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JS DOM Benchmark Chart


Running the App

The following steps require Node.js. To install Node, please refer to the download page or the installation via your operating systems package manager.

The steps below assume that your current directory path is the examples project directory.

cd examples/js_dom_draw_bechmark_chart

Execute the following commands in separate terminal instances.

Run the Benchmarks Typescript Part

npm i --prefix typescript_vanilla_typeorm
npm run start:dev --prefix typescript_vanilla_typeorm

Run the Benchmarks V Part

v run v_vweb_orm

Run the Chart

cd chart/ && v run .


[docker build] => Docker image
[docker run] => Docker container

sudo docker build -t <name> .
sudo docker run --name <container name> --interactive --tty --publish 3001:3001 <name>
v run .
# A message like `[Vweb] Running app on http://localhost:3001/` should appear

Implementing New Benchmarks in V

In v_vweb_orm/src/main.v, create a route that returns a Response struct.

pub fn (mut app App) sqlite_memory(count int) vweb.Result {
	mut insert_stopwatchs := []int{}
	mut select_stopwatchs := []int{}
	mut update_stopwatchs := []int{}

	mut sw := time.new_stopwatch()

	mut db := sqlite.connect(':memory:') or { panic(err) }

	sql db {
		create table Task

	task_model := Task{
		title: 'a'
		status: 'done'

	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		sql db {
			insert task_model into Task
		} or { []Task{} }
		insert_stopwatchs << int(sw.end - sw.start)

	sql db {
		drop table Task

	response := Response{
		insert: insert_stopwatchs
		@select: select_stopwatchs
		update: update_stopwatchs
	return app.json(response)

In chart/main.v, create a service to request the benchmark data and decode the response as FrameworkBenchmarkResponse.

fn typescript_sqlite_memory() ?FrameworkBenchmarkResponse {
	url := 'http://localhost:3000/sqlite-memory/${benchmark_loop_length}'
	res := http.get(url) or { panic(err) }
	framework_benchmark_response := json.decode(FrameworkBenchmarkResponse, res.body)!
	return framework_benchmark_response

Then update insert_framework_benchmark_times(), select_framework_benchmark_times() and update_framework_benchmark_times() to include the numbers := FrameworkPlatform{ for the newly added function.



  • select bench (easy)
  • vsql (easy)