- deleted from index non static meta that need to change to meta in routes.
- deleted html content in about, faq, donate, changed these to redirect as manual, custom, etc.
- added routes to query-router.
- added FaqView.
- added AboutView.
- added DonateView.
- updated dependencies.
- rename old manual-file to custom, that need to use app through form.
- added custom redirect file.
- updated meta keywords.
- updated sitemaps.
- updated dependencies.
- updated var names.
- clean template in app-custom.
- Modified IGamepad interface by buttons and axes.
- Modified IVibrator and Vibrator to use update function.
- Added AppDiagnostic component, view, route and redirect.
- Changed faq-link to gamepad-master to wavelovers-diagnostic.
- Modified pattern-item component template and styles. Show now pattern type. Changed sizes.
- Modified patterns order.
- Made lazy-loads in vue-router.
- Made catch-all redirect for 404.
- Fixes in input-range.
- Cleaned code.
- Added component NavigationList for routing over vue-router views.
- Rename component WaveloversApp, now is a AppPatterns.
- Rename HomeView, now is a PatternView.
- Modified function vibrate in MGamepads and change function in index vuex.
- Root component App now has mounted and unmounted event listeners for gamepads adding and deleteting functions.
- Fixed CSS rules for inputs and input[type=range].
- Added new rules for input[type=range].