand.next(2) + 201
month: rand.next(12) + 1
day: rand.next(30) + 1
hour: rand.next(24)
minute: rand.next(60)
second: rand.next(60)
pub fn unix(u string) Time {
// println('unix time($u)')
// # int aa = atoi(u.str);
// #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa);
# int uni = atoi(u.str);
# time_t t = (time_t)uni;
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
// println('got tm')
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# res.day = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = uni;
// println('end unix')
return res
pub fn convert_ctime(t tm) Time {
return Time {
year: t.tm_year + 1900
month: t.tm_mon + 1
day: t.tm_mday
hour: t.tm_hour
minute: t.tm_min
second: t.tm_sec
// uni = uni;
pub fn unixn(uni int) Time {
// println('unix time($u)')
// # int aa = atoi(u.str);
// #printf("!!!! %d\n", aa);
# time_t t = (time_t)uni;
# struct tm * now = localtime(&t);
// println('got tm')
res := Time{}
# res.year = now->tm_year + 1900;
# res.month = now->tm_mon + 1;
# res.day = now->tm_mday;
# res.hour = now->tm_hour;
# res.minute = now->tm_min;
# res.second = now->tm_sec;
# res.uni = uni;
// println('end unix')
return res
fn (t Time) format_ss() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${t.day:02d} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}'
pub fn (t Time) format() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${t.day:02d} ${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
const (
Months = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'
pub fn (t Time) smonth() string {
i := t.month - 1
return Months.substr(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3)
// 21:04
pub fn (t Time) hhmm() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
fn (t Time) hhmm_tmp() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}'
// 21:04
pub fn (t Time) hhmm12() string {
mut am := 'am'
mut hour = t.hour
if t.hour > 11 {
am = 'pm'
if t.hour > 12 {
hour = hour - 12
if t.hour == 0 {
hour = 12
return '$hour:${t.minute:02d} $am'
// 21:04:03
fn (t Time) hhmmss() string {
return '${t.hour:02d}:${t.minute:02d}:${t.second:02d}'
// 2012-01-05
fn (t Time) ymmdd() string {
return '${t.year}-${t.month:02d}-${t.day:02d}'
// Jul 3
fn (t Time) md() string {
// jl := t.smonth()
s := '${t.smonth()} $t.day'
return s
fn (t Time) clean() string {
nowe := time.now()
// if amtime {
// hm = t.Format("3:04 pm")
// }
// Today
if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && t.day == nowe.day {
return t.hhmm()
// This week
// if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour {
// return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm
// }
// This year
if t.year == nowe.year {
return '${t.smonth()} ${t.day} ${t.hhmm()}'
return t.format()
// return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm
fn (t Time) clean12() string {
nowe := time.now()
// if amtime {
// hm = t.Format("3:04 pm")
// }
// Today
if t.month == nowe.month && t.year == nowe.year && t.day == nowe.day {
return t.hhmm12()
// This week
// if time.Since(t) < 24*7*time.Hour {
// return t.Weekday().String()[:3] + " " + hm
// }
// This year
if t.year == nowe.year {
return '${t.smonth()} ${t.day} ${t.hhmm12()}'
return t.format()
// return fmt.Sprintf("%4d/%02d/%02d", t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day()) + " " + hm
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
# struct timeval tv;
# gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
# double time_in_mill = (tv.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec) / 1000 ; // convert tv_sec & tv_usec to millisecond
// # printf("!!!%f\n", time_in_mill);
// # return (int)time_in_mill;
// # return (int)(time_in_mill - 1521561736529);
# return (long)(time_in_mill - 1523777913000);
return double(0)
// return int64(0)
// `parse` parses time in the following format: "2018-01-27 12:48:34"
pub fn parse(s string) Time {
// println('parse="$s"')
pos := s.index(' ')
if pos <= 0 {
println('bad time format')
return now()
symd := s.left(pos)
ymd := symd.split('-')
if ymd.len != 3 {
println('bad time format')
return now()
shms := s.right(pos)
hms := shms.split(':')
hour := hms[0]
minute := hms[1]
second := hms[2]
// //////////
return new_time(Time {
year: ymd[0].to_i()
month: ymd[1].to_i()
day: ymd[2].to_i()
hour: hour.to_i()
minute: minute.to_i()
second: second.to_i()
fn new_time(t Time) Time {
return{t | uni: t.calc_unix()}
fn (t &Time) calc_unix() int {
# struct tm lDate;
# lDate.tm_sec = t->second;
# lDate.tm_min = t->minute;
# lDate.tm_hour = t->hour;
# lDate.tm_mday = t->day;
# lDate.tm_mon = t->month-1;
# lDate.tm_year = t->year - 1900;
# time_t kek = mktime(&lDate);
// # t->uni = (int)kek;
# return (int)kek;
return 0
// TODO add(d time.Duration)
pub fn (t Time) add_seconds(seconds int) Time {
return unixn(t.uni + seconds)
// TODO use time.Duration instead of seconds
fn since(t Time) int {
return 0
pub fn (t Time) relative() string {
now := time.now()
secs := now.uni - t.uni
if secs <= 30 {
// right now or in the future
// TODO handle time in the future
return 'now'
if secs < 60 {
return '1m'
if secs < 3600 {
return '${secs/60}m'
if secs < 3600 * 24 {
return '${secs/3600}h'
if secs < 3600 * 24 * 5 {
return '${secs/3600/24}d'
if secs > 3600 * 24 * 10000 {
return ''
return t.md()
fn day_of_week(y, m, d int) int {
// TODO please no
# return (d += m < 3 ? y-- : y - 2, 23*m/9 + d + 4 + y/4- y/100 + y/400)%7;
return 0
pub fn (t Time) day_of_week() int {
return day_of_week(t.year, t.month, t.day)

time/time_lin.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module time
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
return double(0)
fn sleep(seconds int) {
fn sleep_ms(seconds int) {
C.usleep(seconds * 1000)

time/time_mac.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module time
#flag -framework CoreServices
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
// #return glfwGetTime() * 1000.0;
// return glfw.get_time() * double(1000.0)
t := i64(C.mach_absolute_time())
# Nanoseconds elapsedNano = AbsoluteToNanoseconds( *(AbsoluteTime *) &t );
# return (double)(* (uint64_t *) &elapsedNano) / 1000000;
return double(0)
fn sleep(seconds int) {
fn usleep(seconds int) {
fn sleep_ms(seconds int) {
C.usleep(seconds * 1000)

time/time_win.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module time
// in ms
fn ticks() double {
return C.GetTickCount()
fn sleep(seconds int) {
C._sleep(seconds * 1000)
fn usleep(seconds int) {
panic('usleep not impl')
// C._usleep(seconds)
fn sleep_ms(n int) {