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<h3 align="center">A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics.</h3>
<div align="center">
<a href="https://wakapi.dev">Website</a>
<span> | </span>
<a href="#-features">Features</a>
<span> | </span>
<a href="#-how-to-use">How to use</a>
<span> | </span>
<a href="https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues">Issues</a>
<span> | </span>
<a href="https://github.com/muety">Contact</a>
<p align="center">
<img src="static/assets/images/screenshot.png" width="500px">
## Table of Contents
* [User Survey](#-user-survey)
* [Features](#-features)
* [Roadmap](#-roadmap)
* [How to use](#-how-to-use)
* [Configuration Options](#-configuration-options)
* [API Endpoints](#-api-endpoints)
* [Integrations](#-integrations)
* [Best Practices](#-best-practices)
* [Developer Notes](#-developer-notes)
* [Support](#-support)
* [FAQs](#-faqs)
## 📬 **User Survey**
I'd love to get some community feedback from active Wakapi users. If you want, please participate in the recent [user survey](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/82). Thanks a lot!
## 🚀 Features
* ✅ 100 % free and open-source
* ✅ Built by developers for developers
* ✅ Statistics for projects, languages, editors, hosts and operating systems
* ✅ Badges
* ✅ Partially compatible with WakaTime
* ✅ WakaTime integration
* ✅ Support for Prometheus exports
* ✅ Lightning fast
* ✅ Self-hosted
## 🚧 Roadmap
Plans for the near future mainly include, besides usual improvements and bug fixes, a UI redesign as well as additional types of charts and statistics (see [#101](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/101), [#80](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/80), [#76](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/76), [#12](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/12)). If you have feature requests or any kind of improvement proposals feel free to open an issue or share them in our [user survey](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/issues/82).
## ⌨️ How to use?
There are different options for how to use Wakapi, ranging from our hosted cloud service to self-hosting it. Regardless of which option choose, you will always have to do the [client setup](#-client-setup) in addition.
### ☁️ Option 1: Use [wakapi.dev](https://wakapi.dev)
If you want to you out free, hosted cloud service, all you need to do is create an account and the set up your client-side tooling (see below).
However, we do not guarantee data persistence, so you might potentially lose your data if the service is taken down some day ❕
### 🐳 Option 2: Use Docker
# Create a persistent volume
$ docker volume create wakapi-data
# Run the container
$ docker run -d \
-p 3000:3000 \
-e "WAKAPI_PASSWORD_SALT=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w ${1:-32} | head -n 1)" \
-v wakapi-data:/data \
--name wakapi n1try/wakapi
**Note:** By default, SQLite is used as a database. To run Wakapi in Docker with MySQL or Postgres, see [Dockerfile](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/blob/master/Dockerfile) and [config.default.yml](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/blob/master/config.default.yml) for further options.
### 📦 Option 3: Run a release
# Download the release and unpack it
$ wget https://github.com/muety/wakapi/releases/download/1.20.2/wakapi_linux_amd64.zip
$ unzip wakapi_linux_amd64.zip
# Optionally adapt config to your needs
$ vi config.yml
# Run it
$ ./wakapi
### 🧑‍💻 Option 4: Run from source
#### Prerequisites
* Go >= 1.13 (with `$GOPATH` properly set)
* gcc (to compile [go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3))
* Fedora / RHEL: `dnf install @development-tools`
* Ubuntu / Debian: `apt install build-essential`
* Windows: See [here](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/issues/214#issuecomment-253216476)
#### Compile & Run
# Adapt config to your needs
$ cp config.default.yml config.yml
$ vi config.yml
# Install packaging tool
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ go get github.com/markbates/pkger/cmd/pkger
# Build the executable
$ go generate
$ go build -o wakapi
# Run it
$ ./wakapi
**Note:** By default, the application is running in dev mode. However, it is recommended to set `ENV=production` for enhanced performance and security. To still be able to log in when using production mode, you either have to run Wakapi behind a reverse proxy, that enables for HTTPS encryption (see [best practices](#best-practices)) or set `security.insecure_cookies = true` in `config.yml`.
### 💻 Client Setup
Wakapi relies on the open-source [WakaTime](https://github.com/wakatime/wakatime) client tools. In order to collect statistics to Wakapi, you need to set them up.
1. **Set up WakaTime** for your specific IDE or editor. Please refer to the respective [plugin guide](https://wakatime.com/plugins)
2. **Editing your local `~/.wakatime.cfg`** file as follows
# Your Wakapi server URL or 'https://wakapi.dev/api/heartbeat' when using the cloud server
api_url = http://localhost:3000/api/heartbeat
# Your Wakapi API key (get it from the web interface after having created an account)
api_key = 406fe41f-6d69-4183-a4cc-121e0c524c2b
Optionally, you can set up a [client-side proxy](docs/advanced_setup.md) in addition.
## 🔧 Configuration Options
You can specify configuration options either via a config file (default: `config.yml`, customziable through the `-c` argument) or via environment variables. Here is an overview of all options.
| YAML Key | Environment Variable | Default | Description |
| `env` | `ENVIRONMENT` | `dev` | Whether to use development- or production settings |
| `app.custom_languages` | - | - | Map from file endings to language names |
| `server.port` | `WAKAPI_PORT` | `3000` | Port to listen on |
| `server.listen_ipv4` | `WAKAPI_LISTEN_IPV4` | `` | IPv4 network address to listen on (leave blank to disable IPv4) |
| `server.listen_ipv6` | `WAKAPI_LISTEN_IPV6` | `::1` | IPv6 network address to listen on (leave blank to disable IPv6) |
| `server.tls_cert_path` | `WAKAPI_TLS_CERT_PATH` | - | Path of SSL server certificate (leave blank to not use HTTPS) |
| `server.tls_key_path` | `WAKAPI_TLS_KEY_PATH` | - | Path of SSL server private key (leave blank to not use HTTPS) |
| `server.base_path` | `WAKAPI_BASE_PATH` | `/` | Web base path (change when running behind a proxy under a sub-path) |
| `security.password_salt` | `WAKAPI_PASSWORD_SALT` | - | Pepper to use for password hashing |
| `security.insecure_cookies` | `WAKAPI_INSECURE_COOKIES` | `false` | Whether or not to allow cookies over HTTP |
| `security.cookie_max_age` | `WAKAPI_COOKIE_MAX_AGE` | `172800` | Lifetime of authentication cookies in seconds or `0` to use [Session](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies#Define_the_lifetime_of_a_cookie) cookies |
| `security.allow_signup` | `WAKAPI_ALLOW_SIGNUP` | `true` | Whether to enable user registration |
| `security.expose_metrics` | `WAKAPI_EXPOSE_METRICS` | `false` | Whether to expose Prometheus metrics under `/api/metrics` |
| `db.host` | `WAKAPI_DB_HOST` | - | Database host |
| `db.port` | `WAKAPI_DB_PORT` | - | Database port |
| `db.user` | `WAKAPI_DB_USER` | - | Database user |
| `db.password` | `WAKAPI_DB_PASSWORD` | - | Database password |
| `db.name` | `WAKAPI_DB_NAME` | `wakapi_db.db` | Database name |
| `db.dialect` | `WAKAPI_DB_TYPE` | `sqlite3` | Database type (one of `sqlite3`, `mysql`, `postgres`, `cockroach`) |
| `db.max_conn` | `WAKAPI_DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS` | `2` | Maximum number of database connections |
| `db.ssl` | `WAKAPI_DB_SSL` | `false` | Whether to use TLS encryption for database connection (Postgres and CockroachDB only) |
### Supported databases
Wakapi uses [GORM](https://gorm.io) as an ORM. As a consequence, a set of different relational databases is supported.
* [SQLite](https://sqlite.org/) (_default, easy setup_)
* [MySQL](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql) (_recommended, because most extensively tested_)
* [MariaDB](https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb) (_open-source MySQL alternative_)
* [Postgres](https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres) (_open-source as well_)
* [CockroachDB](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/install-cockroachdb-linux.html) (_cloud-native, distributed, Postgres-compatible API_)
### Client-side proxy (`optional`)
See the [advanced setup instructions](docs/advanced_setup.md).
## 🔧 API Endpoints
See our [Swagger API Documentation](https://wakapi.dev/swagger-ui).
### Generating Swagger docs
$ go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag
$ swag init -o static/docs
## 🤝 Integrations
### Prometheus Export
You can export your Wakapi statistics to Prometheus to view them in a Grafana dashboard or so. Here is how.
# 1. Start Wakapi with the feature enabled
$ ./wakapi
# 2. Get your API key and hash it
$ echo "<YOUR_API_KEY>" | base64
# 3. Add a Prometheus scrape config to your prometheus.yml (see below)
#### Scrape config example
# prometheus.yml
# (assuming your Wakapi instance listens at localhost, port 3000)
- job_name: 'wakapi'
scrape_interval: 1m
metrics_path: '/api/metrics'
bearer_token: '<YOUR_BASE64_HASHED_TOKEN>'
- targets: ['localhost:3000']
#### Grafana
There is also a [nice Grafana dashboard](https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/12790), provided by the author of [wakatime_exporter](https://github.com/MacroPower/wakatime_exporter).
### WakaTime Integration
Wakapi plays well together with [WakaTime](https://wakatime.com). For one thing, you can **forward heartbeats** from Wakapi to WakaTime to effectively use both services simultaneously. In addition, there is the option to **import historic data** from WakaTime for consistency between both services. Both features can be enabled in the _Integrations_ section of your Wakapi instance's settings page.
### GitHub Readme Stats Integrations
Wakapi also integrates with [GitHub Readme Stats](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats#wakatime-week-stats) to generate fancy cards for you. Here is an example.
## 👍 Best Practices
It is recommended to use wakapi behind a **reverse proxy**, like [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com) or _nginx_ to enable **TLS encryption** (HTTPS).
However, if you want to expose your wakapi instance to the public anyway, you need to set `server.listen_ipv4` to `` in `config.yml`
## 🤓 Developer Notes
### Running tests
CGO_FLAGS="-g -O2 -Wno-return-local-addr" go test -json -coverprofile=coverage/coverage.out ./... -run ./...
## 🙏 Support
If you like this project, please consider supporting it 🙂. You can donate either through [buying me a coffee](https://buymeacoff.ee/n1try) or becoming a GitHub sponsor. Every little donation is highly appreciated and boosts the developers' motivation to keep improving Wakapi!
## ❔ FAQs
Since Wakapi heavily relies on the concepts provided by WakaTime, [their FAQs](https://wakatime.com/faq) apply to Wakapi for large parts as well. You might find answers there.
<summary><b>What data is sent to Wakapi?</b></summary>
<li>File names</li>
<li>Project names</li>
<li>Editor names</li>
<li>You computer's host name</li>
<li>Timestamps for every action you take in your editor</li>
See the related [WakaTime FAQ section](https://wakatime.com/faq#data-collected) for details.
If you host Wakapi yourself, you have control over all your data. However, if you use our webservice and are concerned about privacy, you can also [exclude or obfuscate](https://wakatime.com/faq#exclude-paths) certain file- or project names.
<summary><b>What happens if I'm offline?</b></summary>
All data is cached locally on your machine and sent in batches once you're online again.
<summary><b>How did Wakapi come about?</b></summary>
Wakapi was started when I was a student, who wanted to track detailed statistics about my coding time. Although I'm a big fan of WakaTime I didn't want to pay <a href="https://wakatime.com/pricing)">9 $ a month</a> back then. Luckily, most parts of WakaTime are open source!
<summary><b>How does Wakapi compare to WakaTime?</b></summary>
Wakapi is a small subset of WakaTime and has a lot less features. Cool WakaTime features, that are missing Wakapi, include:
<li><a href="https://wakatime.com/share/embed">Embeddable Charts</a></li>
<li>Personal Goals</li>
<li>Team- / Organization Support</li>
<li>Integrations (with GitLab, etc.)</li>
<li>Richer API</li>
WakaTime is worth the price. However, if you only want basic statistics and keep sovereignty over your data, you might want to go with Wakapi.
<summary><b>How are durations calculated?</b></summary>
Inferring a measure for your coding time from heartbeats works a bit different than in WakaTime. While WakaTime has <a href="https://wakatime.com/faq#timeout">timeout intervals</a>, Wakapi essentially just pads every heartbeat, that occurs after a longer pause, with 2 extra minutes.
Here is an example (circles are heartbeats):
| |10s| 3m |10s| |
It is unclear how to handle the three minutes in between. Did the developer do a 3-minute break or were just no heartbeats being sent, e.g. because the developer was starring at the screen find a solution, but not actually typing code.
<li><b>WakaTime</b> (with 5 min timeout): 3 min 20 sec
<li><b>WakaTime</b> (with 2 min timeout): 20 sec
<li><b>Wakapi:</b> 10 sec + 2 min + 10 sec = 2 min 20 sec</li>
Wakapi adds a "padding" of two minutes before the third heartbeat. This is why total times will slightly vary between Wakapi and WakaTime.
## 🙏 Thanks
I highly appreciate the efforts of [@alanhamlett](https://github.com/alanhamlett) and the WakaTime team and am thankful for their software being open source.
## 📓 License
GPL-v3 @ [Ferdinand Mütsch](https://muetsch.io)