mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

os: fix os.is_link and os.symlink on windows, add new functions os.getppid, os.getgid, os.getegid (#10251)

This commit is contained in:
Bastian Buck 2021-05-29 22:26:13 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e4f6369cd1
commit d6e462a6ca
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 181 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -728,7 +728,9 @@ pub fn is_dir(path string) bool {
// is_link returns a boolean indicating whether `path` is a link.
pub fn is_link(path string) bool {
$if windows {
return false // TODO
path_ := path.replace('/', '\\')
attr := C.GetFileAttributesW(path_.to_wide())
return int(attr) != int(C.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (attr & 0x400) != 0
} $else {
statbuf := C.stat{}
if C.lstat(&char(path.str), &statbuf) != 0 {
@ -784,26 +786,45 @@ pub fn real_path(fpath string) string {
defer {
unsafe { free(fullpath) }
mut res := ''
$if windows {
// GetFullPathName doesn't work with symbolic links
// TODO: TCC32 gets runtime error
max := 512
size := max * 2 // max_path_len * sizeof(wchar_t)
// use get_file_handle instead of C.CreateFile(fpath.to_wide(), 0x80000000, 1, 0, 3, 0x80, 0)
// try to open the file to get symbolic link path
file := get_file_handle(fpath)
if file != voidptr(-1) {
fullpath = unsafe { &u16(vcalloc(size)) }
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-getfinalpathnamebyhandlew
final_len := C.GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(file, fullpath, size, 0)
if final_len < size {
ret := unsafe { string_from_wide2(fullpath, final_len) }
res = ret[4..]
} else {
eprintln('os.real_path() saw that the file path was too long')
} else {
// if it is not a file get full path
fullpath = unsafe { &u16(vcalloc(max_path_len * 2)) }
// TODO: check errors if path len is not enough
ret := C.GetFullPathName(fpath.to_wide(), max_path_len, fullpath, 0)
if ret == 0 {
return fpath
res = unsafe { string_from_wide(fullpath) }
// C.CloseHandle(file)
} $else {
fullpath = vcalloc(max_path_len)
ret := &char(C.realpath(&char(fpath.str), &char(fullpath)))
if ret == 0 {
return fpath
mut res := ''
$if windows {
res = unsafe { string_from_wide(fullpath) }
} $else {
res = unsafe { fullpath.vstring() }
nres := normalize_drive_letter(res)

View File

@ -51,11 +51,19 @@ fn C.uname(name voidptr) int
fn C.symlink(&char, &char) int
fn C.link(&char, &char) int
fn C.gethostname(&char, int) int
// NB: not available on Android fn C.getlogin_r(&char, int) int
fn C.getlogin() &char
fn C.getppid() int
fn C.getgid() int
fn C.getegid() int
pub fn uname() Uname {
mut u := Uname{}
utsize := sizeof(C.utsname)
@ -279,6 +287,14 @@ pub fn symlink(origin string, target string) ?bool {
return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
pub fn link(origin string, target string) ?bool {
res := C.link(&char(origin.str), &char(target.str))
if res == 0 {
return true
return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
// get_error_msg return error code representation in string.
pub fn get_error_msg(code int) string {
return posix_get_error_msg(code)
@ -332,6 +348,11 @@ pub fn getpid() int {
return C.getpid()
pub fn getppid() int {
return C.getppid()
pub fn getuid() int {
return C.getuid()
@ -342,6 +363,16 @@ pub fn geteuid() int {
return C.geteuid()
pub fn getgid() int {
return C.getgid()
pub fn getegid() int {
return C.getegid()
// Turns the given bit on or off, depending on the `enable` parameter
pub fn posix_set_permission_bit(path_s string, mode u32, enable bool) {
mut s := C.stat{}

View File

@ -311,28 +311,62 @@ fn test_is_writable_folder() {
fn test_make_symlink_check_is_link_and_remove_symlink() {
$if windows {
assert true
folder := 'tfolder'
symlink := 'tsymlink'
os.rm(symlink) or {}
os.rm(folder) or {}
// windows creates a directory symlink, so delete it with rmdir()
$if windows {
os.rmdir(symlink) or {}
} $else {
os.rm(symlink) or {}
os.rmdir(folder) or {}
os.mkdir(folder) or { panic(err) }
folder_contents := os.ls(folder) or { panic(err) }
assert folder_contents.len == 0
os.system('ln -s $folder $symlink')
os.symlink(folder, symlink) or { panic(err) }
assert os.is_link(symlink)
os.rm(symlink) or { panic(err) }
os.rm(folder) or { panic(err) }
$if windows {
os.rmdir(symlink) or { panic(err) }
} $else {
os.rm(symlink) or { panic(err) }
os.rmdir(folder) or { panic(err) }
folder_exists := os.is_dir(folder)
assert folder_exists == false
symlink_exists := os.is_link(symlink)
assert symlink_exists == false
fn test_make_symlink_check_is_link_and_remove_symlink_with_file() {
file := 'tfile'
symlink := 'tsymlink'
os.rm(symlink) or {}
os.rm(file) or {}
mut f := os.create(file) or { panic(err) }
os.symlink(file, symlink) or { panic(err) }
assert os.is_link(symlink)
os.rm(symlink) or { panic(err) }
os.rm(file) or { panic(err) }
symlink_exists := os.is_link(symlink)
assert symlink_exists == false
fn test_make_hardlink_check_is_link_and_remove_hardlink_with_file() {
file := 'tfile'
symlink := 'tsymlink'
os.rm(symlink) or {}
os.rm(file) or {}
mut f := os.create(file) or { panic(err) }
os.link(file, symlink) or { panic(err) }
assert os.exists(symlink)
os.rm(symlink) or { panic(err) }
os.rm(file) or { panic(err) }
symlink_exists := os.is_link(symlink)
assert symlink_exists == false
// fn test_fork() {
// pid := os.fork()
// if pid == 0 {
@ -355,15 +389,16 @@ fn test_make_symlink_check_is_link_and_remove_symlink() {
// }
// }
fn test_symlink() {
$if windows {
os.mkdir('symlink') or { panic(err) }
os.symlink('symlink', 'symlink2') or { panic(err) }
assert os.exists('symlink2')
// cleanup
os.rm('symlink') or { panic(err) }
os.rm('symlink2') or { panic(err) }
os.rmdir('symlink') or { panic(err) }
$if windows {
os.rmdir('symlink2') or { panic(err) }
} $else {
os.rm('symlink2') or { panic(err) }
fn test_is_executable_writable_readable() {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ import strings
#flag windows -l advapi32
#include <process.h>
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-createsymboliclinkw
fn C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(&u16, &u16, u32) int
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-createhardlinkw
// TCC gets builder error
// fn C.CreateHardLinkW(&u16, &u16, C.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) int
fn C._getpid() int
pub const (
path_separator = '\\'
path_delimiter = ';'
@ -138,7 +147,7 @@ pub fn mkdir(path string) ?bool {
apath := real_path(path)
if !C.CreateDirectory(apath.to_wide(), 0) {
return error('mkdir failed for "$apath", because CreateDirectory returned ' +
return error('mkdir failed for "$apath", because CreateDirectory returned: ' +
return true
@ -310,21 +319,46 @@ pub fn execute(cmd string) Result {
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-createsymboliclinkw
fn C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(&u16, &u16, u32) int
pub fn symlink(origin string, target string) ?bool {
// this is a temporary fix for TCC32 due to runtime error
// TODO: patch TCC32
$if x64 || x32 {
mut flags := 0
if is_dir(origin) {
flags ^= 1
pub fn symlink(symlink_path string, target_path string) ?bool {
mut flags := 0
if is_dir(symlink_path) {
flags |= 1
res := C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(target.to_wide(), origin.to_wide(), flags)
// 1 = success, != 1 failure => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33010440/createsymboliclink-on-windows-10
if res != 1 {
return error(get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError())))
if !exists(target) {
return error('C.CreateSymbolicLinkW reported success, but symlink still does not exist')
return true
res := C.CreateSymbolicLinkW(symlink_path.to_wide(), target_path.to_wide(), flags)
if res == 0 {
return false
pub fn link(origin string, target string) ?bool {
// TODO: TCC gets builder error
res := C.CreateHardLinkW(target.to_wide(), origin.to_wide(), C.NULL)
// 1 = success, != 1 failure => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33010440/createsymboliclink-on-windows-10
if res != 1 {
return error(get_error_msg(int(C.GetLastError())))
if !exists(symlink_path) {
return error('C.CreateSymbolicLinkW reported success, but symlink still does not exist')
if !exists(target) {
return error('C.CreateHardLinkW reported success, but link still does not exist')
return true
res := execute('fsutil hardlink create $target $origin')
if res.exit_code != 0 {
return error(res.output)
return true
@ -426,13 +460,36 @@ pub fn is_writable_folder(folder string) ?bool {
return true
fn C._getpid() int
pub fn getpid() int {
return C._getpid()
pub fn getppid() int {
return 0
pub fn getuid() int {
return 0
pub fn geteuid() int {
return 0
pub fn getgid() int {
return 0
pub fn getegid() int {
return 0
pub fn posix_set_permission_bit(path_s string, mode u32, enable bool) {
// windows has no concept of a permission mask, so do nothing